Caanoo Or Psp At The Moment?


May 12, 2010
Hi All

R.B Here

At the moment I own a SONY PSP and a few memory cards for it, the memory cards cost a fortune to get a 16GB or 32GB card, you can buy a new Caanoo for the price of a 32GB memory stick but you need them because the average game is about 1.25GB, the question is do I sell my PSP and memory sticks and get a Caanoo and a couple of memory cards, I estimate that after the changeover I will have $175 in my pocket or do I wait until there are more emulators for the Caanoo, I like playing SNES, BGBA, GENESIS, AMIGA Games

Just get a caanoo and join the revolution - I had a psp when they first came out - I was using homebrew ect... got fed up with it lol,
You just cant beat a proper open source hand held to do the job with no fuss.....

ruffnutts ;)
sell your psp and get a caanoo, there is a load of emulators already out now and sure to be loads more :-)

Psp has had its day and with all the messing around you need to do with firmware your better off with a nice touch screen caanoo.

I am getting so fed up of my PSP in trying to get genuine memory sticks for it, I just got another fake and it doesn't matter how carful you are in getting one, this is the third one in a row that is a fake I am seriously thinking of selling my PSP and getting something ells that does not use SONY memory sticks
What is most important for you in a gaming handheld?

For example, emulation, commercial titles, homebrew, ability to develop for, open source?
Truth be told, a lot of what you might seek entertainment wise may already be provided for the PSP, the only draw back being expensive Pro Duo cards (they certainly suck).

Dont come to the Caanoo thinking youll find more and better emulators and homebrew ... `at the moment` its overall, perhaps a lesser experience (but with a lot of potential ;) )
traylorpark said:
What is most important for you in a gaming handheld?

For example, emulation, commercial titles, homebrew, ability to develop for, open source?
Truth be told, a lot of what you might seek entertainment wise may already be provided for the PSP, the only draw back being expensive Pro Duo cards (they certainly suck).

Dont come to the Caanoo thinking youll find more and better emulators and homebrew ... `at the moment` its overall, perhaps a lesser experience (but with a lot of potential

I think you are right and the best thing for me to do is to get a Genuine 32GB memory stick from a reputable retailer and go with the PSP
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Not sure if this is an option for your, but both consoles can live happily side by side as well. Similarly as to how poeple dual boot Linux and Windows. Sometimes, platform idealogy and who you support is also important. Consider Sony hates homebrew devs, and GPH loves them and works hard to support them.
R.B said:
I am getting so fed up of my PSP in trying to get genuine memory sticks for it, I just got another fake and it doesn't matter how carful you are in getting one, this is the third one in a row that is a fake I am seriously thinking of selling my PSP and getting something ells that does not use SONY memory sticks
Well you do know that it is easy to get duped by fake SD cards as well.

You just need to be careful not to get hustled no matter which card format you get. Stay away from those dodgy sellers on evilBay that sell 32Gb cards for $9.00.
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DaveC said:
Stay away from those dodgy sellers on evilBay that sell 32Gb cards for $9.00.
I'm hearing the scammers are getting wise to this and pricing their cards more competitively and paying for decent translations and american ebay accounts or paying for american resellers

I stick with newegg and amazon... always have... probably always will
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You also have to remember when GINGE comes out (or at least I hope it does[comma]but it probably will) there'll be loads off polished emus and games. Also GPH is trying to get some commercial games out for the CAANOO and WIZ (although you can't really compare the games because sony obviously has the more high quality games) For the sony psp it was like 39.99+ a game unless you're psp is hacked (which I am gonna assume it is) which then you probably already have a bunch of emus on your psp. What do you often play with? The commercial games? Or the homebrews/emulators?

I also have a hacked psp slim (5.00 M33-6) and I was playing my WIZ more (now replaced by CAANOO) a lot because of the smaller form factor and there's also a practically undying community. Whereas the psp scene (I hate to say it) is slowing fading away.

Every time I look at buying some large memory sticks 16GB - 32GB for the PSP my largest is an 8GB not quite bigg enough and compare the price of memory to the price of a Caanoo, "OUCH"

32GB costs more than a Caanoo including postage and 4GB SDHC Memory card and 16GB is 3/4 the cost of a Caanoo including postage, I am going to buy a Caanoo and save money but I will still wait and see if I can find a cheap memory stick first
Thank god for that finally se sence- you can get a caanoo 4gb card a jelly case and screen protector for £112 from ebay camra girl
Where I got mine - that is a bargin trust me
R.B said:

Every time I look at buying some large memory sticks 16GB - 32GB for the PSP my largest is an 8GB not quite bigg enough and compare the price of memory to the price of a Caanoo, "OUCH"

32GB costs more than a Caanoo including postage and 4GB SDHC Memory card and 16GB is 3/4 the cost of a Caanoo including postage, I am going to buy a Caanoo and save money but I will still wait and see if I can find a cheap memory stick first

Bloody hell, Why does no one read my posts ?. The bloody answers staring you in the face, If you read my post.

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