Classic PC Games that have been ported to consoles.


Very Active Member
Dec 21, 2012
Hello Guys,

I'm trying to make a list of the PC titles that have been ported or released to consoles.

The idea is that, their interface is optimized (more or less) for a game pad instead of mouse and keyboard,

And they can be played more easy by using console emulator instead of Dos Box, on the Pandora/Pyra or on a Phone with clamping game pad. (I am using Note 3 with IPEGA PG-9025)

Here is the list so far, the best ports are bolded. The ports that are way to different from the original are RED.


Diablo - PSX 

Darkstone - PSX

Jagged Alliance 1 - NDS

Eye Of Beholder - SEGA CD, SNES, GBA

Uncharted Waters - SNES, Genesis 

Uncharted Waters - SNES, Genesis 


X-COM: Terror from the Deep - PSX

Ultima 3 - NES

Ultima 4 - SEGA Master System, NES

Ultima 5 - NES

Ultima 6 - SNES

The Bard's Tale - NES

Pool of Radiance - NES

Might and Magic - NES, PC-Engine

Might and Magic 2 - Genesis, SNES, PC-Engine

Might and Magic 2 - Genesis, SEGA-CD, SNES, PC-Engine

Wizardry - NES, PC-Engine, GBC, SNES

Wizardry 2 - NES

Wizardry 3 - NES, GBC

Wizardry 5 - SNES

Wizardry 6 - SNES

Wizardry 7 - PSX


Dune 2 - SEGA Genesis

Dune 2000 - PSX

War Craft 2 - PSX

Starcraft - N64

C&C Tiberian Dawn - PSX, N64

C&C Red Alert 1 (+ Expansions) - PSX


Warzone 2100 - PSX



Panzer General - PSX

Allied General - PSX

Civilization - SNES

Civilization 2 - PSX

Heroes Of Might and Magic 2.5 - GBC (It is a strange mix between HoMM 2 and 3)

Operation Europe: Path to Victory - SNES, Genesis 

Worms - Genesis, PSX, SNES, 

Worms Armageddon - PSX, N64, Dreamcast

Worms World Party - PSX, GBA, Dreamcast


Wolfenstein 3D - GBA, SNES


DooM 2 - PSX, GBA

Hexen - N64, PSX

Duke Nukem 3D - PSX, N64

Quake 2 - N64,PSX 

Quake 3 - Dremcast

Daikatana - N64, GBC

Forsaken - PSX, N64

Descent - PSX

Descent 2 - PSX





Test Drive 4 - PSX

Test Drive 5 - PSX

Test Drive 6 - PSX



GTA London 1969 - PSX

Cannon Fodder - Genesis, GBC

Blackthorne - SNES, SEGA 32X, GBA

MDK2 - Dreamcast

Prince Of Persia - NES, SEGA Master System, SEGA CD, SNES, Genesis, GBC

Prince Of Persia 2 - SNES


Lemmings - NES, SNES, Genesis , Sega Master System, PSX, GBC, NDS, PSP

The Lost Vikings - PSX, Genesis, SNES, GBA

The Lost Vikings 2 - SNES, PSX


Alone in The Dark 2 - PSX

Alone in The Dark: The New Nightmare - PSX, Dreamcast, GBC 
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - PSX
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror - PSX


Feel free to contribute :)
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Maybe you should add the official Quake 3 version for Dreamcast. (I believe there was also one for PS2). However, DC games are know to run on the Pandora (more or less).

The next thing is that there are homebrew ports of DOOM and Quake 1 for all systems and the controls are optimized. I don't know if this really fits in this list, but I would think about it.


Let's add GTA and GTA London 1969 (both PSX) to the list.
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Thanks N3Cr0, both GTA Games are added :)

I believe there are several PC Games released/ported for DC... I shall investigate! :P

BTW, what is the situation with the DC emulation on the Pandora at this moment? I do not own a Pandora but I will try Reicast for Android... ;)

@ekianjo, Dune 2 for the Genesis is a excellent port, and the controls are flawlessly Implemented,

there is even a option to control more then one unit on the move, and all of that is performed with the original 3 button controller :)

The only difference with the PC version is the camera angle (on the Genesis is truly top down), and the Light Factory and the Heavy Factory are combined into one building.

All other units and buildings have the same functionality. I Used to play both versions to death back in the days :) After all, the Genesis is way underpowered then a PC with VGA from the 386/486 era, so I think they manage to do a very nice job with this port:) 

BTW, Also added Cannon Fodder ( Genesis) to the list  :wub:
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Duke Nukem 64 is not a direct port. It has different levels and is a third person game.

Edit: I think I confused it with Zero Hour...
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Duke Nukem 64 is not a direct port. It has different levels and is a third person game.

