Can Emulators run like this?

The term for this is "front end" (that's what the "FE" stands for in the title of Hyperspin's page; It's also sometimes rendered as "front-end" or "frontend"). I don't know if anyone is working on anything like this currently, but the term ought to give you some better search results. :P
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Before my Pandora died I had started working on a frontend, although I was intending on making it launch other file types besides just roms (audio, video, pictures, text, apps, that sort of thing). I can't say for certain whether or not anything would come of it, though. I don't always finish what I start.
The Khameleon front end has support for Hyperspin themes although I'm not sure how far the developer got with the Linux port. You can achieve a similar (although less fancy) effect with Cabrio which is open source and already runs on Linux. Both use SDL and OpenGL and would therefore need work to get them going on OpenGLES.
Actually I would prefer hyper-spin let me see if it is open source.
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Cabrio is a fantastic little user-friendly front end, that i have been happily using for some time now - i'm afraid it's beyond my skills to port, but hopefully someone here will be interested enough to give it a go (fingers crossed)
Hyperspin seems to be flash-based and it will run sluggish without any effects on an Athlon 1.4 Ghz.

So Hyperspin is really not a good choice.