Best Videogame Soundtracks

Flipside posted on Oct 11 2005 at 12:05 PM said:
Sonic R
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure
Daytona USA 2: Battle On The Edge
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Timesplitters 2
Beyond Good & Evil
F-Zero GX
Road Rash II
Sega Touring Car Championship
Christmas Nights
Daytona USA

Looking at that list it suprises me that nearly every game was produced or published by Sega.

Maybe you like the Sega style :)
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Megaman X
any Jazz Jackrabbit game
Blaster Master
Gradius 3

i cant really remember what most game soundtracks even sounded like :P
Some favorites of mine:

Mechwarrior 2 (PC)
Return to Zork (PC)
Wolfenstein 3d (PC)
Zoids (C64)
Agent USA (C64)
Space Hulk (PC)
Outcast (PC)
Ultima series (various platforms)
hmm there are so many but its hard to list them all, but i think those are my favorits

Shenmue: awesome atmosphere!!
Zelda Ocarina of Time, Zelda windwaker and most others too ;)
Rayman (PC/PSX): Just Great!
Sonic Adventures
most Tales of ... Games

just read through the other posts again and.. argh there are so many!!
have to add monkey island to the list (CD Version just sounds great)
like many other scumm games too (the dig, Indiana Jones)
Zonked (X-it) (Amiga)
Magic Pockets (Amiga)
Pinball Illusions title music (Amiga)
Thunderforce 4 title music (MD)
Thunderforce 4 sprite level music (MD)
Goldenaxe level one music (SMS)
Sonic 1 Bridge zone music (SMS)
Sonic 1 Jungle zone music (SMS)
Monty on the run (prefer the SAM Coupe version of the music (6 channels :)))
Fire and ice title music (Amiga)
Stardust Tunnel music (Amiga)

And loads more i just can`t think of at the moment.

Sonic-NKT posted on Oct 15 2005 at 11:03 AM said:
Zelda Ocarina of Time

Wow, how could I misss OOT off my list? The Forest Temple was simply amazing.
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The original Jet Set Radio had the best soundtrack ever.
I quite liked Red Alert back in the day.
Cannon Fodder must be mentioned for its theme tune.

Also good for mention though it wasn't original is the first Tony Hawks game for being the first game of note to feature a good array of licensed stuff (yeah there were ones before it but it REALLY started it)