Detective, Court, CSI type games for Pandora


Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Hi guys.

In these cold days I've been in the mood for detective, court, CSI type games for the Pandora and was wondering if anyone else had some more suggestions for me. Here are some ones I already know of and play..

Sherlock - the case of the serrated scalpel(dos)

Cruise for a corpse


Ghost Trick

Phoenix Wright

Professor Layton 

Murder on the Mississippi

Mean Streets
Many old point & click would fit the detective ambiance.

Tex Murphy games, Broken Sword, Le manoir de Mortevielle, Maupity Island, …

Discworld Noir was really fun IMO.


Gabriel knight, Police Quest, …
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Snatcher, oh yeah I beat that on my Wiz thanks to you Notaz!

But Policenauts, I'll have to try it .
There's "The case of the missing OP Ltd. money", but it's about the Pandora rather than on the Pandora.  ;)
There's "The case of the missing OP Ltd. money", but it's about the Pandora rather than on the Pandora. ;)
you mean the game called
where in the world is Craig?

folowed by the famous sequel

where the fuck is the icp2 and op money gone?

already such classics
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There's "The case of the missing OP Ltd. money", but it's about the Pandora rather than on the Pandora. ;)
you mean the game called
where in the world is Craig?

folowed by the famous sequel

where the fuck is the icp2 and op money gone?

already such classics
how did you know ? :D  [did i mention it somewhere? :D ]

whole name:

Where in the world is Craig: Ep 1: In the quest for stolen Pandoras
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Phoenix Wright was already mentioned, So I guess I have a few new games to try. Although there were a couple of games that sound like real stinkers :)