BOX86_JITGDB=1 BOX86_DYNAREC_LOG=2 BOX86_LOG=2 BOX86_DYNAREC_DUMP=2 /usr/local/bin/box86t ./test01
Debug level is 2
Dynarec blocks are dumped in color
Dynarec log level is 2
Launch gdb on segfault
Dynarec for ARM, with extension: HALF FAST_MULT EDSP NEON VFPv4 IDIVA PageSize:4096
Setting up canary (for Stack protector) at GS:0x14, value:0D0061EB
Using default BOX86_LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ./:lib/:lib32/:x86/
Using default BOX86_PATH: ./:bin/
Counted 41 Env var
Looking for ./test01
Read 31 Section header
Read 9 Program header
Loading Sections Table String (idx = 28)
Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 30)
Loading SymTab (idx = 29)
Loading Dynamic (idx = 22)
Rel Table @0x80482b8 (0x8/0x8)
PLT Table @0x80482c0 (type=17 0x10/0x8)
The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x804a000
The GOT Table is at address 0x8049ffc
The .init is at address 0x80482d0
The .init_array is at address 0x8049f08, and have 1 elements
The .fini is at address 0x8048524
The .fini_array is at address 0x8049f0c, and have 1 elements
The .text is at address 0x8048340, and is 482 big
Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 6)
Loading DynSym (idx = 5)
Adding "./test01" as #0 in elf collection
Elf Addr(v/p)=0x8048000/0x8048000 Memsize=0x2020 (align=0x1000)
Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16)
Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0)
Allocating 0x3000 memory @0x8048000 for Elf "./test01"
Loading block #2 @0x8048000 (0x648/0x648)
Add ELF eXecutable Memory 0x8048000:0x648
addDBFromAddressRange 0x8048000 -> 0x8048647
Loading block #3 @0x8049f08 (0x114/0x118)
Calc stack size, based on 1 elf(s)
Stack is @0xf6d0c020 size=0x800000 align=0x10
Allocate a new X86 Emu, with EIP=(nil) and Stack=0xf6d0c020/0x800000
Setup X86 Emu
Trying to add "" to maplib
Trying to load ""
Simplified name is ""
Using native(wrapped)
Trying to add "" to maplib
Trying to load ""
Simplified name is ""
Using native(wrapped)
Created lib and added to maplib => success
Trying to add "" to maplib
Trying to load ""
Simplified name is ""
Using native(wrapped)
Created lib and added to maplib => success
Trying to add "" to maplib
Trying to load ""
Simplified name is ""
Using native(wrapped)
Created lib and added to maplib => success
Created lib and added to maplib => success
And now export symbols / relocation for ./test01...
Applying 1 Relocation(s) for ./test01
PLT Resolver injected in at 0x804a008
Applying 2 PLT Relocation(s) for ./test01
Entry Point is 0x8048340
Start x86emu on Main
Run X86 (0x3bde690), EIP=0x8048340, Stack=0xf6d0c020
... =>PltResolver: Addr=0x3bdf698, Slot=8 Return=0x8048361: elf is ./test01
PltReolver: Apply Global R_386_JMP_SLOT @0x804a010 with sym=__libc_start_main (0x8048326 -> 0x3be283b / (noelf))
return 0x00000001
3451|0x8048361: Calling __libc_start_main (0804843B, 00000001, F750B3F8...) =>Calling init(0x80484c0) from __libc_start_main
GetDynablocksFromAddress(0xf750d008, 0x80484c0) => 0x3be17a0 (0x55 / 0x57)
Ask for DynaRec Block Alloc #1
Emitting 536 bytes for 93 x86 bytes ( => ./test01/__libc_csu_init)
0x80484c0: 55 PUSH reg
0xf690c000: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/0, set=0, use=0, need=0
e9280200 STMDB r8!, {r9}
0x80484c1: 57 PUSH reg
0xf690c004: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/0, set=0, use=0, need=0
e9280800 STMDB r8!, {r11}
0x80484c2: 56 PUSH reg
0xf690c008: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/0, set=0, use=0, need=0
e9280400 STMDB r8!, {r10}
0x80484c3: 53 PUSH reg
0xf690c00c: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/0, set=0, use=0, need=0
e9280080 STMDB r8!, {r7}
0x80484c4: E8 A7 FE FF FF CALL Id (=> ./test01/__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx)
0xf690c010: 2 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
Hack for Call x86.get_pc_thunk.reg
e30874c9 MOVW r7, #0x84c9
e3407804 MOVT r7, #0x804
0x80484c9: 81 C3 37 1B 00 00 ADD Ed, Id
0xf690c018: 2 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e3013b37 MOVW r3, #0x1b37
e0877003 ADD r7, r7, r3
0x80484cf: 83 EC 0C SUB Ed, Ib
0xf690c020: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e248800c SUB r8, r8, #0xc
0x80484d2: 8B 6C 24 20 MOV Gd, Ed
0xf690c024: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=0
e5989020 LDR r9, [r8, #32]
0x80484d6: 8D B3 0C FF FF FF LEA Gd, Ed
0xf690c028: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=0
e247a0f4 SUB r10, r7, #0xf4
----> potential Son here
0x80484dc: E8 EF FD FF FF CALL Id (=> ./test01/)
0xf690c02c: 20 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
CStack PUSH 0x80484e1/0xf690c07c-----
e590237c LDR r2, [r0, #892]
e3001380 MOVW r1, #0x380
e3100004 TST r0, #0x4
12811004 ADDNE r1, r1, #0x4
e0811182 ADD r1, r1, r2, lsl #3
e2822001 ADD r2, r2, #0x1
