The Joystick...


Still Fresh
Oct 24, 2005
Shropshire, UK
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It's UTTER PANTS!!! :)

I love my GP2X, it's brill, it's fab, it's got more potential than a... <insert thing
with loads of potential> but dear me, I thought I'd get used to the joystick, that
it would "bed in"... the top of it being convex and having little friction is bad (but
I suppose fixable by sticking something on there) but the edge, it's like a knife!
Surely someone must have tested these without having to wear a kevlar glove ;)

Is it just me though, what do you guys think about it? :)
the edges are not very comfortable, i agree. it just needs a rubber covering on the top like on the ps analog sticks. then the edge would be thicker too and wouldn't cut anymore.
loosen, loosen and the loosen some more
I agree, its too stiff, i find my thumb slipping off it and im pressing the stick button all the time cos im pushing on the stick to stop myself from slipping off it.

Regular use does not seem to be loosening it up at all.

I might take it to bits and see if there are some springs i can loosen a bit, at the same time ill try to adjust the deadzone too, i have to move the stick to its full travel to register a direction, thats a lot of travel for a little stick!

Ghettomods'r'us lol
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Loosen what? I've taken the top right off mine and have put it back on with a small piece of paper stuffed inside. That lifts it a bit higher and makes it move a bit better, but the stick itself seems to have too much resistance in it.
Well the 2x is in bits, the stick is a little sealed unit soldered to the board... do i dare prise up the 4 tabs holding it all together? i bet its under a lot of tension in there, there will probably be bits everywhere.

Think ill check to see if i can get a replacement before i kill my 2x
I'm very disappointed of the stick as well.

On the GP32 you could execute precise movements quickly and with no effort.
But to even get the GP2X stick to register a movement, you have to press it a looong way, and it's hard, too! So that could be fixed by pressing with more force, right? But for me, that results in slipping off the stick. And of course there's that (hopefully firmware-related?) bug with the right direction. ARGH.

I have no problems at all playing Super Mario Bros. 3 on my GP32 even with gloves on (I often do this now in the winter while outside), but when I tried to play SMB or Quarth on the GP2X, I couldn't even beat the easiest levels without constantly messing up. :-(
I have said it too but usually get flamed. That stick is complete rubbish. It is too stiff has a huge dead zone to make things worse. Then there is the fact that you hit diagonals when you don't want to, so frustrating. To me that is the biggest downfall of the system. What good are games and emus if they aren't very playable?

GPH needs to revisit this and make a change here. Maybe there could be some kind of hardware mod that helps too. Needs work.
I'm very disappointed of the stick as well.

On the GP32 you could execute precise movements quickly and with no effort.
But to even get the GP2X stick to register a movement, you have to press it a looong way, and it's hard, too!

1000% ACK!
What good are games and emus if they aren't very playable?

100000% ACK!
The gp2x is great but I often die in games because of the stick...
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I remember being a bit concerned when I heard that GPH were going to use a different joystick to that of the GP32's excellent one :unsure:

I hope that this can get sorted out somehow. Right now, its the only thing holding me back from buying one :(
has anyone got anything good to say bout the joystick?

I really dont ewant a console thats a pain in the ass to use
I knew it wasnt brilliant but now it seems and sounds that the joystick is completely useless for games!......doesnt fill me with great confidence seeing as mine should arrive in a weeks time.
Im wondering why didnt they use a regular dpad in the first place? I'm really itching to get one of these but I'm wondering how a game like street fighter 2 will play on it. Too bad the SNES emulator is not full speed yet.
has anyone got anything good to say bout the joystick?
I think we are making the stick sound a lot worse than it actually is, its certainly useable. people who are used to the gp32 or ngpc stick are disappointed by this one. I will eventually get used to it (or mod the component to fit my tastes) you might find the stick to be fine.

It really is a 'taste' thing, like all ui elements its all down to the preference of the person. People who are happy don't tend to post much about how happy they are, people who are unhappy tend to be very vocal about it.
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Too bad the SNES emulator is not full speed yet.
Why does every discussion on these boards turn into an emu complaint?
This has nothing to do with full speed SNES, go away.

My reasoning for saying that is that you can't test the joystick with street fighter II yet because the emulator isnt full speed yet. My post clearly states how I wondered a game like street fighter 2 would work with the joystick. It would be a deal breaker for me if the pad isn't good enough for a game like street fighter. I would really like to buy a GP2x but I'm afraid of spending money and hating the joystick.
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