Castaway/gp 14.0 Released!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Hot off the presses in time for Christmas :)

Someone with a new BLU+ unit let me know if this fixes the problem where the top line of the ST display would be on the bottom line of the BLU+ display..

Release 14.0
NEW: Added support for 144MHz option in Adjust Configuration screens
NEW: Added config variable for setting the clock speed from a config file
(ie: You can set it in default.cnf for kicking off the emu, or you can
set it in loaded .cnf files from button presses etc.)
key: clock-speed
values: as of version 14.0...
0 66MHz, 1 99MHz, 2 132MHz, 3 144MHz, 4 150MHz, 5 156MHz, 6 160MHz,
7 166MHz,
One of these days I'll alter it so you specify the clock rate itself :)
NEW: Added config variable to say "I'm a blue plus" to fix LCD
key: bluplus
value: 1 (blu+) or 0(blu/flu)
NEW: Added option to Adjust Configuration to toggle BLU+ setting on and off
o someone use this to tell me if it fixes the BLU+ LCD issue or not :)
(For CaSTaway/GP I understand its only a problem of beginning rendering on
the bottom pixel row instead of the top one)
NEW: Updated manual to reflect these changes (its still not a perfect manual,
but good enough ;)

More to come as well; 14.1 should be along when I get a spare moment (afer XMas?), to have savestates for each game disk (rather than a total amount for the whole emu.)

Hello Skeezix,

thank you very much for your new version, but unfortunately I have a sad news for you and for all BLU+ users. Your BLU+ option doesnt fix that scan line bug.
When I turn it on, then whole screen moves one line up ... but the line at the bottom stays there. The size of screen stays the same and the bottom line of the Castaway screen (just above that black area for virtual keyboard) doesnt move either when BLU+ option is ON/OFF.

Hope this helps a bit. Keep my fingers crossed...
Perhaps it is fixing the problem, but just not clearing that last row so whatever was rendered there just happens to stay there?

Oh, wait, I may be shifting the wrong way. /me wraps his head around the rotation of the GP32 display.

I think I should be pushing the display down a line when in BLU+ mode, instead of up.

If so, I guess I can make that for 14.1 tomorrow morning ;)


edit: Tomorrow? Right now! The XMas party can wait!
It kinda works, and kinda not .... will try to explain.

When BLU+ option is ON, then the screen moves one line down. The last scan line bug is gone ... what was it there moves at the position of the 1st line. BUT, the last line above black area for virtual keyboard moves down at the position where was that bugged scan line .... and EVEN it copies itself up above the 1st line.

It looks a bit strange, I'd take pictures of it to help you , but cant upload them anywhere as my public account has been shoot down :(
Woa, okay, that hurts my brain.

Take some pics and send them to so I can see whats going on.

Take the same pick (if you can :) with both BLU+ mode on and off, so I can compare.


Is it better at least? :)
Do you mean now that..

The top 199 out of 200 rows are in the right spot, but the bottom most 200th is now on the bottom edge of the screen instead of the 200th row?

(ie: As I understand it, it normal mode, the entire thing is shifted up.. so row 1 shows up on the bottom of the screen, while 2-200 show up on 1-199 of the screen.)


The BLU+ mode off looks sensible.. the top line is on the bottom.

But when you turn on BLU+ mode, it now draws correctly, but theres garbage on the top and bottom row? Did that garbage come from anywhere (does it look like it belongs somewhere else?)

Or wait..

Maybe the row is not actually being drawn in the wrong place.. maybe its drawn in the right place, but stuff off screen in either direction is also being copied to the bottom row? eeps.. turning into work :)

Rather than moving 1 line down or 1 line up, how about swapping the position
of the 1st line and the last line.
abc_Keks posted on Dec 24 2004 at 09:25 AM said:
can someone tell me again some good games for this st emulator?
is there maybe a good RPG or Racing game out there?

Want to play a good racer on Castaway?

Look no further than Stunt Car Racer
This game was great on all formats, even the 8 bits - so this St version (just like the Amiga version) completely owns all.

Another good (fun) racer to try is Buggy Boy.

I'd also recommend Chase HQ and Last Ninja (which is RPG-ish, okay it's an action adventure), but they don't work with castaway. :angry:
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@White Demon: Chase HQ works, look for a different version ;)

@Skeezix: Thank-you for your continued work on this great emulator. Have a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year.
abc_Keks posted on Dec 24 2004 at 12:55 AM said:
can someone tell me again some good games for this st emulator?
is there maybe a good RPG or Racing game out there?

Dungeon Master? Captive? Phantasie? Bards Tale? And couple of Ultima's...

Was DM2 released on ST?


Now, where can I get that bios image or what was it....
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