- Relaunching Soon To Cover Gp2x


Dec 21, 2004
I just thought members here might be interested to know that, a mainstream gaming news site is expanding to cover the GP2X as well. We started off as GBA Central, then DS Central, and now we're relaunching as ByteSized Gaming, and are expanding coverage from just Nintendo handhelds to PSP and GP2X as well. We will be relaunching on 8th June 2006.

To be honest, none of our staffers have actually got a GP2X yet, but we're hoping to solve that problem soon, and we will be covering commercial releases and major homebrew releases - eg we won't be reporting that someone has written a MineSweeper clone :P Hopefully, we will have a hardware comparison between the PSP/DS/GP2X/GBMicro soon, so suggestions for software to highlight would be appreciated.

Here's some things you should try . . .

DrMDx - full-speed sega genesis/megadrive emulator (and now supports master system and gamegear!)
SquidgeSNES - The best snes emulator currently available
OutcaST - Atari ST emulator
Frodo2x - commodore 64 emulator (I just can't get enough of M.U.L.E.!)
GNUBoy - Gameboy/color emulator
gngeo2x - neogeo aes/mvs emulator
MAMEgp2x - arcade emulator

Scummvm - play lucasarts adventure games
Duke3d - play duke nukem

The minigame project - about 22 minigames

There are a lot more, but you should really look through them yourself, just go to
Hopefully, we will have a hardware comparison between the PSP/DS/GP2X/GBMicro soon, so suggestions for software to highlight would be appreciated.

Many places like to compare GP2X to the PSP and DS but they are really for different purposes and markets. Comparisons usually end up slagging the GP2X off because it doesn't have the commercial support that the others do. The lack of 3D power is also usually brought up. It is like comparing a truck to a sports car, both vehicles, but are for different purposes. It really wasn't meant to be a PSP or DS clone/killer though, it was meant for 2D homebrew and media. As long as that is stated that the GP2X is NOT aiming for Sony or Nintendo's market then it is ok.
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Level Shmup, Nrunners and Spout are very interesting homebrew games, too.
Hopefully, we will have a hardware comparison between the PSP/DS/GP2X/GBMicro soon, so suggestions for software to highlight would be appreciated.
Well it seems you are missing one handheld platform, possibly two: Zodiac and PocketPC.
The Zodiac's got some great handheld gaming and entertainment goodness - including TCPMP, LJP and PalmMAME (all with Zodiac enhancements).
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Many places like to compare GP2X to the PSP and DS but they are really for different purposes and markets. Comparisons usually end up slagging the GP2X off because it doesn't have the commercial support that the others do. The lack of 3D power is also usually brought up. It is like comparing a truck to a sports car, both vehicles, but are for different purposes. It really wasn't meant to be a PSP or DS clone/killer though, it was meant for 2D homebrew and media. As long as that is stated that the GP2X is NOT aiming for Sony or Nintendo's market then it is ok.

Don't worry, we will give it a fair review. I have owned a GP32, as has one of the other staff members, so we understand how different it is, but it would be good for our readers to see that the world doesn't only contain Sony or Nintendo handhelds, and the easiest way for them to understand is to tell them what the GP2X can do that the other two can't. We won't be discussing homebrew on the PSP or DS, because that requires special hardware (a PSP with firmware 1.5, or a DS with FlashMe etc installed), whereas the GP2X does not require any extra hardware to get into homebrew once you manage to get it.

Well it seems you are missing one handheld platform, possibly two: Zodiac and PocketPC.
The Zodiac's got some great handheld gaming and entertainment goodness - including TCPMP, LJP and PalmMAME (all with Zodiac enhancements).

We may cover some interesting developments in those scenes, but we will mainly be focussing on the other three. I had a Dell Axim x50v, so I have played around with PocketPC gaming already. I feel that once more device manufacturers include Mobile DirectX compatible 3D coprocessors, the PocketPC scene will take off with all sorts of neat games. But, for now, the amount of games on it are limited.
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