Release Cannonball - The Enhanced C++ Outrun Engine

Or you can just use isofs with the RockRidge extension or squashfs and chmod 666 the file... EDIT: I always use squashfs with -all-root and make user editable files 777 (if it is an executable shell script) or 666... This way the permissions always work predictably. If you make them owned by your user id on the pandora, it might be the same as the pandora user on most pandoras, but if somebody has multiple users it will fail for somebody, also on other distros that use different user id base it would fail.
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If you're lazy, you could just chmod -R 777 folder_to_be_pnd ... This does assume that nobody will be hurt for having files that are not executable marked as such. Usually not but you'll see a lot of green files with ls and so on. There are not that many configuration files in my pnds usually. eg. For SciTE i just chmodded the contents of ./share/scite (chmod 666 share/scite/* ).

EDIT: And about the user id's (mksquashfs -all-root). It doesnt really matter if you make what needs to be writable world r/w. It just looks cleaner to me :P . I dont actually even use ... I just mksquashfs and cat on the pandora if I make something, but I do stuff so rarely that it might be a different thing for you.
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chmoding and pnd_make'ing etc should just be a rule in the make file.

"make pnd" -> ready to go pnd-file ;) Not hard to do.

Typically your compiler will mark executables as executable anyway, so not something you usually need to do much of.

New version on the repo.

Based on the new version from the author, this add the widescreen.

  • widescreen option. Enabled by default
  • optimizations (code and compiler). Fluid at 30 fps. 60 fps almost always fluid on 1GHz.
Great !

Will dl it right now !


OMG it's just ENORMOUS !!!

It's a must-have pnd !

Thanks a lot !!!
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Ah, thanks for testing ! I will update the repo and front page with this, and recommand overclocking to 750 MHz for the full experience  :D  .
I didn't tested all stages. I only took the left path, where the arches slow down the game.

I think 800MHz is a safe setting.

Also, i patched my roms with the enhanced edition and it worked.

Note that the arches were still broken with your previous .pnd but it's now ok.

The button bug i reported here is still present:

Also, is there a setting for the 30/60 fps you talked about or it's just the framedrop ?
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There is a setting, inside the config.xml file, but you have to edit manually. They are comments inside the file.

It's located in the "appdata/cannonball/home" folder.

They are some settings like fps, widescreen, and some fields to adjust difficulty (time counter, density of traffic...).

For the bug button, I'll send a mail to the author, I don't think I can find the source easily (I will try to reproduce on PC with official version maybe first).
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Also the enhanced outrun is supposed to play music at the music selection, but it doesn't. On this menu, the driving wheel bug is corrected.

--EDIT: your .pnd still kills thunar :/
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CC unit report (with sound):
Playable at 600MHz.

Perfect above 750MHz.
Yes i can confirm...Thanks for this great port.  :)  

I like the controls too.

One left thing to implement (but is a minor thing) is a some zenity message that inform the user that it needs the rom files to play.

Someone could make a video of it...