Release Coolreader 3 - eBook reader


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Coolreader 3, an eBook reader, ported to the Pandora.

It feature a true Fullscreen mode, textured paper-like background, rotation (90° clockwise or counter-clockwise), dictionary based hyphenation on many languages, localized GUI on some languages, and of course support for main eBook format, zipped or not (ePub, FB2, MOBI, ...).

History log


Build 02


  • Added a lib so Browse file doesn't crash anymore.

Build 01


  • Based on git version 3.0.57-15
  • Added Fullscreen button on toolbar
  • Make Fullscreen (with alt-enter to toggle) hide Toolbar, menu, everything...
  • Adapted Setting Dialog so it fit the Pandora screen.
  • Added file associations

Have some cool Reading ;)
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Thanks for the port!

Here is my little bugreport.

a\ App is not listed anywhere in the Pandora menu, I'm launching it from PNDManager.

b\ It crashes when I go to open file dialog and click "Computer" or get outside of the PND structure when navigating to files.
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Thanks for the port!

Here is my little bugreport.

a\ App is not listed anywhere in the Pandora menu, I'm launching it from PNDManager.

b\ It crashes when I go to open file dialog and click "Computer" or get outside of the PND structure when navigating to files.
I found it under Office and run.

I agree however, it crashes out to desktop if I try to browse outside the mnt folder
Oh yes, it looks like some Qt4 libs are missing ! I'll try to indentify which ones are missings and do a build 02.
Ok, found it. When clicking on "My Computer", you go to root, and show a Harddrive icon, in SVG format... The missing lib was libQtSvg (I found it using SSH, on my dev. Pandora, and while launching coolreader, going to browse and My Computer, I then do a "ps -A" to get pid of coolreader, and then done a "lsof -p pid" and look at which lib is fetched for codeblocks that I haven't copied on the lib folder of the PND)

Build 02


  • Added a lib so Browse file doesn't crash anymore.
Thanks for the port!

Here is my little bugreport.

a\ App is not listed anywhere in the Pandora menu, I'm launching it from PNDManager.

b\ It crashes when I go to open file dialog and click "Computer" or get outside of the PND structure when navigating to files.
a] was sorted out by one OS restart

b] was sorted out by your update

How do I change font color? I've tried coolreader on my phone and Open Pandora and in both cases it ignores me when I change the font color. I switch background to black, font to white, turn off the skin, and I end up with black on black.

Something I notice is that when I turn off the skin (set it to [NONE]) I click OK, go back into preferences, and find that the skin has changed back to the default skin. I guess you can't change the font color if you have a skin set.

Alright, I solved my own problem, although it does mean one particular book of mine crashes everytime. To use custom colors for fonts you have to turn off the option to use in-book styles. I don't have the Pandora open, but it's one of 4 checkmarks in one of the options tabs. If you have a book that crashes cool reader like I do you have to open your /pandora/appdata/coolreader/cr3.ini file and edit a line toward the top that deals with style. I'll try to grab specifics later when I actually have the pandora with me.
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do you know if CoolReader will read .prc files?  This is the standard format for Kindle anything you buy or download from Amazon will be a .prc file.

I know it reads ePUB great, I have several of those, they are the fiules Nook uses.

But a friend of mine wrote a book only available as an eBook on other source...and so it would come as a .prc file.

I would buy it and help out my friend...but not if I can't read it!

I can't find any FREE .prc files to just try out the capability of CoolReader to handle them.

And I can search anywhere for files, by the way, my ebooks are on the card in Slot 2 and I can navigate to them and read them with no problems.
OK, maybe my info was way out of date.  As I said...I've no real experience with Kindle.

Can anyone here with experience downloading ebooks from Amazon...tell me what format they come in...and can they also be read on CoolReader 3?

I just don't want to spend money for what may turn out to be a junk file!
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It took me a whooping 2 minutes on amazon to find that :

A whole lot of FREE amazon kindle ebooks…

You know, it would be great if you started to use google/duckduckgo/any search engine or go to the website selling what you're searching.

You could also go to Coolreader 3 website an look on the main page to see which ebooks format it can read.

It's not complicated, it takes a few minutes to do and prevents lot of people from being irritated by your messages.

Now, don't expect reading kindle's ebooks easily on coolreader, they're "protected" with DRM crap. Amazon is a shop, they want to make money and won't make it easy for you to read their money source on another reader than their own. But since we've got Android running on pandora, the easy way is to install Kindle on it.

Removing the drm can be done using kindle pc/mac app, Calibre and a unofficial calibre plugin - but it's totally illegal.

Now you know that it can be done. You know that there are free books on Amazon. And you know it's illegal. Do what you want/can.

- I've helped you more than I would usually have simply because I hate DRM with passion. -
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Thanks for your help KodeIn.  I was able to get the book I wanted, available only as an eBook from Amazon...and convert that file to a file CoolReader could handle.

Thus, I was able to support my author friend, by buying her book...and being able to read it on the device I chose to read it on.

No piracy, nobody gets hurt, everyone got paid, and I got a product I could actually use.

If the book had been available anywhere but Amazon, I would have bought it elsewhere...where I could get it in the format I wanted.

I understand what Amazon is trying to do, with their DRM crippling, and so on...but in trying to protect THEIR rights, they are infringing too far on my own.

They are like going after a fly with an axe.  Just because one person might commit piracy, they assume everyone is a pirate.

The way I see it...if I bought it, then I have a right to do with it as I wish.  I have the right to read it on any device I want, not just what THEY say I can read it on.

As long as I do not make and give away or sell copies, while retaining a copy for myself...nobody gets hurt, and there is no piracy.

In fact, were I not able to do what I just did, the sale never would have happened at all.

Incidentally, if I'd bought a paperback copy (this particular book was ONLY available as an eBook...and ONLY from Amazon) - but if I bought a paperback book....then I have the right to give or sell it to anyone I wish....I do not have the right to make copies to give away or sell.

I see no reason eBooks should not be the same way.  as long as I do not retain a copy for myself...I should be free to give it away or sell it as I see fit, seeing as how I bought it.

Amazon's attitude is that you rent the book from them with a lifetime license, but that THEY own the book you just bought.  That is garbage...IMNSHO.