That hasn't mounted at all.. interesting.
I've updated extendutils now so it creates a symlink back to Angstrom in Debian's root, and symlinks the /media folder as well so you can access your SD cards more easily.
I've also uploaded the 4Gb Extend:
The 2Gb is here as well:
As for Paddy.. I'm at a bit of a loss here.. other than attempting it manually and seeing what's failing:
mkdir /tmp/debextend
sudo mount -o loop /media/mmcblk0p1/debian-sid.extend /tmp/debextend ( this is a wild guess as to where the extend file is! you'll need to modify it a bit )
If that works, you'll need to bind the system bits up:
sudo mount -o bind /dev /tmp/debextend/dev
sudo mount -o bind /dev/pts /tmp/debextend/dev/pts
sudo mount -o bind /dev/shm /tmp/debextend/dev/shm
sudo mount -o bind /proc /tmp/debextend/proc
sudo mount -o bind /proc/bus/usb /tmp/debextend/proc/bus/usb
sudo mount -o bind /sys /tmp/debextend/sys
sudo mount -o bind /tmp /tmp/debextend/tmp
Probably want to do these as well.. the script does it now, but if that's not working for you...
sudo ln -s / /tmp/debextend/Angstrom
sudo rm -rf /tmp/debextend/media ( only need to do this once )
sudo ln -s /media /tmp/debextend/media
Then do:
sudo xhost local:localhost
sudo chroot /tmp/debextend /bin/bash
If any of that fails, let me know what the output is!
But I won't be replying till the morning.. tis 1am and I have work in the morning! Sorry! Hopefully it's a simple fix though and someone else can step in