You probably mean Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for the N64 :)

Duke Nukem 64 is exactly a Duke Nukem 3D port, but I didn't highlighted it because it is censored  :)
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All other units and buildings have the same functionality. I Used to play both versions to death back in the days :) After all, the Genesis is way underpowered then a PC with VGA from the 386/486 era, so I think they manage to do a very nice job with this port:)
The view is too narrow on the Genesis, you can't have the same level of strategy when you are stuck looking at ants on the ground :P

BTW, Also added Cannon Fodder ( Genesis) to the list :wub:
Cannon Fodder is not a PC game, it's an AMiga game in the first place, and it really plays better with a mouse :)
Interesting topic, thank you.

I'd add Ultima IV - Sega Master System

(I've been playing it lately, and the interface and somewhat improved graphics make it enjoyable. Moreover, being able to pick keywords during conversations in a menu is a nice addition, instead of having to type random words with the keyboard)
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@ekianjo, believe me dude, you should try the Genesis Dune, :)

The spirit of the original game is definitely there, and it is way more playable on a modern hand held device then the original :)

I agree that CF is actually a bad port in terms of interface, There is also a GBC release :) . I only played it on a PC. :D

@Michoko, Thank you for the Ultima 4 SMS port. It is highlighted and I will try it for sure :)

According to the web, this port is superior to the NES one, and it is closer to the original. 

The other Ultimas are also added.


The Bard's Tale - NES

Pool of Radiance - NES

Might and Magic - NES, PC-Engine

Might and Magic 2 - Genesis, SNES, PC-Engine

Might and Magic 2 - Genesis, SEGA-CD, SNES, PC-Engine

Wizardry - NES, PC-Engine, GBC, SNES

Wizardry 2 - NES

Wizardry 3 - NES, GBC

Wizardry 5 - SNES

Wizardry 6 - SNES

Wizardry 7 - PSX 

I never played any of those (I do not like first person RPGs :D ), It will be great if somebody know them in details and share some information about their ports. 

Don't be shy guys, Lets build this list   :wub:
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Any list like this needs to have Worms and Lemmings on. Not that the console ports of those games are generally worth playing, but the same could be said for pretty much any RTS.
The spirit of the original game is definitely there, and it is way more playable on a modern hand held device then the original :)
I bet you didn't try Dune Dynasty ? Because on Pandora it's way more playable than the Genesis version :)

Don't be shy guys, Lets build this list :wub:
It would be great to mention if the game is identical on consoles vs PCs, because most PC games converted to consoles were dumbed down in one way or another (either performance wise or contents wise)
Here are also some adventure games, like:

- Alone In The Dark - PSX

- Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - PSX

- Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror - PSX
I was going to say MIDI Maze/Faceball 2000, but since you only want "PC games" I have nothing.  There was a Commander Keen for Game Boy Color.  I think it was a completely different game than the others, not a port.

Oh, wait:  

Daikatana - N64 & GBC (although GBC is likely a different game entirely)

Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force - PS2

I may have more later this week if I have time and decide not to be too lazy to check my collection.
I am thinking not to add the PS2 ports because a flawless PS2 emulation on a mobile devices is still several years ahead.

Also, the ports that are completely different are now RED :)

I think, it will be nice to add a Green color to the ports which are only slightly different to the original... (tnx ekianjo for the note)  but I will do that later.    ;)

The following games are added to the list: :)


Worms - Genesis, PSX, SNES,
Worms Armageddon - PSX, N64, Dreamcast
Worms World Party - PSX, GBA, Dreamcast


Quake 3 - Dremcast (there are better ways to play the original Q3 then the DC port but meh  :D )
Daikatana - N64, GBC
Forsaken - PSX, N64
Descent - PSX
Descent 2 - PSX


Blackthorne - SNES, SEGA 32X, GBA
MDK2 - Dreamcast
Prince Of Persia - NES, SEGA Master System, SEGA CD, SNES, Genesis, GBC
Prince Of Persia 2 - SNES


Lemmings - NES, SNES, Genesis , Sega Master System, PSX, GBC, NDS, PSP
The Lost Vikings - PSX, Genesis, SNES, GBA
The Lost Vikings 2 - SNES, PSX


Alone in The Dark 2 - PSX
Alone in The Dark: The New Nightmare - PSX, Dreamcast, GBC
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - PSX
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror - PSX
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I haven't played the Playstation version but there is one available for that outstanding PC game:

Little big adventure

The genre would be zelda-like or action-adventure.
Sierra's NASCAR Racing has been ported to the PSX ... I tried it once but thought it was pretty bad. Something was very odd about the controls ... can't really remember what it was, just that it made it unplayable for me.