Release Cavez of phear


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Cavez of Phear is a little text-mode remake of the old Boulderdash. It features only 12 levels, but include a level editor to make your own.

Ported from ncurses to PDCurses with SDL, for better fullscreen.

 Default control are customized also, with (X) for Bomb and ( B) to trigger.

History log


Build 01


  • Initial release
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Menu appears with options but no buttons work to start game. I tried every button. and every button with fn . :unsure:

I can quit with Q /fn  :)

Only d-pad works for scrolling.  :(  cannot set controls.

In appdata I have 2 folders...home ..which is empty and controls config which as the folllowing numbers;;;   259,119,258,115,260,97,261,100,338,98,347,116,114,107,109
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Menu appears with options but no buttons work to start game. I tried every button. and every button with fn . :unsure:

I can quit with Q /fn  :)

Only d-pad works for scrolling.  :(  cannot set controls.

In appdata I have 2 folders...home ..which is empty and controls config which as the folllowing numbers;;;   259,119,258,115,260,97,261,100,338,98,347,116,114,107,109
You should be able to validate menu with "Enter", and quit with Shift-Q.
Menu appears with options but no buttons work to start game. I tried every button. and every button with fn . :unsure:

I can quit with Q /fn  :)

Only d-pad works for scrolling.  :(  cannot set controls.

In appdata I have 2 folders...home ..which is empty and controls config which as the folllowing numbers;;;   259,119,258,115,260,97,261,100,338,98,347,116,114,107,109
You should be able to validate menu with "Enter", and quit with Shift-Q.
Sorry but ENTER does not buttons seem to. ,,and I tried this on 2 Pandoras.

new game..load game..level select....etc...i can scroll there but no buttons work to activate. :wacko:

nubs do not work either.

I can quit with Q/FN.

Before the main menu there is a brief window that reads...going  back to default key bindings.
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Menu appears with options but no buttons work to start game. I tried every button. and every button with fn . :unsure:

I can quit with Q /fn  :)

Only d-pad works for scrolling.  :(  cannot set controls.

In appdata I have 2 folders...home ..which is empty and controls config which as the folllowing numbers;;;   259,119,258,115,260,97,261,100,338,98,347,116,114,107,109
You should be able to validate menu with "Enter", and quit with Shift-Q.
Sorry but ENTER does not buttons seem to. ,,and I tried this on 2 Pandoras.

new game..load game..level select....etc...i can scroll there but no buttons work to activate. :wacko:

nubs do not work either.

I can quit with Q/FN.

Before the main menu there is a brief window that reads...going  back to default key bindings.
The "going back to default key binding" is normal, happens at the creation of the folder. I still don't understand. I tested it on all my Pandora, lauching from xfce or minimenu, clean install (even downloaded it from the repo), and it worked each time :unsure:  .

Oh, and I just tested: "q" is enough to quit, no need for Shift or FN (will modify repo comment of keys).
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This game will not even load for me with newest firmware... ...before I at least saw the menu screen. B)

oh well can't win them all ..aye :(

Maybe an update? Maybe I am the only weird one here.  :wacko:   :blink: ???

All my other pnd's work fine since the update of firmware. super zaxxon 1.54 3.2 kernal w/xfce menu.
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