e202201f AND r2, r2, #0x1f
e580237c STR r2, [r0, #892]
e30824e1 MOVW r2, #0x84e1
e3402804 MOVT r2, #0x804
e30c307c MOVW r3, #0xc07c
e34f3690 MOVT r3, #0xf690
e18020f1 STRD r2, r3, [r0, r1]
--------------CStack PUSH
e9280004 STMDB r8!, {r2}
Jump to linker (#0) nolinker=0
e308c2d0 MOVW r12, #0x82d0
e340c804 MOVT r12, #0x804
e30e18e0 MOVW r1, #0xe8e0
e34013be MOVT r1, #0x3be
e5912000 LDR r2, [r1, #0]
e12fff12 BX r2
----> potential Son here
0x80484e1: 8D 83 08 FF FF FF LEA Gd, Ed
0xf690c07c: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/0, set=0, use=0, need=0
e24740f8 SUB r4, r7, #0xf8
0x80484e7: 29 C6 SUB Ed, Gd
0xf690c080: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e04aa004 SUB r10, r10, r4
0x80484e9: C1 FE 02 SAR Ed, Ib
0xf690c084: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=1B, use=0, need=0
e1a0a14a ASR r10, r10, #0x2
0x80484ec: 85 F6 TEST Ed, Gd
0xf690c088: 5 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=8
e300c000 MOVW r12, #0x0
e580c2fc STR r12, [r0, #764]
e01a300a ANDS r3, r10, r10
0300c001 MOVWEQ r12, #0x1
e580c03c STR r12, [r0, #60]
0x80484ee: 74 25 JZ ib
0xf690c09c: 3 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=8, need=0
e590203c LDR r2, [r0, #60]
e3520001 CMP r2, #0x1
0a00002d BEQ +47
0x80484f0: 31 FF XOR Ed, Gd
0xf690c0a8: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e02bb00b EOR r11, r11, r11
0x80484f2: 8D B6 00 00 00 00 LEA Gd, Ed
0xf690c0ac: 0 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=0
----> potential Son here
0x80484f8: 83 EC 04 SUB Ed, Ib
0xf690c0ac: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e2488004 SUB r8, r8, #0x4
0x80484fb: FF 74 24 2C PUSH Ed
0xf690c0b0: 2 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=0
e598102c LDR r1, [r8, #44]
e9280002 STMDB r8!, {r1}
0x80484ff: FF 74 24 2C PUSH Ed
0xf690c0b8: 2 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=0
e598102c LDR r1, [r8, #44]
e9280002 STMDB r8!, {r1}
0x8048503: 55 PUSH reg
0xf690c0c0: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=0
e9280200 STMDB r8!, {r9}
----> potential Son here
0x8048504: FF 94 BB 08 FF FF FF CALL Ed
0xf690c0c4: 29 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e087210b ADD r2, r7, r11, lsl #2
e512c0f8 LDR r12, [r2, #-248]
CStack PUSH 0x804850b/0xf690c138-----
e590237c LDR r2, [r0, #892]
e3001380 MOVW r1, #0x380
e3100004 TST r0, #0x4
12811004 ADDNE r1, r1, #0x4
e0811182 ADD r1, r1, r2, lsl #3
e2822001 ADD r2, r2, #0x1
e202201f AND r2, r2, #0x1f
e580237c STR r2, [r0, #892]
e308250b MOVW r2, #0x850b
e3402804 MOVT r2, #0x804
e30c3138 MOVW r3, #0xc138
e34f3690 MOVT r3, #0xf690
e18020f1 STRD r2, r3, [r0, r1]
--------------CStack PUSH
e9280004 STMDB r8!, {r2}
Jump to linker (#4) nolinker=0
e30e18f0 MOVW r1, #0xe8f0
e34013be MOVT r1, #0x3be
e1b12f9f LDREXD r2, r3, [r1]
e15c0003 CMP r12, r3
012fff12 BXEQ r2
e3062310 MOVW r2, #0x6310
e3402290 MOVT r2, #0x290
e1a0300c MOV r3, r12
e1a1cf92 STREXD r12, r2, r3, [r1]
e35c0001 CMP r12, #0x1
e1a0c003 MOV r12, r3
0afffff5 BEQ -9
e12fff12 BX r2
----> potential Son here
0x804850b: 83 C7 01 ADD Ed, Ib
0xf690c138: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e28bb001 ADD r11, r11, #0x1
0x804850e: 83 C4 10 ADD Ed, Ib
0xf690c13c: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e2888010 ADD r8, r8, #0x10
0x8048511: 39 F7 CMP Ed, Gd
0xf690c140: 5 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=8
e300c000 MOVW r12, #0x0
e580c2fc STR r12, [r0, #764]
e05b300a SUBS r3, r11, r10
0300c001 MOVWEQ r12, #0x1
e580c03c STR r12, [r0, #60]
0x8048513: 75 E3 JNZ ib
0xf690c154: 3 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=8, need=0
e590203c LDR r2, [r0, #60]
e3520001 CMP r2, #0x1
1affffd2 BNE -44
----> potential Son here
0x8048515: 83 C4 0C ADD Ed, Ib
0xf690c160: 27 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=3F
e300c000 MOVW r12, #0x0
e580c2fc STR r12, [r0, #764]
e388300c ORR r3, r8, #0xc
e208c00c AND r12, r8, #0xc
e298800c ADDS r8, r8, #0xc
e1c33008 BIC r3, r3, r8
e183300c ORR r3, r3, r12
e7e0c1d3 UBFX r12, r3, #3, #1
e580c034 STR r12, [r0, #52]
13003000 MOVWNE r3, #0x0
03003001 MOVWEQ r3, #0x1
e580303c STR r3, [r0, #60]
2300c001 MOVWCS r12, #0x1
3300c000 MOVWCC r12, #0x0
e580c024 STR r12, [r0, #36]
7300c000 MOVWVC r12, #0x0
6300c001 MOVWVS r12, #0x1
e580c050 STR r12, [r0, #80]
e7e03fd8 UBFX r3, r8, #31, #1
e5803040 STR r3, [r0, #64]
e20830e0 AND r3, r8, #0xe0
e590c30c LDR r12, [r0, #780]
e79cc1a3 LDR r12, [r12, r3, lsr #3]
e208301f AND r3, r8, #0x1f
e1e0c33c MVN r12, r12, lsr r3
e20cc001 AND r12, r12, #0x1
e580c02c STR r12, [r0, #44]
0x8048518: 5B POP reg
0xf690c1cc: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=3F
e8b80080 LDM r8!, {r7}
0x8048519: 5E POP reg
0xf690c1d0: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=3F
e8b80400 LDM r8!, {r10}
0x804851a: 5F POP reg
