Camera Questions - For the people that want a camera.

Inside or outside camera?

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Caine said:
realistic? The volume wheel doesn't take up so much space that you could fit in a camera there, does it?
I seen some small cameras, but honestly I don't know. Not talkiing about usb cameras here.


So much better than pictures. Tho, I wish I can find something that focuses on the lid.

Is there an English site for this camera?
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Is it even realistic? The volume wheel doesn't take up so much space that you could fit in a camera there, does it?
No,  but I'd say that being realistic was never even a consideration for this poll. 

In order for that to even be theoretically feasible, someone would need to find a very tiny 90* angle surface mount camera.  I.e. the circuit needs to be on the motherboard and the lens needs to point out the front/side at 90* to the motherboard instead of 'straight out'.

I have never found one configured that way - and I did some looking.  It would be like having a cell phone with a camera pointed straight out the thin leading edge instead of through the screen or back sides.

I'm now even more convinced that this whole thing stems from individuals who are unable to think in 3 dimensions.
Oh my 4 votes for removal of the volume wheel :o shocking!
I doubt anyone wants the volume wheel removed - it's just less of a loss than the camera.
I disagree...  Also Loss indicates it was going to have a camera in the first place, which it wasn't.
"just less of a loss" for the people who voted in that way, not in general. You can disagree with the root statement but that's not what's being claimed here, the claim is that there is some small set of people that feel the loss of a volume wheel is a fair tradeoff for a camera. You can't really disagree with that because we've got statistical proof that one person for certain would ditch the volume if it meant getting a camera in there somehow.Remember also, Natsu has made it quite clear this is just a curiosity filling poll, it doesn't have to be based on reality.
The rest of the article is irrelevant, but take a peek at the picture (first frame of the 2nd video) on this article:

It clearly shows how large the two camera modules from the Galaxy S6 are.  You can even see the great lengths Samsung went through to 'counter sink' the modules so that they nest through cut outs in the motherboard itself.

The primary camera is the circle inside the square - the whole square is the camera - which means it's 1/5th or so the width of the phone AND consumes the entire 'depth' of the phone.

The selfie camera is the module sitting on the table.  It is flipped over lens side up and has it's own tiny cable so that it can mount just a mm or two deeper into the case.  Even the low resolution selfie camera is the depth of the case - or roughly 7-8mm tall.

It makes a good example to illustrate the fact that there simply isn't anywhere in/on the Pyra that could even hold/fit a camera module.
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A counter example for above argument are slide out phones. Some of them have managed to put a selfie camera on a the same side as the screen. So it needs to be less than a half of a smartphone thickness. For both: Motorola Droid 4 and Nokia N900 it seems to be less than 5mm (possibly in 4mm range). And this size already includes the cover on both sides of the camera.

However I do acknowledge that cameras available on the market might not be this thin.
I have a Photon Q, which is very similar in dimensions to the Droid 4, and the half with this display looks (didn't measure) to be as thick as some current flagships.  Not sure what I am trying to say.  Doesn't matter, we won't have a camera in the Pyra.
One option would be to have a camera underneath, then you could actually use the screen as an evf.

Tablet-photography sucks.
I had considered that in one of my rants posts above.  The distance from the motherboard to the case exterior is at least adequate there.  However, a camera feature is pretty large in all 3 dimensions - like an 6-8mm cube's worth of space.  That would mean a square notch or hole through the battery, a more complex battery configuration and a slightly lower battery capacity.  All of that is then if a camera on the bottom of the unit is acceptable AND if other features on the motherboard could be shrunk/moved/etc.  It would have to be somewhere on the board where the SD slots, CPU  SoC module, ports, stylus, etc are not - which pretty much means it would be somewhere on the other side of the case from the right nub.

It would be useless for video conferencing or video chat.  It would be prone to scratches - the lens would be on the surface meant to sit on other objects.  It would by necessity of costs be a truly crappy low resolution thing.  It would decrease battery size and thus charge capacity.  It would require redesign of battery, motherboard and changing the position of many components.  But - in that position - on the back/bottom of the case under the right nub/game controls is likely enough physical volume, orientation and distance from the motherboard to a case edge.

And you're right on your second point too.