Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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This is an amazing video of WHY we should NEVER let doctors and scientists take control of government policy. Their role is purely advisory AT BEST and should mostly be ignored they way you ignore a plumber: you call them when you need them.
This is an amazing sentence of why we should never read your posts.

People who are both competent and honest are the number one enemy of corrupted governments.
So these both competent and honest people will never ever be in charge of anything that can disturb plans of corrupted governments.
People read my posts? Holy shit!

I thought this forum was a figment of my schizophrenia.

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* The numbers this year are basically the same as every other year as the desease is acting more like a flu and less like the end of the world chinese monster we thought in February.
I don't know the numbers this year or another, but what if ... I'm just saying ... what if with all the different behaviour this year, there should be less deaths if it weren't for Covid19?
That is disproven by South Dakota and Sweden having no lockdowns and their numbers are the same as those that had lockdowns.

EDIT: I offered up Florida as an example earlier because they announced the other week a ban on all mask mandates and lockdowns so you can see that nothing will happen, there will be no spike. Of course, I already know what will happen because Florida has been open since the summer anyway.
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People who are both competent and honest are the number one enemy of corrupted governments.
So these both competent and honest people will never ever be in charge of anything that can disturb plans of corrupted governments.

Just for the record, your critique is really good. You may indeed be right.

I am curious, do you believe all politicians are incompetent?

If so why?

In your frame of mind, what is the difference between competent leadership and incompetent leadership?
If i remember correctly, Ebola and Aids are not to be compare to Corona:
Ebola was spraid from a CC Fly which needed the hot conditions in Afrika, and AIDS (HIV) is only spraid by Body Fluid (Blood, Sperm, etc) and not whit Airosoles..

So whe could called a Condom a "Penis - Mask"
in old news, New Zealand's doing well, likely due to decisive governance, effective communication, and high population compliance...
humorous takes:

it'd be fun to build a dyson sphere (swarm), but most people don't think long-enough term...

we'd need a lot of compliance from people over the long term for a project like that. ;)

Of course, I already know what will happen because Florida has been open since the summer anyway.

well make sure you don't jump the gun on science. you come up with a hypothesis but then based on observations you may have to revise your thinking or see if there's something else going on. you can't say you know what's going to happen before time. interestingly, FL does appear to be an outlier so far on the containment measure vs. case count:



but that makes me wonder what's different about FL than other places, e.g. ND which has had very few restrictions until recently (they just implemented a mask mandate), but has very awful numbers. the real question is would you be willing to move to FL in order to experience the freedom they have, despite the risk that entails?
You missed the point Matty. At the start of aids and ebola, we had four features identical to the start of the chinese virus:

1) MYSTERY - At the start of it no one knew what they were.

2) WORLD ENDING - Both were end of the world viruses + scenarios

3) SPREAD - NO ONE knew how they were spread.

4) AERORSOLIZED - Of the thousands of rumours and tons of misinformation in media (pre internet, old school news everyone trusted) one of the main rumours was that it could be spread through coughing, touching infected toilet seats and door handles and so forth.

At the start of those two, the perception of the desease was EXACTLY the same as for the chinese virus (way worse for aids actually) and no one shut anything down.

And just like with the chinese virus we eventually found out the life cycle of both deseases and STILL no one shut anythign down EVEN THOUGH ebola and aids ARE ACTUALLY WORLD ENDING deseases.

If either was weaponized in an aerosol form, this would end civilization as we know it.

Anyway, the point is no one shut anything down despite two actual world ending deseases being discovered and ending up way worse than this joke of a virus (which only turned out to be a joke out of sheer luck).
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but that makes me wonder what's different about FL than other places, e.g. ND which has had very few restrictions until recently (they just implemented a mask mandate), but has very awful numbers. the real question is would you be willing to move to FL in order to experience the freedom they have, despite the risk that entails?

Great graph. That is a strong argument against my position that containment is not working to stem the infection rate.

So far I have made the following claims:

1) Shutting down economies doesn't matter as the infection rate is the same in those areas that aren't shutdown and those that are.

2) The chinese virus is of no threat based on current death numbers. CDC numbers show absolutely no spike in deaths this year relative to others as posted earlier.

3) Survival rate makes this virus as trivial as the flu. 70+ olds have a %96.x+ survival rate and 69- olds have a %99.6 (did i get the decimal right?) rate of survival.

