Craigix Discloses Information On New Gp2x?

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JaqMs said:
I don't understand why Epicenter is forced to create new forum accounts to post his intelligent messages while I am able to log on at any time and mention how the fact that the GP2X's headphone jack is on the top of the unit spoils all the good that supposedly came from the GP2X.
Because you are funny, like that old guy on the Benny Hill show, Jackie.

Epicenter was annoying, like a mosquito.
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JaqMs said:
I don't understand why Epicenter is forced to create new forum accounts to post his intelligent messages
His intelligent messages became rather repetitive and very annoying, he also had some groupies following him that resulted in ruining the nice and cozy atmosphere here. It wasn't what he was saying but how he was saying it.
Even DaveC knows when he needs to back off for a while, he didn't.
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MWeston said:
My other concern is the bandwidth needed to update an 800x480x32b display. That is usually a bottleneck with these fully integrated SOC's. With 3D processing enabled, one of the RAM banks (64MB) could be completely tied up in the video subsystem (frame buffer, texture data, Z buffer?) and code could run very slowly if placed here (which would then make one of the cores perform very badly as far as computational throughput goes). Since I have no experience using the chip, I look forward to hearing from someone like Squidge who has written code for it. I can't wait until the developers feel free to talk about the design.
That is an interesting point. Accessing a 800x480x32 frame buffer 60 times per second to send the data to the LCD uses 100 megabytes per second of memory bandwidth. At 100 mhz memory speed and 16-bit DDR memory, each of the two memory interfaces has a theoretical bandwidth of 400 megabytes per second. So if it's all done properly it seems like it's a big hit, but not TOO big. If DDR memory isn't used it will be painful though.

Edited to add: Using 16-bit frame buffers will be fine for many applications, cutting the bandwidth in half.

Note further that rendering that frame at the same frame rate will consume an equal amount of bandwidth at least (and probably more -- clear the screen then draw perhaps overlapping bits of graphical gunk). Usually when thinking about speed for 3d rendering they think in terms of 4-6 writes per pixel per frame I think. Now we're really pushing it!
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b_o_b said:
Even DaveC knows when he needs to back off for a while, he [Epicenter] didn't.
Often, acting upon knowledge is harder than simply possessing it.
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But the whole point is that *every* other goddamn console and handheld is 3D nowdays. You want it so bad choose from one of those.

I think if you point out a relatively powerful (>300Mhz) 3D console thats open source, people will. However, no such console exists yet, but it will shortly, hopefully. We know you prefer vertical mame games to 3D games, but you are in the minority, get used to it.

Therefore I see no problem in having an analog joystick that can emulate a digital one for certain applications - best of both worlds, just like on the Zodiac.


The previous iteration of the hardware, MMSP2, did not even implement DMA access between the SD card interface and Main RAM, resulting in the CPU slowing to 1% of its usual performance when any media was accessed.

Actually, the MMSP2 *did* support DMA access between the SD card and Main RAM, however it was horribly broken and thus removed from the data sheet. Even with working DMA though, it wouldn't make that much difference to speed or processor usage due to the way the mmcsd driver was written - You could either copy from the sd controller to a local data buffer using the cpu, or you could dma from the sd controller to a physical address in memory, and then copy that to your local buffer (remember: DMA's must have a destination in physical ram only).

@ MWeston:
Each core has a dedicated area of memory and memory controller, so there shouldn't be any problems in the processors fighting for access to the same memory bank. Howver, as you say, one of them will have to compete with the LCD controller.
Spy footage revealed:


Just kidding :P
Squidge said:
Each core has a dedicated area of memory and memory controller, so there shouldn't be any problems in the processors fighting for access to the same memory bank. Howver, as you say, one of them will have to compete with the LCD controller.
Thanks for confirming this. Do you know what speed the RAM is running at? Probably 360/3 = 120MHz on DDRA and 100MHz on DDRB? Hopefully the CPU's can be overclocked since DDR-266 will be necessary anyway! :)
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I'm just going to make a wild guess here and say that the MMsp2+ has been selected because;
1. It has enough features to make a decent 2d and 3d console (Who cares how many bazillion triangles the psp can render, 1m is plenty to do cool stuff - see psx)
2. Its cheap. I would guess at either a quarter or half the price of the imx31 (which is nice, its true).
3. Magiceyes have proven that they can and do support linux. They also must have decent support in general - how else did Gamepark manage to produce anything.
4. Did I mention it works?

Okay so the gp2x linux isn't perfect, but believe me there is worse. At least everything works! Not to speak ill, but really do not deal with Inhand if you want linux!

DaveC I like the detachable keyboard design. With a little fold out stand on the back of the unit it would be fine for on a table whatever. Although I have to say portably it would probably be a pain.

The Slider was on balance better I guess. Just I would arrange the keys so its not so uniform. Did you see the keys on the usb thingy I posted several pages back? That render isn't the widescreen version though - is it? (I think we're going to be stuck with 800x480 :( )
JaqMs said:
I don't understand why Epicenter is forced to create new forum accounts to post his intelligent messages while I am able to log on at any time and mention how the fact that the GP2X's headphone jack is on the top of the unit spoils all the good that supposedly came from the GP2X.

Please don't ban me for this message.

PS. DaveC I like your design, but those dot-hole speakers are so late 90's-early 00's.
From my viewpoint, he was extremely biased towards his career and views on how things should be done. Just search some of my old threads. ;)
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Here's my take on it :)


(just a quick doodle coloured in photoshop, sorry to break the trend of clean renderings :D)
Eolair said:
Spy footage revealed:
Just kidding :P

Well... the GP3X is probably not gonna look like this but this is what I like about this one.

+ keyboard can be slided away nicely, in most cases you don't need a keyboard anyway
+ Looks great, black and no kiddy colorful extra's
+ Keyboard looks typeable (not too small)
+ Amount and placement of buttons

- none I can think of right now

Edit: got the message Craig ;)
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Any chance of adding on GP32-style boobs as well?

What pads exactly does the d-pad patent cover? Is it over every 1-pad, multi-button, or just the nintendo cross?
If the former, what about a really really low-clearance joystick instead? Would look/feel like a d-pad, if you used the right material, but conceivably, it might not infringe...
My personal opinion is that for mainstream appeal it has to be as small as possible. Thus flat chested :)

Oh, patents and handhelds... mobile phone and laptop manufacturers have thousands of patents for them, almost everything you can think of is patented.

A patent infringement on the final design would kill this console dead. So, it's tricky.
MWeston said:
Squidge said:
Each core has a dedicated area of memory and memory controller, so there shouldn't be any problems in the processors fighting for access to the same memory bank. Howver, as you say, one of them will have to compete with the LCD controller.
Thanks for confirming this. Do you know what speed the RAM is running at? Probably 360/3 = 120MHz on DDRA and 100MHz on DDRB? Hopefully the CPU's can be overclocked since DDR-266 will be necessary anyway! :)

Standard bus clock is afaik 100Mhz. But perhaps this is changed to 120 in the latest revision.
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