Craigix Discloses Information On New Gp2x?

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EvilDragon said:
DaveC said:
Maybe it is because we would like to set up our system how we want to and not how some dev wants us to. The problem with those installers is that every dev has their own idea of where files should be. Combine all of these different ideas from different devs and you have a big unmaneageable confusing mess on your SD card. You don't know what file is in what directory or why.

I personally hate them. They seem to love spraying files and bits of code in all kinds of places and directories. Removing a program after you don't want it and getting out all of the spurious files becomes almost impossible. You end up wasting card space with garbage files that you don't know the purpose of.

If you install yourself and put things in places that make sense to you then it is cleaner and you can manage them much better.
Errm, have you ever used Linux?
I can't imagine you installed the whole system and new files by copying everything manually to your harddisk. It's a bit harder with dynamic libraries (which in fact do safe a lot of space, as they make all the files smaller).

Each archive has an installer script included that can install and delete EVERY FILE from an install in/from a proper directory. No wasted space.
It's not the devs that need to create these packages - packages will be created after the devs releases.

So, if you want it fast: Download and copy it onto your card.
If you want it easy without fiddling around, wait until the package is there and automatically install.

No problem here, eh?

Would it be possible to use something like apt or ports to install packages from a repository, so that it can handle all of the required libraries automatically?
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DaveC said:
Then again a slim hard case could be made to protect the screen. Think like those calculators (TI?) that had that hard plastic sleeve that slid off the front , reversed, and slid on the back when in use.
Well the only case i'd want would be an aluminum one like the innopocket one i have for my zodiac.
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Looks good.... Just don't screw up the basics! Its a gaming machine, we need responsive, robust controls, so I can open a can of whoop ass on <insert game name here> without the fear of breaking something.

Good luck I hope you make lots of dosh :)

Reesy said:
Looks good.... Just don't screw up the basics! Its a gaming machine, we need responsive, robust controls, so I can open a can of whoop ass on <insert game name here> without the fear of breaking something.

Good luck I hope you make lots of dosh :)


couldn't have said it better myself.

good luck with everything.
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You know, I love how this device sounds, and I hope that I end up buying one, but I guess I'll decide that after I see pictures of the final unit (which I guess will be sometime in November if the production goals keep).
Hey everyone...say GP4Q really, really fast.

ha ha ( Nelson from Simpsons laugh)
Reesy said:
Looks good.... Just don't screw up the basics! Its a gaming machine, we need responsive, robust controls, so I can open a can of whoop ass on <insert game name here> without the fear of breaking something.

Good luck I hope you make lots of dosh :)


Why aren't you part of all this? You are one of the coding Gods and should be onto it already! My opinion!

I think from a post earlier of Craig's we can assume that Zzottd is working on it, so I reckon it will have the PSX emu outta da box. That would be a selling point indeed!

And all these people coming on here to say to us all "I won't be buying it!" are hard to fathom out. Sure, if the hinted at specs aren't what you want fine, but the thing ain't even been officially announced yet! And do you all go into a shop and tell the salesman that you won't be buying stuff? It must be hell in Tescos...
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Reesy said:
Looks good.... Just don't screw up the basics! Its a gaming machine, we need responsive, robust controls, so I can open a can of whoop ass on <insert game name here> without the fear of breaking something.

Good luck I hope you make lots of dosh :)

Will you please port DrMD?
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Really though, why all the below-radar talk about this? Why not just show off a screenshot (perhaps blurred to disguise the hardware, so that any clones won't come around) and give us some more and detailed information?

I guess we're all pretty much dieing to hear/see more of this, right?
Before you know it, the F5 lettering on our F5 keys will be gone!

No Vibration, no camera. We are trying to keep it as simple as we can, we don't want a Gizmondo on our hands here!

We thought a long time about GPS but don't think we will bother, there isn't any open GPS software or maps.
EvilDragon said:
Creature XL said:
I hoped so strongly that you will drop LiNUX. Don't get me wrong. I use LiNUx since years and I am quite familiar with it. But the long booting time of the GP2X sucks. I hope that at least some kind of stand-by is included. I recon that using LiNUX and maybe SDL makes it a lot easier to port GP2X software, but the boot time...
That's not Linux, that's the crappy Linux the gp2x has.
I have Open2x on my gp2x, and while it's still in alpha stage, it boots about as fast as my PSP or the NDS (about 5 - 6 seconds from switching it on).

Ok. If that is the case, then I am all for LiNUX :)
Maybe I should try to get a hold of Open2x aswell to check it out.

But some stuff like standby (low power mode like the one util for GP2X) via a button would be great though, when you have to put it aside for lunch or similiar. No need to save and reboot.

slightly off-topic:
Will it hava a correct working LED for battery status? The one in the GP2x is a laugh. It doesn't work. At least when using gpSP from the gpmenu2x.
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I think when it comes out i'll try to do some cool music apps with it. Especially if some kind of midi adapter could be made. I think that will be right up the guys at's street, especially with the touchscreen. I'm thinking drum machine, portable sampler, tracker, portable softsynth etc... the form factor has so much potential I think. So if some cool apps get made, it could be opened up to a whole new market in this way.

I'm thinking it could be used as a wireless controller too, in the style of the lemur (minus multitouch, of course :))
Squidge said:
Creature XL said:
I hoped so strongly that you will drop LiNUX. Don't get me wrong. I use LiNUx since years and I am quite familiar with it. But the long booting time of the GP2X sucks. I hope that at least some kind of stand-by is included. I recon that using LiNUX and maybe SDL makes it a lot easier to port GP2X software, but the boot time...
Yeah, lets drop Linux and it's 8 second boot time, and replace it with Windows CE, which has a 2 minute boot time on both my PDA and Phone.

I just meassured for ya: 30.5 seconds from switch on to gpmenu2x. How many secs are used to laod gpmenu2x and playing the start jingle I do not know. But 30secs is not nice!
If another LiNUx version (compile) is 8secs then I am all for it.

And I never spoke of Windows, did I? I said it loud and clear that I use LiNUX for 10 years now on my desktop and notebook for coding and all other work. Hell, I am an admin for LiNUx computers at university and I know some small parts of the kernel even!

I hope the above sounds not silly :) But I want to make it clear: If the boot time is NOT 30 secs ( lets say <10secs). I for LiNUX! :)
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