Clean Up Members

Akuma no Houkon

Certified Guru
Mar 4, 2004
USA > Washington > Everett
Did you know there are 825 members on this forum that have ZERO posts? Just empty ghost members.

Anyone with access ever plan on deleting most of these?

On the forums I run, if someone doesnt post atleast once in 7 days after registering, I automatically delete their account. (because I dislike member lists filled with 0 post count users...)

Just something I noticed. It would be nice to have the user list nice and clean.
Um ... yeah. I guess. I don't post here often, mostly due to my job keeping me busy sometimes, but I do try to pop in and offer my useless views on all things GP32 :)
I dont mean the people that dont post often, I mean simply the 825 that have ZERO posts on the board. This means they registered an account and never posted. (some forums even have auto cleaning functions that will keep the accounts clean automatically).

I doubt anyone will care or do anything about it, but it would be nice to see that list get cleaned up. 2800 members is a little misleading when over 800 of them havent had a single post (this doesnt count the hundreds that only have 1 - 5 posts, just those with absolutly none.).
I'd have to agree with you. Why bother wasting the time signing up for something if you don't even use it? Let somebody else have the user name or just free up the space. Some people I just don't understand. :rolleyes:
I joined 17 October 03... I got my GP32 in December... my first post was in March this year... I would have had to rejoin if the one month no post rule was in place.

Also I imagine a lot of members have very minimal english skills and others would be members just for downloading from the Beta testing forum.

Besides I think the more members the better we can use it to crudely gage how many GP32 owners are out there.

But hey what the hell do I know... ;)
On the forums I run, if someone doesnt post atleast once in 7 days after registering, I automatically delete their account. (because I dislike member lists filled with 0 post count users...)
I didn't know you were a admin because you have not a "Team Member" pic?!
You only have "GP32 Developper" so why?
I don't understant anything in this forum about levels... :)
Drumaster posted on Apr 9 2004 at 08:18 AM said:
On the forums I run, if someone doesnt post atleast once in 7 days after registering, I automatically delete their account. (because I dislike member lists filled with 0 post count users...)
I didn't know you were a admin because you have not a "Team Member" pic?!
You only have "GP32 Developper" so why?
I don't understant anything in this forum about levels... :)
He never said he runs THESE boards.
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Perhaps many of the people who register don't need to post? They tend to be the ones you don't need to say things like "try 'search'" or "read the pinned threads" :P
Bohica posted on Apr 9 2004 at 08:45 AM said:
Perhaps many of the people who register don't need to post? They tend to be the ones you don't need to say things like "try 'search'" or "read the pinned threads" :P
You dont need to register to look arround the forums.

You could easily send a PM or email to these people (mass mail through the forum admin functions) and say, "If you have a 0 post account, it will be deleted in one week if I dont hear from you" (this could be sent to everyone and the non 0 post count people can easily disregard the message). Then if they are using it for downloading from the beta forum, or something else, then they will reply so you dont delete their account.

However, the # of people that applies to, is probably about 5 in the 825. I have run my own forums for many years and never once had someone post a message, email, or PM me, or anything about a 0 post count membership being deleted. I doubt there are but a few in 825 that actually use the forums but never have posted. And those few probably used the forum once to search something and have never been back.
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If i were the forum admin, i'd be compulsed to remove them... ...but just because i hate a mess. a user however, does it really matter?

like are there not enough userIDs? or are these records taking up heaps of table space?

I was one of the few ppl to beta ICQ, well the 1st big public beta anyways.. My ICQ UIN was 805 (or was it 802?). FWIW, the service was a dog for the first 2 or 3 months and kinda got sick of it and stopped using it. A few months later mirabilis emailed me and warned me that my account was going to be purged thru lack of use. So i thought i'd give it another try, oddly enough i noticed my UIN was pretty kewl, most ppl had big 5 digit UINs. Thinking i was pretty special, I loved to give out my UIN to people, who'd all ask where were the other 2 digits etc etc.... but in Mirabillis saw fit to purge us anyway, without warning... I emailed them and was told i had to rejoin, there was no chance to get my UIN back and that all UINs less than a certain number were purged for some sort of technical reason. needless to say I didn't rejoin... and won't ever in the future...
...very off topic, but the thread reminded me of it, so there it is....

hmmm... what about people that are regged and check the boards often without actually posting? okay, they don't NEED the account, but I think it'd be insulting them just deleting..
I read this board regularly but this is the first time i've posted. I got an account so I could read the beta testing forum.

Well i've posted now so i don't need to worry :)
hmmm... what about people that are regged and check the boards often without actually posting? okay, they don't NEED the account, but I think it'd be insulting them just deleting..

Well if you sent that email out that I suggested, anyone who comes to the forum to look and not post can just simply reply to the email saying they are still active and not to delete them. A simple solution.
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 9 2004 at 09:29 AM said:
hmmm... what about people that are regged and check the boards often without actually posting? okay, they don't NEED the account, but I think it'd be insulting them just deleting..

Well if you sent that email out that I suggested, anyone who comes to the forum to look and not post can just simply reply to the email saying they are still active and not to delete them. A simple solution.
Yeah that's a better plan, just a once a year spring clean would do it. I don't mind people lurking, so long as there is someone actually there. (god knows I don't want everyone to post, can you imagine how many more: 'can you port this' and 'how about a GBA emu...' posts we would get?) The number does show how much interest there is in the GP though, and even an indication of how many users.
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Don't forget, there are more benefits to being a registered user than just being able to post. As vaulty pointed out, you can only access the beta forum if you are registered. There is also the 'View New Posts' and 'Mark all posts as read' functions that only work for registered users. If I'd never posted here you would be depriving me of these functions which would eventually frustrate me to the point that I'd never visit here again.
I am thinking about purging 0-post members very often. But as someone wrote - sometimes people just dont have need to take part in any discussion. They just read forum, use Beta testing forum etc. Maybe in future they will post maybe not. I dont know. I try to catch all those typical "fmsajbf ksdaj" acounts and delete them asap but i dont see a need (yet) to remove 0-post accounts as for example, i haver an account on korean board - and i havent post any single post there as i dont know korean, but this account is needed to chweck if there any new releases (maybe now they are not active much, but earlier it was one of the main sources of new tools and pd games)
woogal posted on Apr 9 2004 at 10:11 AM said:
Don't forget, there are more benefits to being a registered user than just being able to post. As vaulty pointed out, you can only access the beta forum if you are registered. There is also the 'View New Posts' and 'Mark all posts as read' functions that only work for registered users. If I'd never posted here you would be depriving me of these functions which would eventually frustrate me to the point that I'd never visit here again.
Woogal hits the point I was itching to make and one that most of you have ignored. 'View New Posts' is sure as hell a lot nicer than going to every forum each time you visit the boards and looking for new posts. Even if I didn't post here, I'd want those features and as far as I know Hando pays nothing extra to hold these accounts, they're just database entries. Don't let your quest for perfection ruin the enjoyment of many of our lurkers.
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