4) And we don't even have a good idea of how many people actually died from the chinese virus. We have a large number of reports of number of chinese virus deaths being labled as chinese virus in 100% of co-morbidity cases, we have reports of non chinese virus related deats being labled as covid and then we have the special uk way of counting chinese virus deaths where if they know you had the chinese virus and you die within a certian period of time they just mark you as chinese virus related death.

So, with respect to #1 I concede that the signal is stronger for your argument than mine based on that graph. That makes sense epidiomologically. I would like to see graphs of flu rate infections on a year by year basis per state and see the comparison.

... however ...

With respect to #1, Sweden is exactly in the middle for the same stats: So is the UK and while they acted late they did act way ahead of anything happening in Sweden. So there is that, not sure what to make of it. There are also the anomalies of Japan and Korea. Korea apparently closed down everything while Japan was basically open up until recently ... maybe their cultures are so similar that people simply stayed home and complied?

With respect to #2, I posted the CDC numbers. There is no seeming bump in deaths overall, the video posted that there is a death overage but that doesn't really make any sense as the number of deaths as a whole is on par with previous years. Maybe in the UK but not in the USA.

With respect to #3, the reality is this isn't aids or ebola. We thought it was in February. That survival rate makes this entire conversation a joke.

With respect to #4, that is more speculative. I had some links on this but I can't find them. I would be happy to ignore this claim except that I cannot explain how the CDC says the same number of people are dying this year as last year. If the chinese virus is killing everyone with or without co-morbidities, where are the dead bodies? The hospitals are empty, there are no bodies piling up in morgues.

With respect to #1 again, looking at Australia, they seem to have a similar distribution to the one in USA:

They have one outlier, one in the middle and a bunch below average (or is it mean?). And if you look at the infection rates, USA has 14 states below 20 / 100 000 infection rate which is a whole lot more populatuion AUs Northern Territory.

So, what problem is being solved here?
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@Robert Taylor So, you're saying, we should only do lockdowns, when someone from the future reports that a virus has killed off mankind in the timeline he's coming from?

I'd rather depend it on the infection rate, which btw is higher for Covid19 than either of AIDS and ebola.
@Robert Taylor So, you're saying, we should only do lockdowns, when someone from the future reports that a virus has killed off mankind in the timeline he's coming from?

I'd rather depend it on the infection rate, which btw is higher for Covid19 than either of AIDS and ebola.

The f are you talking about? We are in the future.

You statement was valid in January. It is december 11, the survival rate is GUARANTEED to be 99.6% (or greater because I am too lazy to pull up the original post) for those over 69 years or younger or 96.x percent for 70+ year olds.

The average life span is 78.

Quit posting nonsense that is obviously garbage.
So you're saying, Covid19 is not very infectious and it has little potential to harm anyone? Otherwise limiting contact having no effect would be impossible.
but that makes me wonder what's different about FL than other places, e.g. ND which has had very few restrictions until recently (they just implemented a mask mandate), but has very awful numbers. the real question is would you be willing to move to FL in order to experience the freedom they have, despite the risk that entails?
Unsecured, compromised or false data in FL ?
They don't have restrictions there on people, but also not on data. Anyone seems free to change it...
I could be wrong about everything that I said.

Ibles graph shows that there is a strong signal between severe control measures and infection rates. EU rates of infection show Sweden and UK in the middle.

The CDC says the death rates in the states are holding stead just like last year, no spikes.

The rate of death I posted already, but, I cannot find where i got that from. It is possible my numbers there are wrong.

I am not 100% sure of this, but, i don't see dead bodies on the street, full morgues or full hospitals. HelenF said if the death rate would be 1% this would be really troubling. In February i was thinking 10% to 20% of the worlds population would die.

i look around and I only see hype, no dead people.

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Unsecured, compromised or false data in FL ?
They don't have restrictions there on people, but also not on data. Anyone seems free to change it...

I conced this is possible too, absolutely.
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SARS/MERS/ebola can be effectively contained by isolating the people with symptoms and their close contacts, so we didn't need a lockdown for those. At first there was an attempt to contain Covid-19 too, but it didn't work because the infection rate from presymptomatic/asymptomatic/mild cases was too high.

And if people need particular facilities in the hospitals, there can still be a shortage of those even if the regular beds are nowhere near full.
Could be that whe get a Hard Lockdown in Germany next week, until 10th January,
If whe have to close our Beeceeper Supply Shop, this isn’t good, but as whe only have open until the 23. December, this would mean the Year End Counting may be quite chilled whiteout Customers that buy stuff whe are currently counting ^^

Send from something, i guess ^^
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