Could You Mod A Touchscreen?


Sep 4, 2005
Just curious (I've never even played with a DS) but with all the "having two screens gives DS games a totally revolutionary interface" hype, it saddened me that the GP2X would never be able to produce its own DS-style games.

But then I found that you can actually buy USB touchscreens, and I just have to ask: Would it be even conceivably possible to ever connect a touchscreen to the GP2X, via the Ext port, SDIO, or whatever, so you could create DS-style two-screen games?
:lol: Anything is possible, given the will and the resources. Not everything is likely however.

I'd put this in the queue just behind built-in solar power and coffee machine in the likelyhood stakes
If it works, I bet you will have to make the games yourself, since no one or hardly anyone will use a mod like this, there will be no one or hardly anyone who will ddevelop a game to use the touch screen for...
DS games only use touchscreen because it is there and the game will not be bought if the touchscreen is not used. The only DS game that uses the touchscreen effectively (from what I've seen) is Wario-Ware.
Nah, project rub uses it well, and mario can be used well. polarium supposedly too, but i have never played than and never want to :)
Well, you can forgive me there, I never played Project Rub... Well, actually, now I think about it, I played it at the "preview" DS area in Megazone (because I left my DS in the car :P). Very good use of the touch screen.
nubie posted on Dec 13 2005 at 06:14 PM said:
THE MMSP2 has a touchscreen controller, I think you should use that if you want to add a touchscreen.

i suppose the pins of that controller are somewhere around the USB HOST controller? :D
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About there being no software... well, linux can use touchscreens for its mouse interface, so you could then use mouse-aware programs (maybe even X if you made a framebuffer driver for it), but this would all require at the very least kernel recompilation, and more likely writing a new touchscreen driver. But I don't think it will be a practical thing to add, since where would you connect it to the gp2x? A serial interface? I kinda doubt the MMSP2's touchscreen controller pins are exposed - I'd be a ton easier to just use a serial mouse at that point.

A mouse would be kinda cool for strategy games and the like, but it'd probably need a separate power supply since I doubt any serial mice would run from 3.3V, although a custom designed one with a low powered 3.3V microcontroller may be able to.
nik166 posted on Dec 13 2005 at 11:57 AM said:
i bet F-200 will have a touchscreen :P

I think it would be in GPH best interests to run all unused pins out to a header in a revised motherboard, then people uninterested in hardware mods could buy the old style off of you, and you could get a better model.
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