Certain Features Wanted On A Gba Emu...


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Nov 10, 2007
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I don't know if anybody is planning on a GBA emulator, but just in case they are, I'd like to see these:

1. Box shot previews of the game (80 x 80 image of the box with the same name as the ROM placed in the ROM directory)

2. no savestates needed for conventional saving - I don't know about anybody else but gpsp on my GP2X doesn't work If I save it normally, as I would on a GBA. I don't know why this is....

3. Bios shows before the ROM plays - Just for authenticity :)

4. Emulated cable connection via the wifi/bluetooth/USB, if you know what I'm going on about (perhaps with the pokémon games you could trade with yourself somehow...

post yours, too. I'd like to see what everybody else wants :)
1. i suppose you could make a preview directory in which you'd place pngs with the game identifiers as file names

2. agreed

3. don't care

4. that would be a neat feature indeed

what I also want to see in emulators is custom key mapping and of course some sort of cheat system. Support for VBA savestates would be sweet too.
jakshep2 said:
I don't know if anybody is planning on a GBA emulator, but just in case they are, I'd like to see these:

1. Box shot previews of the game (80 x 80 image of the box with the same name as the ROM placed in the ROM directory)

2. no savestates needed for conventional saving - I don't know about anybody else but gpsp on my GP2X doesn't work If I save it normally, as I would on a GBA. I don't know why this is....

3. Bios shows before the ROM plays - Just for authenticity :)

4. Emulated cable connection via the wifi/bluetooth/USB, if you know what I'm going on about (perhaps with the pokémon games you could trade with yourself somehow...

post yours, too. I'd like to see what everybody else wants :)
If you plan on trading with yourself to clone pokemon, dont bother. There are programs to hack anything you want into your saved game. PM me if you want mine.
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I think that he did mean that, but he also asked about trading with himself, so I figured that he means on the same pandora. Either way, I he did ask me for the tools, so he must have meant something along those lines. :)
Pandora's not even out yet, much less the emulators in question on them, and people are already doing wish lists to Santa Clause :/ Somehow feature requests sometimes have this bad effect of making me want to do the things even less ;P

1) Easy to do I guess....

2) gpSP does support this, it says so in the readme, if it doesn't work for you it's a bug, report a bug in the appropriate way instead (what game doesn't work, what you're doing exactly) so that it can be reproduced and fixed.

3) Sorry but this is dumb, although it's easy to add, people are going to want a move away from needing the BIOS, not towards it.

4) Is much harder than you think, unless someone else with another Pandora and a ton of experience in both emulation and net code wants to help me with it then I don't think it's going to happen.
The GBA link is really fast, too, and too many games rely on not having any much latency to implement wireless multiplay.
[offtopic]I'd like to see topics like this to be located in the general section.

Maybe I need some clarification, but while I don't mind non-devs contributing to the dev section, non-devs starting request topics in the dev section is just rude.[/offtopic]

I'd love to see quick save/load features. :D
I think optional control schemes would be nice. Think back to Super Mario All Stars - you could have

also, you could map Turbos to X & Y (using the SNES names since no answer ever came to what the buttons will be called - but whatever buttons are in the top and left positions).


chad78 said:
I think optional control schemes would be nice. Think back to Super Mario All Stars - you could have

also, you could map Turbos to X & Y (using the SNES names since no answer ever came to what the buttons will be called - but whatever buttons are in the top and left positions).


I think it'd also be cool if it had savestates, the ability to reset the game, and the ability to select other ROMs while you're in the middle of playing. Also would be great if it played GBA ROMs.

If you don't understand what I'm getting at, a lot of the "suggestions" here are totally obvious things. I could understand asking for them if the emulator was released and it didn't have it, but until then maybe hold off a little.. honestly people.. >_>

They're also already in the GP2X version of gpSP, and you don't need a GP2X to find this out, just gotta check out the readme.
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Exophase said:
They're also already in the GP2X version of gpSP, and you don't need a GP2X to find this out, just gotta check out the readme.
How do I emulate the "README" ROM though? It just crashes when I try. Better fix that on your Pandora version. ;P
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Could you also emulate the cartridge slot?
I can't seem to get my cartridges into the gp2x... maybe fix that for the Pandora.
Exophase said:
If you don't understand what I'm getting at, a lot of the "suggestions" here are totally obvious things. I could understand asking for them if the emulator was released and it didn't have it, but until then maybe hold off a little.. honestly people.. >_>
I was basing my suggestion on the limited way the DS handles GBA games - you can only use the A and B buttons. If using all 4 buttons is somehow "standard" already - great. I've never seen much less used a GP** so, I'm just sharing what I know. Sorry if that somehow upset you.
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quasist said:
N.Executing code from VRAM
... maybe it will fix the Sword Of Mana
Where does Sword of Mana execute code from VRAM? I've played a lot of it from recompiler and have yet to see a place where this would happen (it'd generate a "bad jump" if it did).. or are you just assuming this?

You do know that Sword of Mana requires the REAL BIOS, right.. if you have the broken beta one then it'll break the game. Maybe that's your problem instead.

The model I have now supports executing code from VRAM though.

chad78; You're comparing an emulator to backwards compatibility in a handheld, they aren't the same thing, and it's very sensible why one would have features like this and the other wouldn't. I take it you haven't used a lot of emulators?
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