Where Are All The Apps?

You've also got to remember a lot was shown prior to mass production, and most people thought they were launch day apps, which wasn't the case.
I'm not saying I agree with the person, just pointing out why he/she may have been disappointed.

Wonder what apps their after?
Guess it doesn't help that only like 100-200 or something people actually have a Pandora right now. How are all these apps supposed to happen when only a few devs actually have Pandoras?
Pleng said:
skeezix said:
and he snes emu does full screen full speed just fine :)


huh? How do I make SNES run full screen? I tried selecting full screen in the munu but it didnt do anything

Are you talking snes9x4d4p?

Its 'full screen' (ie: not windowed, takes over the full screen), unless you do something funny. Its 'letterboxed' (bars on left/right) because its centering, instead of 'scaling' with distortion. (Its doing pixel doubling for accurate scale up, but to fill left/right parts of letter box it woudl have to stretch and distort the image.)

So its full screen the way 99% of people want it to be -- takes full display, no window frame, and scale up withourt distortion.

If you're using another snes emu, well, he's got the wrong one :)

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I don't know why I am responding to this as I usually never jump in this sort of thread (possibly the wine tonite),

but I find this thread so odd (if any semblence of truth exists)

What is your opinion on this? Why are you taking your friends word and believing there is an absence of apps? Have you checked? Does your friend do all your thinking for you?

And, as well, you mean to tell me this person bought early enough and stuck out this entire project to be surprised the week following receiving the pandora that suddenly things didn't all magically surface? Really?
skeezix said:
Are you talking snes9x4d4p?

Its 'full screen' (ie: not windowed, takes over the full screen), unless you do something funny. Its 'letterboxed' (bars on left/right) because its centering, instead of 'scaling' with distortion. (Its doing pixel doubling for accurate scale up, but to fill left/right parts of letter box it woudl have to stretch and distort the image.)

So its full screen the way 99% of people want it to be -- takes full display, no window frame, and scale up withourt distortion.

Just because it´s the way yo happen to like it, doesn't mean 99% of you automatically agree with you. Ive shown it off to a fair few people and the instant reaction has been something along the lines of `hmm the could have been more generous with the size´ or `seems a bit strange to waste so much of that screen space´
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Pleng said:
skeezix said:
Are you talking snes9x4d4p?

Its 'full screen' (ie: not windowed, takes over the full screen), unless you do something funny. Its 'letterboxed' (bars on left/right) because its centering, instead of 'scaling' with distortion. (Its doing pixel doubling for accurate scale up, but to fill left/right parts of letter box it woudl have to stretch and distort the image.)

So its full screen the way 99% of people want it to be -- takes full display, no window frame, and scale up withourt distortion.

Just because it´s the way yo happen to like it, doesn't mean 99% of you automatically agree with you. Ive shown it off to a fair few people and the instant reaction has been something along the lines of `hmm the could have been more generous with the size´ or `seems a bit strange to waste so much of that screen space´

Well, as a compromise I think in future versions there could be quicksave/load icons on the sides of the screen or other usefull buttons for instant overclocking. but as it is now, there should be no distortion of the picture by sqeezing it to full screen...
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Wait are you saying that users shouldn't be even given the option of stretching the image? :blink:
Pleng said:
Wait are you saying that users shouldn't be even given the option of stretching the image? :blink:
Implementing stuff like this takes time, and this was the compromise he chose (and I completely agree with the choice), just so that we can have it avaliable as soon as possible. I can't believe that you take offense for something like that.

If you don't want it - don't use it. You are of course welcome to add constructive critisism (or just do the improvements yourself).
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Sure, probably more scalers .. with AA, without AA, stretch, or pure doubling, etc. If you've seen any or my prior work for the gp32x platforms over the last 7+ years, you'll know I'm a big _BIG_ fan of options and config files and menus. But you know, a full speed emu thats doinbg what most peoplw want, posted before the device ships ... thats not half bad.

But the point was, as per original post - You know, some people have been in the PSP "gimme!" scene too long, and forgot what its all about ;)

Traditionally you wouldn't have any of this stuff for ages, but look at the pile of stuff already available, before hardly anyone has a Pandora; if you think things suck, you've never been near an indie handheld before; its like going to an new bands first gig and saying "what, you don't have 3 albums yet?".. its just rediculous :) (not to mention this is all done in spare time, for free; for peopel who do not appreciate it, they can skip downloading ;)

Give it time :)

mcobit said:
Well, as a compromise I think in future versions there could be quicksave/load icons on the sides of the screen or other usefull buttons for instant overclocking. but as it is now, there should be no distortion of the picture by sqeezing it to full screen...

That sounds like an awesome idea.
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coisbot said:
So my friend got the Pandora a little while ago, and he seems disappointed with his purchase. He claims the developers stated that there would be plenty of emulators and other apps at launch. Well it's been almost a week since launch and the only emulator available is a "crappy SNES emulator that can't even go fullscreen" (his words).

I want my friend to be happy with his Pandora (or maybe I don't, perhaps I can convince him to sell it to me :P ). But I ask for him: Where are all the promised launch apps?

Why are you posting on behalf of your friend? Is he/she shy?
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