Castaway/GP 10.1 Released


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Release 10.1
FIX: Updated version; doh :)
NEW: Save state menu now shows filename of disk-A: thats in existing save
states, or "Empty". This way you can tell which slots do not exist at
all, and if they do exist, what disk was in it
NEW: Gamma/Brightness adjust added -- this is done in such a way so that
colours will never become another colour (red will not become green). So
if a colour is at max green (rgb(0,255,0) then it will not change. But
if it is at half green (0,127,0) then it will let you step it up and still
green. At max gamma, everything will be essentially white. So the gamma
settings let you bring everything up to the point where they would go to
white if we went another step. You get 4 steps. (Making higher
granularity doesn't seem to have much point)
CHG: Retouched the mouse calibration in hopes that it works :/
CHG: Brightness of plasma increased a touch to make it visible but without
ruining the bouncey text effect

Some really good updates, can play all those dark games and not overwrite a saved game accidently,

Thanks Skeezix :)
Just added the login feature to the Compatibility site.. its fairly painless. Just username, email, and password.. and you are golden..
but now you should be able to edit or delete your results if you messed up, etc.

On Deck: ability to add a Game Title not listed in the database...

in the hole: Ability for admins to delete, change, add game titles, and versions (like for all the versions Jeff releases every 10 mins :D j/k Jeff we love it)
*g* Release ealy and often I say :) Thats how you keep the feedback timely :)

So if I never create an account, you'll have to keep adding the version info yourself? ;) (sucker!)

Love this release Skeezix, the gamma option is great, really great

I tried Space Crusade again (first time since about 005/6 i think) and it loads and plays almost instantly now and better yet its got full sound and music now, dont ask me how but it certainly didnt before and took ages to load. Love this game, already played it 3 hours :D

Cheers Jeff
Mouse still doesn't work in Zany Golf :(

I think I'll appoint myself the official Zany Golf spokesman, if only to annoy everyone else.
sorry to be negative...

the gamma option kind of saturates the colours too much and looks ugly
can't it be done with a weighted lookup table like gpengine?
i suggest that black is left as black

i still get a bug where the keyboard input stops working and to get it back i have to reset my gamepark, sorry, i have not been able to pin down how to reproduce it, i will do some more testing...

and there is the Turrican 2 thing ... but apart from that this is superb! :)
Feeblez posted on May 20 2003 said:
the gamma option kind of saturates the colours too much and looks ugly
can't it be done with a weighted lookup table like gpengine?
i suggest that black is left as black
i second this.

also, 10.2 has another mouse fix.
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Feeblez posted on May 20 2003 said:
sorry to be negative...

the gamma option kind of saturates the colours too much and looks ugly
can't it be done with a weighted lookup table like gpengine?
i suggest that black is left as black

i still get a bug where the keyboard input stops working and to get it back i have to reset my gamepark, sorry, i have not been able to pin down how to reproduce it, i will do some more testing...

and there is the Turrican 2 thing ... but apart from that this is superb! :)
Yep, ltheres a few little things on the list of ToDo's, but its very short..

Disk access icon, maybe an fps display, directory support, keyboard being dead after reset castaway issue, keys holding down a moment after being pressed, and better gamma.

I'm looking into various options for gamma (or more to point, brightness).. theres many ways of doing it, all of which I never looked much into since I've always been more c oncerned with making it coprrect than making it easier to see.

The system now isn't too bad, in that it brings the brightness up for darker colours, without destroying the colour itelf. For black.. well, black is nothing, so when you turn it up, it goes to white as it gets brighter (try a black and white TV even ;) You can't just say "leave black alone", since .. "what is black"?

Now mind you I'm still working it in the RGB colour space; I could change it to a different colourspace that has brightness as a pigment, and then adjust brightness..

The problem remains that the bright colours need to stay the same, and other dark colours need to turn up.

But I'll see if I can come up with anything.. as it is now, people seem happy. Use a 1 or 2 gamma to turn up dark games.

IMHO, no gamma should be used at all. The games draw how they did on an ST, just the ST had a brighter display (this is all due to the GP32's relatively dark display). (Mind you, I have a FLU, so life is easier for me ;)

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