cps3 emulator

And here's how to change the SF III 3rd Strike game options. Since the NOCD version is in japanese, this might be a problem for some of us. ^_^

First enter the service mode using L + R + SELECT and then the change the options...




For those who like ImageShack, but don't want to register (like me), here's how to avoid the registration:

In Firefox, press CTRL-U to display the HTML source when prompted for login or registration. Now find "[/" and you're just behind the wanted URL.
Seems like (and I've not actually tried this, for obvious reasons) that Lylat's using a split romset and if he wants to use just one rom file, he needs to use clrmamepro to merge them into one?

merging doesnt make any difference every cps3 game works fine nearly fullspeed at 1100mhz
If there is an "independent emu" (I said that only emulates CPS3) that supports command.dat and cheats of MAME like the NJ ones for PSP,welcome!