

The Future is Open.™
Oct 13, 2005
United States
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I got a newlaptop today and i hoked my gp2x up to it. Its not going shit!!! I think it rconized the do I format the card?

I formatted it through new laptop Im on and when got to the USB the laptop reconzies it as a drive.what do I do now?
im still not getting it.....I refrmated the SD card and I put the new frmwar onto it. it doesnt do shit

EDIT: I put the GP2X back in the box. Its a $200 paperweight. Thats all it is. Ive NEVER had so much trouble doing something on a computer my whole life....I can't believe transfering shit it a card would be this hard. The PDF doesnt help me at all.
Wow, you give up easy. There is a dos formatting tool on this board somewhere, or format it using your digital camera, or use a card reader, or a linux boot-cd. Format with the real fat32 (or vfat). Check your firmware before flashing, because nothing will happen if you are up to date! There are 2 parts to firmware updates, like in the tutorial.

For playing games, just drop them in the root, and make sure you have the sdl libraries installed. There are 2 parts to installing the sdl libraries, as listed in the above tutorial. Try some mp3s and the like first, to see how your card is going (and to get a quick happy feeling).

Otherwise, go back in time and buy a PSP and don't complain, or try a little harder, or wait a bit and get more updates, you do have a first edition (read pre-pre release for devs and hardcores).

Really, its not that hard. Just look at other simular posts.
Sorry about the flame at the end, its just everyone is giving up so easily. There is a lot of help available here, and all of us work to make this thing better.

When you say you formatted it, what format did you use?

When you flashed, what problem did you have? They did mention that some SD cards are glitchy with the firmware update, so it avoids them for now, but there is a fix comming soon.

Try just using the current firmware for a bit and seeing what you can do. With the SDL libraries installed (,0,0,0,5 grab neogeocd, and in there is a sdl.gpu or simular to install the sdl library required for all games and emulators), try some simple games to start, like the homebrew games. and download logicx or something simular.
I formatted it when I put it in my laptop and formatted the SD for FAT32. I put the firmware updates in the SD and I when to utiliys and ran the patch.

I have o idea whats im doing. Can someone PLEASE link the files Im supposed to put in first? the SDL or whatever and how to do it? The PDF just doesnt do it for me.
Everything you need can be found on the gp2x archive here:

But, to make it easier for you, i'll provide a link to the files you need:
THE SDL LIBRARIES!! - you need to download and run this (through utility) to play many of the games and emulators

NEO GEO CD emulator


SNES emulator

If you ever need a file, search the file archives ( first!! Almost everything is there.

If you ever have any trouble running a file, read the readme. It will usually tell you where to put the files if they have to be in a specific place. If there is no readme or its in a language you don't speak, use the search function on these boards and you will most likely find it (probably in the thread that announces the new version).

Hope this helps, don't give up!!

Unzip it, place the install_libs.gpu and the install_libs.tar.gz on your sd card, not under any folders.

Extract the files to the ROOT DIRECTORY of your SD-Card, use "Utility" and run install_libs.gpu, wait until the screen comes up again and that's it.
You can then delete the files from your card.

Then just place,0,0,0,25,867
in the root, and go play it.

Good luck, and keep posting your progress.

Edit: Looks like I was beaten to the post :)
the 2 files are on the SD card. I go to utiliy and I installed the file. It goes blank and goes back to the main screen. I just want to play movies and games...nothing is working...

how to I install them to the root? I already have them on the SD!!

EDIT: just formated he SD again for the millonth time
root is just the term for the base directory of the SD card (not in any folders, just on the top directory; e.g. my card reader shows up as drive J: on my computer, the root would just be J:/ but not J:/games/ , hopefully this makes sense....)

What games would you like to play? (different games require different things, usually stated in the readmes, it would help to know...)

To get you started:
Download THIS - to play this game, copy the folder rockdodger to the root directory of your SD card (as stated in the readme)

To play movies, you have to encode your movies with the divx codec (unless they already are) and should also scale the resolution down to 320x240. Then copy them over to your SD card (doesn't matter where, i put them in a folder i made called "movies"). If the terms above (encode, divx, codec) don't mean anything to you, then I would recommend looking around for a step by step encoding guide (I'm pretty sure I saw one around here somewhere....).

Don't give up!! I will help you make this work!
If you can view the files that are on your sd card with your gp2x, you don't need to reformat your SD card, its fine. Please try doing what i said in my last post and tell me specifically what you did and what happened (don't just say I installed it and it didn't work)

EDIT: If you want to, i can guide you through the process on AIM sometime, just send me a PM if you're interested and we can get in touch.
I really have no idea wHAT im doing with the firmware do I do it?
Well, that depends.....
Which firmware upgrade are you talking about? (there are 3 that i know of.....)

Also, are you sure you WANT to upgrade your firmware? There have been a number of new problems reported with the new firmware. I only installed one of them myself (one of them I couldn't get to work, and I chose not to install the latest one because of reported problems)
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ok...then I wont Quake. I put the .gpe file and the folder in my SD and when I got to launch it goes back to the main menu of gp2x. if I go into the quake folder and select quake, it goes black.
ok...then I wont Quake. I put the .gpe file and the folder in my SD and when I got to launch it goes back to the main menu of gp2x. if I go into the quake folder and select quake, it goes black.
well, i'd need to know some more specifics here to really solver your problem. Can you write out the file structure you have on your gp2x right now for me? Heres an example of what I'm talking about:
SD:/ <<<<<<This is the root directory, for this i'm just calling it SD, it really doesn't matter

SD contains the following folders:

SD contains the following files:

contents of quake/ <<<<<<This is the quake folder
id1 <<< another folder, containing the .pak files
quake.gpe <<<<the main quake executable

contents of id1/ <<<<<This is the .pak folder
pak0.pak <<<<shareware levels
pak1.pak <<<<commercial levels

To play quake you should launch qlaunch.gpe (go to "games" in the firmware, select qlaunch, and press in on stick to launch (there are alternatives, this is what I prefer))
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aQwaBlaz3 posted on Dec 1 2005 at 12:23 AM said:
the folder "2xquake" is in my "game" folder. Whats next?
can you tell me a bit more.... what is in this 2xquake folder?
It sounds like you need to edit qlaunch.gpe because unless you edit it it assumes that you have all of your quake files (quake.gpe and the folder id1 (which contains your .pak files)) in a folder named quake in the root directory.

EDIT: I can make a qlaunch.gpe file that will work with your folder structure and e-mail it to you if you would like
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aQwaBlaz3 posted on Dec 1 2005 at 12:38 AM said:
in my game folder I have qlaunch.gpe and the quake folder side-by-side.
Ok, well, assuming the quake folder contains all of the files you need and is named "quake" (without the quatations, of course :P ) and that your game folder is named "game" (once again, remove quatations :P ), just replace qlaunch.gpe with THIS (right click on it and select "save link as". Then rename it to qlaunch.gpe (geocities didn't like me uploading a .gpe.....))
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