can pandora run facebook games?


Sep 9, 2010
hi guys, just curious... can a pandora run facebook games, like farmville, mafia wars, and ninja saga, on its web browser, and if yes, is it fast enough?

thanks in advanced... :D
I may be wrong, but I believe those are Flash games. The Pandora is probably fast enough to run them, but at present it doesn't have the Flash software to run them. I believe this is being worked on, but I believe it'll take a while since we can't use the PC version - Abobe don't supply the source to their Linux plugin. Current open source Flash players don't play all flash programs.
I may be wrong, but I believe those are Flash games. The Pandora is probably fast enough to run them, but at present it doesn't have the Flash software to run them. I believe this is being worked on, but I believe it'll take a while since we can't use the PC version - Abobe don't supply the source to their Linux plugin. Current open source Flash players don't play all flash programs.
only Farmville use flash, last time I checked Mafia was running fine...
My wife's Pentium 4, 2.4GHz with 1.5GB of RAM had to be replaced because FrontierVille (flash) was too slow on it. So even those apps are getting to be pretty big CPU hogs nowadays.
The ones that are flash would probably be mostly unplayable even if the Pandora did have flash.

Even my N900 (same cpu as Pandora) overclocked to 1.1ghz can barely handle anything flash, even youtube is a bit laggy. Farmville is almost unplayable on my netbook using a 2ghz atom cpu, so Pandora has almost no hope. Flash is just too crappy.
That is all true, but the limitations are really with the flashplugin, not really cpupower to run the program itself. There is a farmvilleapp for iphone and it runs good on a 2g model. So with a direct port to pandora it would work, with the flashplugin it won't.

So before we get a wrapper to run ipodsoftware or the original developers can be convinced to do a port it is a nogo right now.
My wife's Pentium 4, 2.4GHz with 1.5GB of RAM had to be replaced because FrontierVille (flash) was too slow on it. So even those apps are getting to be pretty big CPU hogs nowadays.

If it was me I'd have replaced the wife instead, for one that spent less time playing games and more time housekeeping.
Flash seems to work just fine with the firefox pnd, havent tried facebook games but did load up a bunch of different flash games, in all fairness I tend to gofor turn based flash games because it isnt exactly fast...
That is all true, but the limitations are really with the flashplugin, not really cpupower to run the program itself. There is a farmvilleapp for iphone and it runs good on a 2g model. So with a direct port to pandora it would work, with the flashplugin it won't.

So before we get a wrapper to run ipodsoftware or the original developers can be convinced to do a port it is a nogo right now.
I think they might be optimized for mobile gaming?