0xf690c1d4: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=3F
e8b80800 LDM r8!, {r11}
0x804851b: 5D POP reg
0xf690c1d8: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=3F
e8b80200 LDM r8!, {r9}
0x804851c: C3 RET
0xf690c1dc: 15 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=1000, need=3F
Ret epilog
e8b81000 LDM r8!, {r12}
CStack POP----------------
e590137c LDR r1, [r0, #892]
e2411001 SUB r1, r1, #0x1
e201101f AND r1, r1, #0x1f
e580137c STR r1, [r0, #892]
e3002380 MOVW r2, #0x380
e3100004 TST r0, #0x4
12822004 ADDNE r2, r2, #0x4
e0821181 ADD r1, r2, r1, lsl #3
e18020d1 LDRD r2, r3, [r0, r1]
e15c0002 CMP r12, r2
012fff13 BXEQ r3
----------------CStack POP
e3062300 MOVW r2, #0x6300
e3402290 MOVT r2, #0x290
e12fff12 BX r2
---- END OF BLOCK ---- (32, 6 sons)
--- DynaRec Block created @0x80484c0:0x804851d (0xf690c000, 0x218 bytes, with 6 son(s))
Running DynaRec Block @0x80484c0 (0xf690c000) of 32 x86 insts (nolinker=0, father=(nil)) emu=0x3bde690
Emitting 340 bytes for 35 x86 bytes ( => ./test01/)
0x80482d0: 53 PUSH reg
0xf690c300: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/0, set=0, use=0, need=0
e9280080 STMDB r8!, {r7}
0x80482d1: 83 EC 08 SUB Ed, Ib
0xf690c304: 1 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e2488008 SUB r8, r8, #0x8
0x80482d4: E8 97 00 00 00 CALL Id (=> ./test01/__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx)
0xf690c308: 2 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=0
Hack for Call x86.get_pc_thunk.reg
e30872d9 MOVW r7, #0x82d9
e3407804 MOVT r7, #0x804
0x80482d9: 81 C3 27 1D 00 00 ADD Ed, Id
0xf690c310: 2 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e3013d27 MOVW r3, #0x1d27
e0877003 ADD r7, r7, r3
0x80482df: 8B 83 FC FF FF FF MOV Gd, Ed
0xf690c318: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=0
e5174004 LDR r4, [r7, #-4]
0x80482e5: 85 C0 TEST Ed, Gd
0xf690c31c: 5 emited opcodes, state=1/1, set=3F, use=0, need=8
e300c000 MOVW r12, #0x0
e580c2fc STR r12, [r0, #764]
e0143004 ANDS r3, r4, r4
0300c001 MOVWEQ r12, #0x1
e580c03c STR r12, [r0, #60]
0x80482e7: 74 05 JZ ib
0xf690c330: 3 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=8, need=0
e590203c LDR r2, [r0, #60]
e3520001 CMP r2, #0x1
0a00001a BEQ +28
----> potential Son here
0x80482e9: E8 42 00 00 00 CALL Id (=> ./test01/)
0xf690c33c: 27 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=0
e30822ee MOVW r2, #0x82ee
e3402804 MOVT r2, #0x804
e9280004 STMDB r8!, {r2}
Native Call to __gmon_start__ (retn=0)
e302c809 MOVW r12, #0x2809
e340c3be MOVT r12, #0x3be
e8801ff0 STM r0, {r4-r12}
e92d0001 PUSH {r0}
e3043eb0 MOVW r3, #0x4eb0
e3403288 MOVT r3, #0x288
e12fff33 BLX r3
e8bd0001 POP {r0}
e8901ff0 LDM r0, {r4-r12}
e3023813 MOVW r3, #0x2813
e34033be MOVT r3, #0x3be
e15c0003 CMP r12, r3
1a000007 BNE +9
e8b81000 LDM r8!, {r12}
e30832ee MOVW r3, #0x82ee
e3403804 MOVT r3, #0x804
e15c0003 CMP r12, r3
1a000002 BNE +4
e5901360 LDR r1, [r0, #864]
e3510001 CMP r1, #0x1
1a000002 BNE +4
Jump to epilog
e3062300 MOVW r2, #0x6300
e3402290 MOVT r2, #0x290
e12fff12 BX r2
----> potential Son here
0x80482ee: 83 C4 08 ADD Ed, Ib
0xf690c3a8: 27 emited opcodes, state=1/0, set=3F, use=0, need=3F
e300c000 MOVW r12, #0x0
e580c2fc STR r12, [r0, #764]
e3883008 ORR r3, r8, #0x8
e208c008 AND r12, r8, #0x8
e2988008 ADDS r8, r8, #0x8
e1c33008 BIC r3, r3, r8
e183300c ORR r3, r3, r12
e7e0c1d3 UBFX r12, r3, #3, #1
e580c034 STR r12, [r0, #52]
13003000 MOVWNE r3, #0x0
03003001 MOVWEQ r3, #0x1
e580303c STR r3, [r0, #60]
2300c001 MOVWCS r12, #0x1
3300c000 MOVWCC r12, #0x0
e580c024 STR r12, [r0, #36]
7300c000 MOVWVC r12, #0x0
6300c001 MOVWVS r12, #0x1
e580c050 STR r12, [r0, #80]
e7e03fd8 UBFX r3, r8, #31, #1
e5803040 STR r3, [r0, #64]
e20830e0 AND r3, r8, #0xe0
e590c30c LDR r12, [r0, #780]
e79cc1a3 LDR r12, [r12, r3, lsr #3]
e208301f AND r3, r8, #0x1f
e1e0c33c MVN r12, r12, lsr r3
e20cc001 AND r12, r12, #0x1
e580c02c STR r12, [r0, #44]
0x80482f1: 5B POP reg
0xf690c414: 1 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=0, need=3F
e8b80080 LDM r8!, {r7}
0x80482f2: C3 RET
0xf690c418: 15 emited opcodes, state=0/1, set=0, use=1000, need=3F
Ret epilog
e8b81000 LDM r8!, {r12}
CStack POP----------------
e590137c LDR r1, [r0, #892]
e2411001 SUB r1, r1, #0x1
e201101f AND r1, r1, #0x1f
e580137c STR r1, [r0, #892]
e3002380 MOVW r2, #0x380
e3100004 TST r0, #0x4
12822004 ADDNE r2, r2, #0x4
e0821181 ADD r1, r2, r1, lsl #3
e18020d1 LDRD r2, r3, [r0, r1]
e15c0002 CMP r12, r2
012fff13 BXEQ r3
----------------CStack POP
e3062300 MOVW r2, #0x6300
e3402290 MOVT r2, #0x290
e12fff12 BX r2
---- END OF BLOCK ---- (11, 2 sons)
--- DynaRec Block created @0x80482d0:0x80482f3 (0xf690c300, 0x154 bytes, with 2 son(s))
3451|0x804e8e0: Calling __gmon_start__ (00000000, 00000000, 0804A000...) =>__gmon_start__ called (dummy call)
return 0x03BE2808
Waiting for gdb...
