There really isn't that much room on the NAND to install much more. I mean, if we install GIMP then people will want Org. And then there will be no room for anything at all.paddy said:Hi Ed ,can i request one added feature with your OS update ,would it be possible to add in a screensaver ? glscreensaver or xscreensaver ,if there is a performance hit without the driver just install one or two of the less demanding savers like picture screensaver or my fav stars screensaver ,just one or two savers would be tops and keep the file size down.
Ohh ,i tested gimp from a pnd someone made on the forum but i get errors when i open it and can't draw on anything ,could we have gimp ,and the pdf viewer built in to the OS firmware as it rocks and a big thanks for letting me try it out.
pretty please with sugar on top my friend !
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