City Building Games ,also Castlevania help pls


CEO of KeklysKekware™ and KekCorp™
Apr 4, 2017
I have a fetish for city building and micro managing games.

if you know any please comment below

(i already know animal crossing)

Also castlevania symphony of the night , I cant find legally acquire a ROM file that works with psxreARMed
, all files Ive found are .bin.ecm's not .bin and .ecm files
In future, please ensure you post off-topic posts.. in off-topic.

Also.. We do NOT provide ROM files, how to find said ROM files.. You need to own the CD and rip it.
Corsix-TH, it's quite old though and I can't be bothered updating the Pandora version :(

I've already done the nitty gritty, we just need a binary for the pyra and it'll be good to go!
fetish for city building
If you haven't already, start with SimCity (up to 4), Cities XL and XXL, or Cities Skylines.
You might also like RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, OpenRCT (RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 and 2 rewrite project allowing multiplayer and stuff) and PlanetCoaster.
Game Dev Tycoon, Mad Games Tycoon and GamersGoMakers are all solid management games. Own all three, recommend starting with GDT if you want it accessible then/or MGT. GGM isn't polished enough for me to recommend it.
And if you never tried The Sims, I think it's one of those games every core gamer should have tried at least once in their lives. Especially the first one IMHO, as it is a great piece of PC gaming history.

These are some sim-games from the top of my head. I didn't play them all, but can stand behind each and every one of the list.
I don't know if you're looking for Pandora or console games, so as you're asking for sim-builders I assumed PC.

Edit : Oh and OpenTTD is a great choice too, plus it's free, multiplatform and runs on a coffee grinder.
Nobody mentioned Mobility? I remember this game in late 1990s/early 2000s because it had, and probably still has, the best traffic network model. Where it was easily possible to figure the communication model out in e.g. SimCity games these times, and it was possible to easily go with it, in Mobility the model was complex and there were so many factors (you could even control one-ways and zones) that it was a real puzzle.