GNU gdb (Raspbian 8.2.1-2) 8.2.1
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
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Attaching to process 3451
Reading symbols from /usr/local/bin/box86t...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/24/22b5cf95895f5f4f69dae68ad9f99198e43121.debug...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/bc/c9ee6666973f3f41da5bdf8c8d7c299e4a09a2.debug...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/1d/5428c68f929c6b4c0b781a608fc95ccb886efb.debug...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/79/58164ddcdf86b06e4a06700f80a4655a80c40e.debug...done.
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/".
Reading symbols from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ef/dd27c16f5283e5c53dcbd1bbc3ef136e312d1b.debug...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/fb/85e699c11db06c7b24f74de2cdada3146442a8.debug...done.
0xf79af69c in __GI___nanosleep (requested_time=0xffe1bd3c, requested_time@entry=0xffe1bd34, remaining=remaining@entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:28
28 ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c: No such file or directory.
─── Assembly ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
0xf79af688 __GI___nanosleep+16 ldr r3, [r3, r2]
0xf79af68c __GI___nanosleep+20 ldr r3, [r3]
0xf79af690 __GI___nanosleep+24 cmp r3, #0
0xf79af694 __GI___nanosleep+28 bne 0xf79af6b4 <__GI___nanosleep+60>
0xf79af698 __GI___nanosleep+32 mov r7, #162 ; 0xa2
0xf79af69c __GI___nanosleep+36 svc 0x00000000
0xf79af6a0 __GI___nanosleep+40 cmn r0, #4096 ; 0x1000
0xf79af6a4 __GI___nanosleep+44 mov r4, r0
0xf79af6a8 __GI___nanosleep+48 bhi 0xf79af6ec <__GI___nanosleep+116>
0xf79af6ac __GI___nanosleep+52 mov r0, r4
─── Breakpoints ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
─── Expressions ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
─── History ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
─── Memory ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
─── Registers ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
r0 0xffe1bd3c r1 0x00000000 r2 0x0000006c r3 0x00000000
r4 0xf7b93968 r5 0xffe1bdf8 r6 0x0000000b r7 0x000000a2
r8 0x00000001 r9 0xffe1be78 r10 0x02bae024 r11 0xffffffff
r12 0x7780d000 sp 0xffe1bd28 lr 0xf79e0fc0 pc 0xf79af69c
cpsr 0x60000010 fpscr 0x00000010
─── Source ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Cannot display "nanosleep.c"
─── Stack ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[0] from 0xf79af69c in __GI___nanosleep+36 at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:28
[1] from 0xf79e0fc0 in usleep+92 at ../sysdeps/posix/usleep.c:32
[2] from 0x0288c6cc in my_box86signalhandler+608 at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/libtools/signals.c:365
[3] from 0xf793d130 in __default_rt_sa_restorer at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/sigrestorer.S:80
[4] from 0x02844680 in GetDynablocksFromAddress+32 at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/elfs/elfloader.c:979
[5] from 0x02904ec0 in internalDBGetBlock+64 at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/dynarec/dynablock.c:608
[6] from 0x029050b0 in DBGetBlock+56 at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/dynarec/dynablock.c:637
[7] from 0x028928cc in DynaRun+244 at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/dynarec/dynarec.c:162
[8] from 0x0287fe78 in my___libc_start_main+148 at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/emu/x86run_private.c:42
[9] from 0x028a30c8 in iFEpippppp+64 at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/wrapped/generated/wrapper.c:2970
─── Threads ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[1] id 3451 name box86t from 0xf79af69c in __GI___nanosleep+36 at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:28
─── Variables ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
arg requested_time = 0xffe1bd3c: {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 1000000}, remaining = 0x0: Cannot access memory at address 0x0
loc _a1 = -1983172, _nr = 162, _a1tmp = -1983172, _a2tmp = 0, _a2 = 0, _sys_result = <optimized out>, sc_ret = <optimized out>
backtrace full
#0 0xf79af69c in __GI___nanosleep (requested_time=0xffe1bd3c, requested_time@entry=0xffe1bd34, remaining=remaining@entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/nanosleep.c:28
_a1 = -1983172
_nr = 162
_a1tmp = -1983172
_a2tmp = 0
_a2 = 0
_sys_result = <optimized out>
sc_ret = <optimized out>
sc_ret = <optimized out>
_sys_result = <optimized out>
_a1 = <optimized out>
_nr = <optimized out>
_a2tmp = <optimized out>
_a1tmp = <optimized out>
_a2 = <optimized out>
sc_cancel_oldtype = <optimized out>
_sys_result = <optimized out>
_a1 = <optimized out>
_nr = <optimized out>
_a2tmp = <optimized out>
_a1tmp = <optimized out>
_a2 = <optimized out>
#1 0xf79e0fc0 in usleep (useconds=useconds@entry=1000) at ../sysdeps/posix/usleep.c:32
ts = {
tv_sec = 0,
tv_nsec = 1000000
#2 0x0288c6cc in my_box86signalhandler (sig=11, info=0xffe1bdf8, ucntx=0xffe1be78) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/libtools/signals.c:365
waiting = 1
pid = <optimized out>
v = <optimized out>
db = 0x0
name = 0xfbad8001 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xfbad8001>
x86pc = 4294967295
x86name = 0x2bae024 <ret> "???"
