Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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The official position is that mRNA vaccines can't change your DNA, and this is all unfounded rumours based on a misunderstanding of how it works. Though I can't say I really understand how it works myself. Do you claim that all these people are lying?


These are the same people telling us the end is near, everyone will die, stay at home and destroy all of our economies. All the while, Los Angeles and San Francisco have entire small citiies of poor people living outside in tents, no protection, no social distancing, no masks and no one is dying or even ill.

This desease has a 99.9x survival rate for those under 69, over 69 the survival rate is 96.x or something (too lazy to flip pages).

On top of that, we are told that this is dangerous, people are dying, hospitals are full. Here in Canada, hospitals are empty and I posted CDC current reports that show there is no bump in deaths at all this year.

Are they lying? Are they stretching the truth? Are they describing a complex process as non genetically modifying by using weasel words and wink and nod understanding?

Yes. All of the above.

The better question might be: HAS ANYONE IN AUTHORITY TOLD THE TRUTH EVER?

Here is what I have learned through our conversation on this topic with everyone here:

1) Everyone here truly beleives what they beleive and you are all completely honest about it. No agendas.

2) Everyone in the scientific and political communities DO NOT beleive what they are saying. This is absolutely clear at this point in time. Not only do the NOT beleive anything that they are saying, they are all exempting them selves from the rules they are setting out. In the EU (I cannot find the link) just last week they exempted VERY IMPORTANT BUSINESS PEOPLE from lock downs. Everything is spin, all communication is AT MINIMUM a lie by omission and everyone has an agenda.

I no longer trust anyone in power at any level. I never trusted my lawyers or accountants, I could always smell bullshit and getting at least 3 opinions has been incredibly valuable. The polticians and scientists telling us are FAR FAR FAR worse than accountants and lawyers.

If I could, I would replace all the politicians with all of you. We wouldn't have any better results, but at least you guys would tell us what you really think with no agenda or spin.
I keep on thinking about the question "would they lie". What a really really great question HelenF, there are many levels to this question!

You know what I have NEVER heard from any doctor, scientist or politician ... like ever? Not a single one has ever said they are wrong. It just doesn't happen.

Here, we talk about a bunch of things, people say they are wrong all the time. The amount of trust you can put in a person is highly co-related to their ability to say they are wrong and change their mind. It's easy to trust what people on this board say because they can admit they are wrong and change their mind.

However, I have never, in all of my life and experience, witnessed an entire group of people (scientists and politicians) make so many statements and claims and NEVER ONCE acknowledge that they were wrong. Not once.

It's a remarkable thought.
Call me naiv, but i doupt our Gourverment would lie to us:
If they would lie, they would lie to ca 84 Million Peaple in Germany,
Somewhone said that if you are lieing, (or how this was called), you have to remember for everyone, what you said to them to not get caught, ..
And Remember what you say everyone of the 84 Million, dosnt work..
@Robert Taylor
I just gave up fighting against all people who silently follow what government is saying.
I'm completely with you.

Just in case you did not see my post a while ago.
Here are interesting graphs showing corona incidents and when countries started to force people to wear masks:
Sweet! Reading.

EDIT: Wow. There is literally nothing there. It's all just a bloody pack of lies based on fear.

Wanna see something creepy? Watch what news in Canada looks like:

Is there anything more creepy than the shot of them wheeling the old woman down the hall and doctors and nurses applauding her? WTF WAS THAT? Nurses having time to make up dance routines and post them on tik tok was one thing,this is just downright ominous.

Can you tell how many different types of lies are in the video? Not a single peep about "we aren't sure", "the numbers aren't scary", "we could be wrong".

Nothing. Just pure propaganda. We are right, you are wrong and we are feeding you this narrative non stop.

I want to beleive this is true, I did beleive in Jan / Feb. Now?

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Masks work, but not in this manner you would suspect:
They prevent you from touching your Nose and Mouth whit your Fingers, a bad behaivir a lot peaple have,
so lets say somewhone dit caught on a surface, and you touch this surface and then you touch your mouth, :
this means you would smear these Virus from the other on your mouth..
This is also the Reason why whe should Wash or Hands that often..
There was one incident that enraged me quite a bit.
Here in Germany for some reasons Supermarkets force customers now to use shopping carts.
One per person.
They say this makes sure people keep distance.
However they do not clean the carts after I return them and an other person uses them right afterwards.
Also if I would use my own bag I would be a lot faster than with a shopping cart and thus exit the building faster.

Aerosols spread the air equally and I don't get infected significantly more easily if I come close to a person for 3 seconds while passing by.

To me those rules seem to be like dogmas people follow blindly, no matter how useful they are.
These rules are not applied where they really make sense but where most people will accept them.

They prevent you from touching your Nose and Mouth whit your Fingers, a bad behaivir a lot peaple have,
Well, they could stop forcing people to use shopping carts ...
The Markets, who have this Shopping Cart Thing, usualy also have a Desinfektion Bottle, so everyhone can carre for themself:
If you want a Clean Shopping Cart, you can spray this stuff on the handle, and you can be happy,
if you dont want to botther whit cleaning, its your own fault if you get the Virus..

