Best Videogame Soundtracks

Monty On The Run (c64)
Savage (Amiga)
IK+ (Amiga)
Goldrunner (Atari ST)
Xenon (Atari ST)
Mr Robot (Atari 800)
The Tail of Beta Lyrae (Atari 800)

2 many 2 list

Ringo posted on Oct 6 2005 at 06:00 PM said:
I completely agree that the soundtrack of games are VERY important for the entire game experience.
I've found that most "good" games from my childhood has been totally distorted by the fact that the music was so captivating and mood-setting, that the gameplay apparently didn't have anything to say :)

Mind you - my childhood game-memories are from Commodore 64, which pretty much was MASTER of game-music in the 80'es. Most of the music from the arcade-versions doesn't top the soundtrack on the C64-versions.

Many of the games I spent most of my childhood on, I didn't even know what I was supposed to do in... Most of those I still don't :lol:
- But the music just plainly set the mood...


That's all I can remember just on top of my head - But my point hopefully came through: - A good soundtrack can hide all flaws B)

HAHAHAHA! Good, Ringo! Well, I don't remember bad games with good music... I am sure there are some, but I don't remember them now...

Wait Wait! Stormlord has a great opening music, great gfx, but really boring gameplay!
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I cant really think of many great soundtracks off the top of my head right night...
However Goldeneye 007 (N64) has an outstanding score of original yet familar sounding theme songs for each mission that immerse you into the world of James Bond better than I think anyone but rare could have pulled off.

My other choice would be Deus Ex(PC), the music in this game was so amazing it still remains a part of my Mp3 collection, I really couldnt imagine a score more suited to cyberpunk world of JC Denton.

Theres probably a million more great soundtracks that I cant think of right now mainly because unfortunatly I tend to play games like Battlefield 2 far too much these days :(
one of the best has got to be the streets of rage 2 soundtrack. it's hard to believe that the tunes in that game were made for that little genny game. another great from those days was the sonic 2/1(sms) soundtrack.
one of my favorite recent game soundtracks is psyvariar 2's. can't think of any more now..
My favourites are:

Spyro the Dragon (PS1)
Stardust (Amiga)
Chaos Engine (Amiga)
Doom / Doom II (PC)
Little Big Adventure (PC)
Superfrog (Amiga)
Shadow of the Beast (Amiga)
Screamer 2 (PC)
Gods-Into the wonderful (Amiga)
Pinball Fantasies (Amiga)
Starfox (SNES)
Cannon Fodder - War has never been so much fun (Amiga)
Lemmings (Amiga)
Monkey Island (Amiga)

EDIT: STARDUST has got to be one of the BEST pieces Amiga game music ever, from a musicians point of view of what can be done on the Amiga, it's totally amazing.
Grim Fandango
Monkey Island
Little Big Adventure
Final Fantasy (most of them are really listenable)
Sonic R
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure
Daytona USA 2: Battle On The Edge
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Timesplitters 2
Beyond Good & Evil
F-Zero GX
Road Rash II
Sega Touring Car Championship
Christmas Nights
Daytona USA

Looking at that list it suprises me that nearly every game was produced or published by Sega.