p = 0xffe1be78
addr = 0x1
pc = 0x2844680 <GetDynablocksFromAddress+32>
old_code = 1
old_pc = 0x2844680 <GetDynablocksFromAddress+32>
old_addr = 0x1
#3 <signal handler called>
No locals.
#4 0x02844680 in GetDynablocksFromAddress (context=0xf750d008, addr=addr@entry=0) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/elfs/elfloader.c:979
ret = <optimized out>
#5 0x02904ec0 in internalDBGetBlock (addr=addr@entry=0, create=create@entry=1, current=<optimized out>, emu=<optimized out>) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/dynarec/dynablock.c:608
dynablocks = <optimized out>
block = 0x0
created = 0
#6 0x029050b0 in DBGetBlock (emu=emu@entry=0x3bde690, addr=0, create=create@entry=1, current=0xffe1c204, current@entry=0xffe1c1fc) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/dynarec/dynablock.c:637
db = <optimized out>
#7 0x028928cc in DynaRun (emu=emu@entry=0x3bde690) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/dynarec/dynarec.c:162
block = <optimized out>
current = 0x3bed6b0
#8 0x0287fe78 in my___libc_start_main (emu=emu@entry=0x3bde690, main=0x804843b, argc=<optimized out>, ubp_av=<optimized out>, init=0x80484c0, fini=0x8048520, rtld_fini=0x0, stack_end=0xf750b3ec) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/emu/x86run_private.c:42
No locals.
#9 0x028a30c8 in iFEpippppp (emu=0x3bde690, fcn=42466788) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/wrapped/generated/wrapper.c:2970
fn = 0x287fde4 <my___libc_start_main>
#10 0x02885224 in x86Int3 (emu=emu@entry=0x3bde690) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/emu/x86int3.c:222
tid = 0
buff2 = '\000' <repeats 63 times>
tmp = <optimized out>
post = 0
pu32 = 0xd7b
s = 0x3be066b "__libc_start_main"
buff = "3451|0x8048361: Calling __libc_start_main (0804843B, 00000001, F750B3F8...)", '\000' <repeats 180 times>
buff3 = '\000' <repeats 63 times>
perr = 0
w = 0x28a3088 <iFEpippppp>
addr = 42466788
#11 0x0285158c in Run (emu=emu@entry=0x3bde690, step=step@entry=0) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/emu/x86run.c:929
opcode = <optimized out>
nextop = <optimized out>
oped = <optimized out>
tmp8u = <optimized out>
tmp8u2 = <optimized out>
tmp8s = <optimized out>
tmp16u = <optimized out>
tmp16u2 = <optimized out>
tmp16s = <optimized out>
tmp32u = <optimized out>
tmp32u2 = <optimized out>
tmp32u3 = <optimized out>
tmp32s = -48
tmp32s2 = <optimized out>
tmp64u = <optimized out>
tmp64s = <optimized out>
ip = 62793788
d = 1.2607049542383454e-296
f = -6.71523793e+33
ll = <optimized out>
opex = <optimized out>
eax1 = {
q = {[0] = 193302673827933584, [1] = 1},
sq = {[0] = 193302673827933584, [1] = 1},
d = {[0] = 9.4034240782420761e-296, [1] = 4.9406564584124654e-324},
f = {[0] = -6.72069725e+33, [1] = 2.56770635e-37, [2] = 1.40129846e-45, [3] = 0},
ud = {[0] = 4154830224, [1] = 45006785, [2] = 1, [3] = 0},
sd = {[0] = -140137072, [1] = 45006785, [2] = 1, [3] = 0},
uw = {[0] = 44432, [1] = 63397, [2] = 49089, [3] = 686, [4] = 1, [5] = 0, [6] = 0, [7] = 0},
sw = {[0] = -21104, [1] = -2139, [2] = -16447, [3] = 686, [4] = 1, [5] = 0, [6] = 0, [7] = 0},
ub = "\220\255\245\367\301\277\256\002\001\000\000\000\000\000\000",
sb = "\220\255\245\367\301\277\256\002\001\000\000\000\000\000\000"
opem = <optimized out>
eam1 = {
q = 94349134620,
sq = 94349134620,
ud = {[0] = 4154821404, [1] = 21},
sd = {[0] = -140145892, [1] = 21},
uw = {[0] = 35612, [1] = 63397, [2] = 21, [3] = 0},
sw = {[0] = -29924, [1] = -2139, [2] = 21, [3] = 0},
ub = "\034\213\245\367\025\000\000",
sb = "\034\213\245\367\025\000\000"
baseopcodes = {[0] = 0x2851158 <Run+5664>, [1] = 0x28510f0 <Run+5560>, [2] = 0x2850998 <Run+3680>, [3] = 0x2850930 <Run+3576>, [4] = 0x2850900 <Run+3528>, [5] = 0x28508d8 <Run+3488>, [6] = 0x2856e14 <Run+29404>, [7] = 0x2856df4 <Run+29372>, [8] = 0x28576e4 <Run+31660>, [9] = 0x2857684 <Run+31564>, [10] = 0x285774c <Run+31764>, [11] = 0x285731c <Run+30692>, [12] = 0x28564bc <Run+27012>, [13] = 0x285649c <Run+26980>, [14] = 0x2855be4 <Run+24748>, [15] = 0x2855bc8 <Run+24720>, [16] = 0x285737c <Run+30788>, [17] = 0x2856444 <Run+26892>, [18] = 0x285784c <Run+32020>, [19] = 0x2857494 <Run+31068>, [20] = 0x285782c <Run+31988>, [21] = 0x285709c <Run+30052>, [22] = 0x2852f64 <Run+13356>, [23] = 0x2852f44 <Run+13324>, [24] = 0x285710c <Run+30164>, [25] = 0x28570b4 <Run+30076>, [26] = 0x285716c <Run+30260>, [27] = 0x2855c50 <Run+24856>, [28] = 0x2856968 <Run+28208>, [29] = 0x2856950 <Run+28184>, [30] = 0x2852f2c <Run+13300>, [31] = 0x2852f0c <Run+13268>, [32] = 0x28568e8 <Run+28080>, [33] = 0x2856888 <Run+27984>, [34] = 0x285606c <Run+25908>, [35] = 0x285600c <Run+25812>, [36] = 0x2855fe4 <Run+25772>, [37] = 0x2855fc4 <Run+25740>, [38] = 0x2852f08 <Run+13264>, [39] = 0x2852ef4 <Run+13244>, [40] = 0x2852df8 <Run+12992>, [41] = 0x2852d90 <Run+12888>, [42] = 0x2852d20 <Run+12776>, [43] = 0x2852cb8 <Run+12672>, [44] = 0x2852e68 <Run+13104>, [45] = 0x2852c90 <Run+12632>, [46] = 0x2852ef0 <Run+13240>, [47] = 0x2852edc <Run+13220>, [48] = 0x2852c28 <Run+12528>, [49] = 0x2852bc8 <Run+12432>, [50] = 0x2856f04 <Run+29644>, [51] = 0x2856ea4 <Run+29548>, [52] = 0x2856e7c <Run+29508>, [53] = 0x2856e5c <Run+29476>, [54] = 0x2852ed8 <Run+13216>, [55] = 0x2852ec4 <Run+13196>, [56] = 0x2856304 <Run+26572>, [57] = 0x28562b0 <Run+26488>, [58] = 0x2856f6c <Run+29748>, [59] = 0x285625c <Run+26404>, [60] = 0x2856e40 <Run+29448>, [61] = 0x2856e2c <Run+29428>, [62] = 0x2852ec0 <Run+13192>, [63] = 0x2852eac <Run+13172>, [64] = 0x2852ea8 <Run+13168>, [65] = 0x2852ea4 <Run+13164>, [66] = 0x2852ea0 <Run+13160>, [67] = 0x2852e9c <Run+13156>, [68] = 0x2852e98 <Run+13152>, [69] = 0x2854650 <Run+19224>, [70] = 0x284fd8c <Run+596>, [71] = 0x284fd8c <Run+596>, [72] = 0x285464c <Run+19220>, [73] = 0x2854660 <Run+19240>, [74] = 0x285465c <Run+19236>, [75] = 0x2854658 <Run+19232>, [76] = 0x2854654 <Run+19228>, [77] = 0x2851e84 <Run+9036>, [78] = 0x284fd68 <Run+560>, [79] = 0x284fd68 <Run+560>, [80] = 0x2854470 <Run+18744>, [81] = 0x285446c <Run+18740>, [82] = 0x2854468 <Run+18736>, [83] = 0x2854464 <Run+18732>, [84] = 0x2854638 <Run+19200>, [85] = 0x2854664 <Run+19244>, [86] = 0x284fe08 <Run+720>, [87] = 0x284fe08 <Run+720>, [88] = 0x28535cc <Run+14996>, [89] = 0x2854480 <Run+18760>, [90] = 0x285447c <Run+18756>, [91] = 0x2854478 <Run+18752>, [92] = 0x2854474 <Run+18748>, [93] = 0x2854528 <Run+18928>, [94] = 0x284fd4c <Run+532>, [95] = 0x284fd4c <Run+532>, [96] = 0x2854488 <Run+18768>, [97] = 0x28545c0 <Run+19080>, [98] = 0x2854584 <Run+19020>, [99] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [100] = 0x2854558 <Run+18976>, [101] = 0x285452c <Run+18932>, [102] = 0x28558b0 <Run+23928>, [103] = 0x2853ce0 <Run+16808>, [104] = 0x2853cc8 <Run+16784>, [105] = 0x2853c5c <Run+16676>, [106] = 0x2853c38 <Run+16640>, [107] = 0x2853bc8 <Run+16528>, [108] = 0x2853b94 <Run+16476>, [109] = 0x2853b60 <Run+16424>, [110] = 0x2853b44 <Run+16396>, [111] = 0x2853b28 <Run+16368>, [112] = 0x2854220 <Run+18152>, [113] = 0x28541f8 <Run+18112>, [114] = 0x285437c <Run+18500>, [115] = 0x28541d0 <Run+18072>, [116] = 0x28543a4 <Run+18540>, [117] = 0x285432c <Run+18420>, [118] = 0x2853f98 <Run+17504>, [119] = 0x2853f64 <Run+17452>, [120] = 0x2854160 <Run+17960>, [121] = 0x2854138 <Run+17920>, [122] = 0x2854354 <Run+18460>, [123] = 0x2854110 <Run+17880>, [124] = 0x28535a0 <Run+14952>, [125] = 0x2853574 <Run+14908>, [126] = 0x28542a0 <Run+18280>, [127] = 0x285353c <Run+14852>, [128] = 0x2850544 <Run+2572>, [129] = 0x2853f18 <Run+17376>, [130] = 0x2850544 <Run+2572>, [131] = 0x2853e98 <Run+17248>, [132] = 0x2850c60 <Run+4392>, [133] = 0x2850c0c <Run+4308>, [134] = 0x2850b98 <Run+4192>, [135] = 0x2850b34 <Run+4092>, [136] = 0x28540bc <Run+17796>, [137] = 0x2854070 <Run+17720>, [138] = 0x285401c <Run+17636>, [139] = 0x2853fd0 <Run+17560>, [140] = 0x28542dc <Run+18340>, [141] = 0x2854188 <Run+18000>, [142] = 0x2854248 <Run+18192>, [143] = 0x2853e44 <Run+17164>, [144] = 0x2851e9c <Run+9060>, [145] = 0x2851e98 <Run+9056>, [146] = 0x2851e94 <Run+9052>, [147] = 0x2851e90 <Run+9048>, [148] = 0x2851e8c <Run+9044>, [149] = 0x2851e88 <Run+9040>, [150] = 0x284fdd4 <Run+668>, [151] = 0x284fdd4 <Run+668>, [152] = 0x2851f7c <Run+9284>, [153] = 0x2851f6c <Run+9268>, [154] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [155] = 0x2851f68 <Run+9264>, [156] = 0x2851f3c <Run+9220>, [157] = 0x2851f04 <Run+9164>, [158] = 0x2851ed0 <Run+9112>, [159] = 0x2851eb0 <Run+9080>, [160] = 0x2851ea0 <Run+9064>, [161] = 0x28521cc <Run+9876>, [162] = 0x28521bc <Run+9860>, [163] = 0x28521ac <Run+9844>, [164] = 0x2852174 <Run+9788>, [165] = 0x285213c <Run+9732>, [166] = 0x2852108 <Run+9680>, [167] = 0x28520d4 <Run+9628>, [168] = 0x28520b8 <Run+9600>, [169] = 0x28520a4 <Run+9580>, [170] = 0x2852078 <Run+9536>, [171] = 0x285204c <Run+9492>, [172] = 0x2852028 <Run+9456>, [173] = 0x2852004 <Run+9420>, [174] = 0x2851fd0 <Run+9368>, [175] = 0x2851f9c <Run+9316>, [176] = 0x2851f88 <Run+9296>, [177] = 0x2851cb8 <Run+8576>, [178] = 0x284fe58 <Run+800>, [179] = 0x284fe58 <Run+800>, [180] = 0x285466c <Run+19252>, [181] = 0x2854668 <Run+19248>, [182] = 0x284fe40 <Run+776>, [183] = 0x284fe40 <Run+776>, [184] = 0x2851ca8 <Run+8560>, [185] = 0x28538b0 <Run+15736>, [186] = 0x28538a0 <Run+15720>, [187] = 0x2853890 <Run+15704>, [188] = 0x2853880 <Run+15688>, [189] = 0x2853adc <Run+16292>, [190] = 0x284fca8 <Run+368>, [191] = 0x284fca8 <Run+368>, [192] = 0x28513c0 <Run+6280>, [193] = 0x2851348 <Run+6160>, [194] = 0x2851310 <Run+6104>, [195] = 0x28512e4 <Run+6060>, [196] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [197] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [198] = 0x2851430 <Run+6392>, [199] = 0x28510a0 <Run+5480>...}
