Release Cocoa-DOOM

Hi Gausen :)

I tested your new package yesterday, and:

1 - thanks for removing the cursor !

2 - forgot to test that one, sorry :P

3 - default controls didn't work for me (or you mapped really weird ones: [L] turn left, [R] fire, (X) go to next level IIRC...)

4 - same as #2, will have to test some more.

Regarding #4, I remember the megawad which made Prboom+ / Freedoom segfault, it's Whitemare 2. Is it working on your side ? That wad starts just fine, and you can even watch the demo, but it will segfault if you decide to start a new game...

Cheers, Magic Sam
Oh you dont like the default mapping! :P  Actually I just taken the prboom config I'm using, I shoot with R, don't use L and X behavior is due to differences in mappings between prboom and prboom+ (found it kind of fun so I leaved X mapped that way). Probably not fixing this one as everyone can choose it's own mapping (and if they did they can't use the default one unless they remove the new custom config). It's a minor thing.

Will test whitemare 2. It will be useful if you can test this wad on the desktop version of prboom+ ( Since it is a test version may aswell be bug/regression and not a pandora specific issue.

EDIT: Whitemare 2 segfaults on pandora and not on windows. I'm going to work right now, when I get back home will start with verbatim code to see which change is causing this segfault.

EDIT 2: Untouched code does segfault after compilation. I'm going to try to fix all the compilation warnings I'm getting (will take a while to complete...). Magic_sam, you mention before that you have successfully compiled prboom-plus, can you test whitemare 2 with that binary to see if it segfaults?
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Hi Gausen !

I was about to ask if you could update your package again, when I realized I never answered your previous post :unsure:  I'm really sorry about that !!!

I'll compile that new PrBoom+ (end of June 2015) and try to play Whitemare 2 with it.

On a side note, Chocolate Doom has been bumped to 2.2.0 ;)

EDIT: compilation crashes early because has vanished from ptitSeb's Code::Blocks.

Cheers, Magic Sam
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magic_sam: I do believe libpulse has just plain disappeared from the firmware, had a few PND's complain about it too...
Hi :)

@ Hooka: thanks for the tip ! It seems like I was barking up the wrong tree... I'll reinstall libpulse from the Angström repository and see how it goes.

EDIT: can't get to install libpulse0 with opkg, the package is said not to be in any available sources, even though it appears when I type "sudo opkg list | grep pulse" :(

Cheers, Magic Sam
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