Debian on SD

Thank you stackshadow, works perfectly!

I'm writing a usb startup script, will make displaylink working on Debian!

When I check everything I will write a wiki tutorial on installing a completely working debian, your help will be appreciated!
Hi everyone!

How did you solve the keyboard problems? Since Debian uses the same setup for both console and X, you have to configure it using xkb format (on which I'm currently working).
well nice, give me a sign when you wrote the first lines :)
because i used the way of multistrap/qemu also the kernel was compiled in an qemu environment ;)
well nice, give me a sign when you wrote the first lines :)

because i used the way of multistrap/qemu also the kernel was compiled in an qemu environment ;)
Since Debian is armhf, I think there is no other way than using debootstrap and qemu (on an PC) for initial install?
you can even start the debootstrap second stage from an angstrom chroot (Note: chroot is not cross-architecture!)
I have tried debootstrap from pandora, but it crashes immediatelly.

Chroot can be cross-architecture using qemu. For example - my typical install of debian armhf using my AMD64 laptop goes more or less like this:

- install qemu-static-arm on my laptop (has an SD reader on it)

- format SD card to ext2 and mount it

- do an first stage armhf debootstrap

- copy qemu-static-arm on SD/usr/bin (this is an important part)

- mount /proc, /sys, etc as needed

- chroot SD

- second stage armhf debootstrap

- miscellaneous install stuff as needed

- umount SD and put it into pandora

- boot default pandora and mount SD

- copy pandora kernel (/boot, /lib/modules, /lib/firmware, create autoboot script) onto SD

- reboot pandora into debian armhf from SD

- ...

- profit!

I haven't had time until recently to make the keyboard work under console and X, but I'm getting there. For now I'm manually loading 2.6 keymap for console, but because debian uses xkb for both console and X it doesn't work yet (for me at least) under X.

It would be great if the people that managed bluetooth and stuff put their config here or on an wiki page.
Is there a debian to go? Can I want to use debian for study stuff and need libopencv-dev, qtcreator and g++. Can I use pandebian for this?
IMHO, if you want Debian on Pandora, and do some serious work with it, then the only way is installing it on SD and booting the Pandora with it. Pandebian (although not quite supported anymore) is a nice way to casually play with Debian on Pandora. Especially since the Debian version in Pandebian is quite outdated.

I guess there are several disjointed efforts on making Debian armhf working on Pandora, and I think it is time to "join the forces" and finish the work. :)
ooooh, if people are getting a more up-to-date Debian going again, that'll be awesome.

I'm still using stuckie's ancient trickery when I need to get some Deb action :)

I'm adapting angstrom scripts to work properly with debian, I will make soon a wiki, bluetooth is the last thing to do.
I have mentioned bluetooth just because I've seen the messages that some other stuff works... Have you done any work with the keyboard under X, or perhaps you have no issues with that? Because I'm working on preparing xkb setup for the pandora keyboard. Also, have you tried making nubs work?
nubs works perfectly.

At first every time I boot I had to reset config, now is saved automatically.

Keyboard works very well with xmodmap and the config is from angstrom.

Written a boot script that loads automatically keyboard config.

Give me a little time and I will write everything

Also displaylink works properly, I used Debian today for a presentation with an hdmi projector, success!
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Nubs work natively, but they are used as joysticks

I will write a script to toggle the working modes like on angstrom
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You're likely using our normal kernel, so why not include some of the scripts right out of our angstrom?  Save yourself some work? (ie: same device names etc..)

I'm looking forward to trying this out :)

I think that xmodmap should be an temporary solution, and an permanent one to push upstream the xkb solution so that it becomes included in future Debian armhf releases. I'll work on that issue.
I will try to use angstrom script, they needs LSB information and a proper boot priority, will work on this in the weekend
Time to revive the thread?

I tried to follow stukies Wiki, with some brave and/or stupid change: I wanted the grip way from start.

Soon my Debian Desktop I did the following:

installing multistrap, an edit a multistrap conf:

aptsources=Grip Debian
debootstrap=Grip Debian

packages=xserver-xorg-video-omap3 libxcb-dri2-0 libnotify-bin xinput

packages=fluxbox busybox network-manager-gnome xfce4-power-manager apmd slim less sudo wireless-tools iceweasel synaptic gnome-mplayer x11-xserver-utils notification-daemon gnome-keyring gpe-calendar gpe-contacts gpe-announce

the suit thing wheezy/wheezy-grip took me a while.

That worked fine, so I put the sd card in may pandora. Did a chroot to the card, but then the trouble starts:

1) the chroot promts me an "I have no name" for root. -> and yes no /etc/passwd

2) inside the chroot I get no names resolved, which means -of course- no apt-get

3) wiki mentioned at some point to follow the Debian guide from above.

BUt what does that mean? Do I have a second stadefor multistrap, do I have to use deboostrap (well neither command works inside chroot)

Some hints would be fine (as soon I get wheezy running, I'll pack an image, if demanded)

thanks mclien
Well, one of the options is pandian.

Don't know about the multistrap, never used it but I'd say that the "arch=armel" is wrong for the current Debian because it is no longer an supported architecture.

As for the debootstrap, as I have mentioned before, here is what I did:

- mounted the sdcard on my deban laptop

- debootstraped it (first stage)

- installed qemu-user-static and copied the qemu-arm-static to the /mounted/debootstraped/usr/bin

- mounted my /proc, /sys, /dev, /dev/pts to /mounted/debootstraped

- do the second stage bootstrap

- install additional packages as needed

- copy and setup armstrong pandora kernel

- boot into Debian on pandora
Well, one of the options is pandian.

Don't know about the multistrap, never used it but I'd say that the "arch=armel" is wrong for the current Debian because it is no longer an supported architecture.
Not? It's still in the list of the official release (well at least there is still install media for the armel). So armhf instead?

pandian not really for me. (It's running in chroot, if I don't misunderstood it, right?)

Another idea woul, of course be fluxbox with angstrom instead of xfce and some of the gpe tools, but that would mean perhaps more work (at least for me as a angstrom newbee)
According to the arm debian list, all of the effort these days is in armhf. They have already decided that armel will become obsolete. And then raspberry pi showed up...

Well, this pandian is on SD card. No chroot.
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