opcodes0f = {[0] = 0x2855b68 <Run+24624>, [1] = 0x2855b14 <Run+24540>, [2] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [3] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [4] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [5] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [6] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [7] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [8] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [9] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [10] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [11] = 0x2851bc4 <Run+8332>, [12] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [13] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [14] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [15] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [16] = 0x2851b54 <Run+8220>, [17] = 0x2851c3c <Run+8452>, [18] = 0x2851afc <Run+8132>, [19] = 0x2851aa4 <Run+8044>, [20] = 0x2851a40 <Run+7944>, [21] = 0x2851bd4 <Run+8348>, [22] = 0x28519e4 <Run+7852>, [23] = 0x2855e48 <Run+25360>, [24] = 0x2855df8 <Run+25280>, [25] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [26] = 0x2856fc8 <Run+29840>, [27] = 0x2855dbc <Run+25220>, [28] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [29] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [30] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [31] = 0x2856698 <Run+27488>, [32] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [33] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [34] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [35] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [36] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [37] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [38] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [39] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [40] = 0x2856628 <Run+27376>, [41] = 0x28566d4 <Run+27548>, [42] = 0x285197c <Run+7748>, [43] = 0x28563d4 <Run+26780>, [44] = 0x2856360 <Run+26664>, [45] = 0x28582c8 <Run+34704>, [46] = 0x28504a4 <Run+2412>, [47] = 0x28504a4 <Run+2412>, [48] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [49] = 0x2857818 <Run+31968>, [50] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [51] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [52] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [53] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [54] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [55] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [56] = 0x2858324 <Run+34796>, [57] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [58] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [59] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [60] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [61] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [62] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [63] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [64] = 0x28577b4 <Run+31868>, [65] = 0x2850ad0 <Run+3992>, [66] = 0x2850a6c <Run+3892>, [67] = 0x2850cbc <Run+4484>, [68] = 0x2850a08 <Run+3792>, [69] = 0x2850874 <Run+3388>, [70] = 0x2850804 <Run+3276>, [71] = 0x2850794 <Run+3164>, [72] = 0x2850730 <Run+3064>, [73] = 0x28586ac <Run+35700>, [74] = 0x2858648 <Run+35600>, [75] = 0x2858aa4 <Run+36716>, [76] = 0x28585e0 <Run+35496>, [77] = 0x2858a3c <Run+36612>, [78] = 0x28589c8 <Run+36496>, [79] = 0x2857028 <Run+29936>, [80] = 0x2856744 <Run+27660>, [81] = 0x2857afc <Run+32708>, [82] = 0x2857a7c <Run+32580>, [83] = 0x28588b0 <Run+36216>, [84] = 0x2857a10 <Run+32472>, [85] = 0x2851e14 <Run+8924>, [86] = 0x2851da8 <Run+8816>, [87] = 0x2851d3c <Run+8708>, [88] = 0x2851ccc <Run+8596>, [89] = 0x2858cf4 <Run+37308>, [90] = 0x2858c8c <Run+37204>, [91] = 0x2858d64 <Run+37420>, [92] = 0x28587cc <Run+35988>, [93] = 0x28575dc <Run+31396>, [94] = 0x285756c <Run+31284>, [95] = 0x2858920 <Run+36328>, [96] = 0x28574ec <Run+31156>, [97] = 0x2858194 <Run+34396>, [98] = 0x2858144 <Run+34316>, [99] = 0x2857fac <Run+33908>, [100] = 0x2857f38 <Run+33792>, [101] = 0x28561e4 <Run+26284>, [102] = 0x285616c <Run+26164>, [103] = 0x2858210 <Run+34520>, [104] = 0x28560d4 <Run+26012>, [105] = 0x2856c50 <Run+28952>, [106] = 0x2856be8 <Run+28848>, [107] = 0x2856cd8 <Run+29088>, [108] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [109] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [110] = 0x2856b8c <Run+28756>, [111] = 0x2856b30 <Run+28664>, [112] = 0x2856ab0 <Run+28536>, [113] = 0x2856a1c <Run+28388>, [114] = 0x2856988 <Run+28240>, [115] = 0x2857cd8 <Run+33184>, [116] = 0x2857c64 <Run+33068>, [117] = 