"cannot execute login command" error


Still Fresh
Sep 30, 2008
Hi - not sure if this is better off in the dev section, but here goes...

I want to develop / port directly on the Pandora. I decided to build an image on sd card - it works well. Plenty of free space to play with and I just boot without my"dev sd card" plugged in to give me a standard build running on nand.

The problem is, when I install the dev tools and libs something breaks - I can compile and run a demo sdl app fine but on booting after installing dev tools I get "failed to execute login command" after entering my userid and password.

I have googled this and the problem is normally associated with either a slim lock file or a duff .xinitrc - the lock files are all volatile on the pandora as far as I can tell, and I can´t see anything different with my .xinitrc on sd card compared to nand.

Can anyone help? I´m not new to Linux, but the servers I look after are purely ssh access with no windowed interface so xfce / x config is new to me. I tried reinstalling everything again, and even selected auto login thinking this would get round it, but the same problem exists...

Thanks for any advice.

I'm pretty sure that error is the one that you get if your NAND is full. Very good chance I'm misremembering though.

Just to be sure, can you double check and make sure you really were working off your dev SD card, and didn't accidentally boot to NAND and installed all the dev tools there? Just remove the SD and make sure you can boot from your stock NAND.
^ I managed to get that error out of mine once, when I deleted a bunch of the hidden settings folders in the home directory. (It resulted in a reflash.)

I don't know if that sheds any further light or not, though. Probably not. :P
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Yes! "failed to execute login command". I'm getting this now too! I moved the OS to the SD card and it was working fine for a long time, then suddenly it stopped working, it even fails when I try to ssh. Ssh fails with a weird error that makes it seem like bash isn't working right. But I checked and my bash executable is fine, and I don't see anything weird in my profile or bashrc or anything that should stop bash from working right.

Thanks for the responses - I seem to have fixed the problem.

It was too difficult to debug with no logs so I removed the symbolic link in /var/log on the sd card and created a /var/log directory instead.

After booting to sd and failing, then booting to nand again to read the sd logs, I found a "slim" log complaining about a missing ncurses lib. Strangely, the lib existed on nand so I copied it across and now booting from sd works fine. Checking a bit further, it looks like there are a couple of other symlinks pointing to libs that don´t exist, so the opkg work I did to set up a dev environment appears to be a bit broken.

Hope this helps you Nightwind0!

Thanks for the responses - I seem to have fixed the problem.

It was too difficult to debug with no logs so I removed the symbolic link in /var/log on the sd card and created a /var/log directory instead.

After booting to sd and failing, then booting to nand again to read the sd logs, I found a "slim" log complaining about a missing ncurses lib. Strangely, the lib existed on nand so I copied it across and now booting from sd works fine. Checking a bit further, it looks like there are a couple of other symlinks pointing to libs that don´t exist, so the opkg work I did to set up a dev environment appears to be a bit broken.

Hope this helps you Nightwind0!


That was it! It was ncurses! I copied the libncurses* I had on NAND onto SD and it let me log in. Bizarre! When I upgraded some packages (also for dev environment), it must have broken ncurses somehow. There's probably a broken package amongst those packages for development..... Is there someone we can notify?
That was it! It was ncurses! I copied the libncurses* I had on NAND onto SD and it let me log in. Bizarre! When I upgraded some packages (also for dev environment), it must have broken ncurses somehow. There's probably a broken package amongst those packages for development..... Is there someone we can notify?

If you're in the United States, you can call 911 and report it to them. In the UK, you could call 999 or (at a push) the non-emergency number. If you don't get any joy from them (I've reported various things to the UK 999 number before, and sometimes they'll send a car out, sometimes they just arrest you for "wasting their time" but I feel that if they advertise that they're here to protect and serve then they should also be able to sort out my linux problems), then you could, I suppose at a push give Notaz or Skeezix or maybe even EvilDragon a PM and let them know.

I have the same problem as described above.

Reproducing steps:

- Use an empty SD-card

- Extract the official firmware onto the SD-card following the instructions from here

- Install the development tools the Bollocks way as described here

- To get the error try any of the following:

-start vi in a terminal

-reboot the Pandora and start the firmware from the SD-card

-try to login from another pc using ssh

The error message I get when using ssh (from my ubuntu machine) after providing the username/password combo or just starting vi: "error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

As suggested above, this can be fixed by copying the lib from the NAND to the SD-card. These are the steps:

- Boot normally (from NAND)

- Open a terminal

- Execute the following commands (assuming the SD-card is in slot 0):

cd /media/mmcblk0p1/usr/lib/

sudo cp /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5.0.4 ./

sudo ln -s ./libncurses.so.5.0.4 libncurses.so.5
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