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I was used to setup gamepads with STEAM, but at some point I found out that those configurations were messing with the entire system, when STEAM was open... so I had to close STEAM every time I had to play something else with a controller...
Now I disabled the STEAM controllers managements, and with the use of x360ce, I have exactly the same configuration in every game I want, inside and outside of the STEAM framework (and even with the same game installed from 2 different stores).
What are those libraries/programs ?
devreorder is a modified library to keep your controllers in the order that you want.
x360ce is a library that will make your controllers be recognized as XBOX 360 gamepads, making them compatible with most of the games out there.
Why to use them together ?
x360ce has a limit of 4 devices, the first 4 devices of the system, so if you want to use the 5, you just can't... unless devreorder is loaded to configure the 5 as one of the previous ones, like the 3.
What is this script for ?
Those libraries/programs and their configurations, to work, must be present in the folder where the game executable is in.
Also, must be installed the right version of them, considering the architecture of the game to be launched (x86, if 32bit or x64, if 64bit).
This must be made for every single game where you want to use these configurations... so it could become pretty repetitive.
This Batch script will do this:
1) Check the architecture of the executable
2) Copy the right libraries and the configurations to the game folder (where the executable is in)
3) Launch x360ce for the final configuration (and the creation of its own DLL)
I will release only the install script, so the other programs\libraries must be obtained from the respective sites (to follow).
The custom configurations must be created the first time by hand, so refer to the respective programs documentation for that.
(Both programs could be made to work system-wide with some workaround, but this script was made to use them as portable as them could be.)
The script requires to be in a folder with this structure:
Links to required programs/libraries:
You can find the script "setup-controllers.cmd" here:
To speed even more the use of the script, you can create a shortcut to it (with specified its working folder), and then put that shortcut into the "Send to" submenu ("%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo").
So, just right-clicking the game executable and selecting "Send to" -> "setup-controllers.cmd" will do all the work.
Now I disabled the STEAM controllers managements, and with the use of x360ce, I have exactly the same configuration in every game I want, inside and outside of the STEAM framework (and even with the same game installed from 2 different stores).
What are those libraries/programs ?
devreorder is a modified library to keep your controllers in the order that you want.
x360ce is a library that will make your controllers be recognized as XBOX 360 gamepads, making them compatible with most of the games out there.
Why to use them together ?
x360ce has a limit of 4 devices, the first 4 devices of the system, so if you want to use the 5, you just can't... unless devreorder is loaded to configure the 5 as one of the previous ones, like the 3.
What is this script for ?
Those libraries/programs and their configurations, to work, must be present in the folder where the game executable is in.
Also, must be installed the right version of them, considering the architecture of the game to be launched (x86, if 32bit or x64, if 64bit).
This must be made for every single game where you want to use these configurations... so it could become pretty repetitive.
This Batch script will do this:
1) Check the architecture of the executable
2) Copy the right libraries and the configurations to the game folder (where the executable is in)
3) Launch x360ce for the final configuration (and the creation of its own DLL)
I will release only the install script, so the other programs\libraries must be obtained from the respective sites (to follow).
The custom configurations must be created the first time by hand, so refer to the respective programs documentation for that.
(Both programs could be made to work system-wide with some workaround, but this script was made to use them as portable as them could be.)
The script requires to be in a folder with this structure:
│ setup-controllers.cmd
│ sigcheck.exe
│ devreorder.ini
│ x360ce.ini
│ dinput8.dll
│ x360ce_x64.exe
Links to required programs/libraries:
Sigcheck (from the Microsoft site) (it is needed just the 32bit executable).
x360ce (32bit and 64bit)
devreorder (both the "dinput8.dll" can be found in the "release" folder of the git project)
C:\setup-controllers>setup-controllers.cmd "c:\games\Steam\steamapps\common\Rise of the Tomb Raider\ROTTR.exe"
Filename = "c:\games\Steam\steamapps\common\Rise of the Tomb Raider\ROTTR.exe"
Directory = c:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Rise of the Tomb Raider\
2 files copied.
2 files copied.
You can find the script "setup-controllers.cmd" here:

PowerGod / Various Game Tools · GitLab
Utilities for downloading and managing games.

To speed even more the use of the script, you can create a shortcut to it (with specified its working folder), and then put that shortcut into the "Send to" submenu ("%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo").
So, just right-clicking the game executable and selecting "Send to" -> "setup-controllers.cmd" will do all the work.
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