Camaleon Game (ported By Chui)


Mar 15, 2004
Chui ask a general opinion, for the people to test camaleon in gp32.
After you try it,what do you think about exghange graphics from 16 bit (so colorfull and pretty) to 8 bits, to high perforance (more fps)??
writte your opinion here, and of course, if you find a bug (something dont move,you enter and dead inmediately or somethign like that), feel free to writte here and chui will read it
the graphics seems nice, to bad i can't try it on a gp32 since i haven't ordered mine yet :P
Chui is a machine ; )

P.D. - Ilarri estas en todos los fregaos xDDDD.
Un saludo tio :D

I copied all files to GPMM and it says something about a .dcb error?? I even tried to copy CHAMELON.dcb to GPMM, but it still gives the error.
Mabye it has to do with the fact that I used GPDrive to transfer it? Could it have messed up the file name in a way that it looks ok, but it can't see it? When it starts, is shows something like

DCB Path: gp:\gpmm
DCB File: .dcb

which I guess means that it thinks that the fxe is named .fxe (no file name infront of extention) and looks in gpmm for .dcb, which isn't there. :unsure:

EDIT: Executing from pacrom worked. YAFL (0.21 I'll updrade to see if 0.3 does it still :)) seems to have messed it up :blink:
I have no clue what's going on in this game. If I touch a bug, I die. If I eat a bug, a meter starts running up, and when it tops off, I die.
IntenseWage posted on Apr 14 2004 at 08:36 PM said:
I have no clue what's going on in this game. If I touch a bug, I die. If I eat a bug, a meter starts running up, and when it tops off, I die.
You have to use the chameleon's tongue to get the bugs, then you press the B button again repeatedly before the meter fills up. What happens then is essentially he takes a shit (pardon my French), and it flies across the screen hitting other bugs. Strange but true.
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Really funny game :) It is very playable with the current 16 bit gfx. If changing gfx to 8bit mode would result in ugly gfx better keep current mode.
Funny :) But slightly too jerky for me to keep it on SMC. It'lll prolly go on my next cleanup (I really need to get a 128MB. 64MB isn't enough :()
Joecool posted on Apr 14 2004 at 08:51 PM said:
IntenseWage posted on Apr 14 2004 at 08:36 PM said:
I have no clue what's going on in this game. If I touch a bug, I die. If I eat a bug, a meter starts running up, and when it tops off, I die.
You have to use the chameleon's tongue to get the bugs, then you press the B button again repeatedly before the meter fills up. What happens then is essentially he takes a shit (pardon my French), and it flies across the screen hitting other bugs. Strange but true.
so thats what u do :D...

Anyone find its a little laggy / jumpy when u jump ???
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