Cleaning Under Gp32 Transparent Screen


Jan 28, 2004
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Hello folks,

I was playing a good old game of Tennis on an unknown NES emulator on my GP32 and was having a good game (ie: i was winning!). Then i was about to volley the ball back from the opponents serve when, to my horror, i completely missed the ball. I was left stunned by this blasphmous outrage that i had missed a simple shot. I couldn't work out why this monstrosity happened when i suddenly noticed i had a little bit of dust/dirt at the bottom corner of the screen, i fainted with surprise. When i recovered, i was certain that this was responsible for my missed shot. I would now like to know if it would be possible for me to open up my GP32 and just clean the otherside of the transparent screen. In order to avoid this tragedy again, or i may not be so lucky next time.

:P It was definately the dirt's fault. Same question as CU_Amiga as I have some white specks of dust or something underneth the sceen and I'm afraid to unscrew the thing in case something goes wrong after the gba-falling-down-the-stairs fiasco :D .
It's not quite as easy as the FAQ makes the other side of the grey rim has very stick stuff on it....and you will probably dent the plastic slightly....but good luck :P
The grey cover is basicly just stuck with double-sided sticky tape. Just be very carefull and gentle and you won't have a problem. I'd suggest you use a thin but wide tool (a small screwdriver will do more damage because all pressure will be on a small spot). Good luck :)
:> When I was on my way to removin some dust particles my cat suddenly attacked my feets. I slipped with the screwdriver and scratched the second screen witch cant be replaced.. not a big scratch but it was Very annoying..
Hasnt feed the cat since... hehe ;)

Good Luck!
Btw, any tips how to remov All dust particles.. had problems with that and gott still some dust particles left :(
It looks like many have this problem. Anyway how does it affect the machine? Is it hard to see on the screen? Maybe someone can upload a picture?
you can use air-spray (you can buy it in computer stores). its actually used to blow away dust from microelectronic devices.
but be careful, sometime a liquid comes with the air, it depends on the angle/how you hold the air-can.
Dust underneath the top screen is a real problem with the GP32. It's worse if you have a FLU for two reasons - first, it's more obvious, and second, with the gold strip at the bottom (making the bottom surface uneven), and the hole for the light cable, it's almost impossible to prevent dust re-entering after you've replaced the top screen, unless you do the following :-
with grey cover and top screen removed, remove the double sided tape and replace it with a thin strip of UHU White Tack (like BluTac only far superior) all the way round the outside and particularily over the FLU cable hole. Under low static conditions, use a camera lens brush or similar to clear any dust from the lcd/ flu screen and the underside of the topscreen before quickly replacing the topscreen and grey cover.
You won't have any more dust problems. I would highly recommend a glass topscreen available from one of the contributors to this forum.
Damnable dirt. Escaping into the recesses of your GP32 before you could give it a jolly good thrashing.

On a more serious note. The Air duster mentioned by 0-bake works a treat just hold the can upright. The liquid mentioned is the compressed gas. It's in a liquid state under pressure. Be careful as it is sub zero. I have actually had my hand frozen to a can when I've used a load of this stuff at work. Not sure what extreme cold would do to the GP32. I would suggest leaving the GP32 for 30 minutes at room temprature to warm up before switching it on if you accidently spray liquid gas into the case as using it straight away would cause a rapid change in heat that would almost certainly damage it.