Shure this whole Shopping Cart thing is wayrd, but i see a lot of customers, who cant keep distance from themselves,
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The official position is that mRNA vaccines can't change your DNA, and this is all unfounded rumours based on a misunderstanding of how it works. Though I can't say I really understand how it works myself. Do you claim that all these people are lying?
I say that competent people that has no link with big pharma also say that mRNA stuff (which is not a vaccine, it's gene therapy) say that it can alter the DNA is some cases.

6 countries over 10 had taken worrying measures against democracy:

Such law may pass in France:
Post automatically merged:

Call me naiv, but i doupt our Gourverment would lie to us:
If they would lie, they would lie to ca 84 Million Peaple in Germany,
Somewhone said that if you are lieing, (or how this was called), you have to remember for everyone, what you said to them to not get caught, ..
And Remember what you say everyone of the 84 Million, dosnt work..
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Some people are saying that the mRNA stuff works by modifying your DNA, which is just plain wrong. Others are saying there's a risk it might modify your DNA by accident, a claim which requires advanced knowledge of biology to reason about, so that might come down to who to believe more than most things do.

"Gene therapy" does mean modifying your DNA on purpose, so, no, it's not gene therapy.
A conference by a guy who worked for the strategic affairs in the french ministry of defense (army).
He explains how democracies are manipulating people at a very, very large scale.
Some people are saying that the mRNA stuff works by modifying your DNA, which is just plain wrong. Others are saying there's a risk it might modify your DNA by accident, a claim which requires advanced knowledge of biology to reason about, so that might come down to who to believe more than most things do.

"Gene therapy" does mean modifying your DNA on purpose, so, no, it's not gene therapy.
Maybe it's semantically incorrect, but:
"...It's a genetic code that, when injected, ask the cells to produce the Spike protein..."
mRNA is 'messenger RNA', it's a copy of a part of the DNA done in the nucleus then sent to the Cytoplasm where it's used by the ribosome to build stuff. It's then degraded. There is no known (as far as I know) mechanism in which mRNA would be sent to rewrite DNA inside a nucleus. However, from what I understand, you can send some mRNA that orders cells to build CRISPR that is used to cut DNA. But that would require intent to do so.

In computer terms, mRNA let you inject some code that a process will run. It won't change the code of the process (the DNA) unless you send malicious code that does so.

(This is not saying that mRNA vaccines are risk-free. I'm not competent enough to judge that. I'm just saying that in theory, the mechanism that these vaccines use cannot, in the stated usage, alter the DNA)
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Consent fabrication and the authoritarian drift of western democracies are a thing. They have been documented for quite some time, and many NGO will tell you that France had been steadily going more and more authoritarian in the past 20 years (if not more). They didn't need COVID-19 for this. It's arguable that they're using the COVID-19 crisis to push this agenda forward while people are distracted or have limited means of action, but I feel like they could have been doing the same thing without COVID-19. I mean, even now Macron is using islamism (the old terrorist excuse that has been working fine since 2001) as his explanation for the most repressive shit he's trying to pass.
It would be fun if the first-vaccinated old UK lady dies in the very next days X^D
Of course I don't wish her to die.
ElPoco, are you sure you are critiquing the right, capitalism and those in power?

Because, your posts read more like you are obsessed with hating your people, your culture and your history.

All of your posts are critiques of your people, your culture your history and you go out of your way to protect non French cultures like muslims and organizations dedicated to French destruction (NGOs).

Of particular note is that islam is not a religion but a political system of conquest. NGOs are also political systems of conquest, not a single NGO exists that doesn't have a political ideology powering it. If any of these groups could, they would seize control over France without thinking about it.

It's a little weird.
Trouble is you can’t on the one hand argue that Islam is bad (and therefore that Muslims are also) because you don’t believe it is a religion but rather a “political system of conquest” and then, on the other hand, not apply the same criticism to Catholicism/Christianity, for example, or your beloved white supremacist Nazis...
To not do so highlights the bias and hypocritical inconsistency of your consequently invalid argument.
Furthermore, if you have no faith in scientists, why the heck are you purchasing a Pyra and expecting it to work? If scientists are wrong, the Pyra can’t possibly perform the tasks for which it has been designed... (Nevermind that we effectively have documented and peer-reviewed proof that it does).
You said that you’ve never heard a doctor/scientist admit they were wrong - but have you ever admitted that your unwillingness to critique racism, or the actions of one’s own country/culture, might be wrong? Have you ever heard Trump admit he’s wrong?
If we suddenly decided that only Germans’ contributions to this community are valid, then that would be to discard any contributions already provided (or potentially provided in future) by non-Germans in this community and the whole community would be all the poorer for it*, not to mention such an approach would fly in the face of the spirit of open source.
Christians are supposed to be humble, which means accepting and excising one’s own faults before criticising others (Luke 6:39-42 and Matthew 7:1-5)

*I mention Germans specifically, not because I have any issue with Germans (I don’t, indeed my ancestors were German), but because of your fixation over them in previous comments.
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Is there anything more creepy than the shot of them wheeling the old woman down the hall and doctors and nurses applauding her? WTF WAS THAT?

It would be fun if the first-vaccinated old UK lady dies in the very next days X^D
Of course I don't wish her to die.

Maybe she'll die of coronavirus because the vaccine hasn't had time to take effect yet, and all those nurses were standing way too close :(
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