0x2857bec <Run+32948>, [118] = 0x2857b74 <Run+32828>, [119] = 0x2855b04 <Run+24524>, [120] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [121] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [122] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [123] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [124] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [125] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [126] = 0x2855ab4 <Run+24444>, [127] = 0x2858584 <Run+35404>, [128] = 0x2857004 <Run+29900>, [129] = 0x2858dec <Run+37556>, [130] = 0x285883c <Run+36100>, [131] = 0x2858860 <Run+36136>, [132] = 0x2857d64 <Run+33324>, [133] = 0x2857dbc <Run+33412>, [134] = 0x2857d88 <Run+33360>, [135] = 0x2855c20 <Run+24808>, [136] = 0x2855bfc <Run+24772>, [137] = 0x28587a8 <Run+35952>, [138] = 0x2858784 <Run+35916>, [139] = 0x2858eb8 <Run+37760>, [140] = 0x285875c <Run+35876>, [141] = 0x285746c <Run+31028>, [142] = 0x2857434 <Run+30972>, [143] = 0x2858e84 <Run+37708>, [144] = 0x28573dc <Run+30884>, [145] = 0x2858f38 <Run+37888>, [146] = 0x2858bd8 <Run+37024>, [147] = 0x2858c30 <Run+37112>, [148] = 0x2857e70 <Run+33592>, [149] = 0x2855f68 <Run+25648>, [150] = 0x2855efc <Run+25540>, [151] = 0x2857ec8 <Run+33680>, [152] = 0x2855ea4 <Run+25452>, [153] = 0x2858528 <Run+35312>, [154] = 0x28584d0 <Run+35224>, [155] = 0x2858edc <Run+37796>, [156] = 0x2858470 <Run+35128>, [157] = 0x2856828 <Run+27888>, [158] = 0x28567b8 <Run+27776>, [159] = 0x2858e10 <Run+37592>, [160] = 0x2855a9c <Run+24420>, [161] = 0x2856568 <Run+27184>, [162] = 0x2856558 <Run+27168>, [163] = 0x28564e4 <Run+27052>, [164] = 0x28505b4 <Run+2684>, [165] = 0x28505b4 <Run+2684>, [166] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [167] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [168] = 0x2850718 <Run+3040>, [169] = 0x2856608 <Run+27344>, [170] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [171] = 0x2856588 <Run+27216>, [172] = 0x28503c0 <Run+2184>, [173] = 0x28503c0 <Run+2184>, [174] = 0x285122c <Run+5876>, [175] = 0x28511c8 <Run+5776>, [176] = 0x28517a8 <Run+7280>, [177] = 0x2851740 <Run+7176>, [178] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [179] = 0x2851824 <Run+7404>, [180] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [181] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [182] = 0x28515d8 <Run+6816>, [183] = 0x2858b8c <Run+36948>, [184] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [185] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [186] = 0x2858884 <Run+36172>, [187] = 0x2858b08 <Run+36816>, [188] = 0x2857de0 <Run+33448>, [189] = 0x2857290 <Run+30552>, [190] = 0x2857244 <Run+30476>, [191] = 0x2858710 <Run+35800>, [192] = 0x28571cc <Run+30356>, [193] = 0x28579a0 <Run+32360>, [194] = 0x2857914 <Run+32220>, [195] = 0x2858424 <Run+35052>, [196] = 0x28578ac <Run+32116>, [197] = 0x2855d64 <Run+25132>, [198] = 0x2855cbc <Run+24964>, [199] = 0x28583b8 <Run+34944>...}
opcodes66 = {[0] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [1] = 0x2855210 <Run+22232>, [2] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [3] = 0x28551a4 <Run+22124>, [4] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [5] = 0x285517c <Run+22084>, [6] = 0x2855888 <Run+23888>, [7] = 0x28547c4 <Run+19596>, [8] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [9] = 0x2854a8c <Run+20308>, [10] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [11] = 0x2854a28 <Run+20208>, [12] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [13] = 0x2854a08 <Run+20176>, [14] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [15] = 0x28553ec <Run+22708>, [16] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [17] = 0x28549ac <Run+20084>, [18] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [19] = 0x2854e14 <Run+21212>, [20] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [21] = 0x2854dfc <Run+21188>, [22] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [23] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [24] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [25] = 0x28558b4 <Run+23932>, [26] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [27] = 0x2854da0 <Run+21096>, [28] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [29] = 0x28555f0 <Run+23224>, [30] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [31] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [32] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [33] = 0x28546f4 <Run+19388>, [34] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [35] = 0x2854690 <Run+19288>, [36] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [37] = 0x2854670 <Run+19256>, [38] = 0x28553e8 <Run+22704>, [39] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [40] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [41] = 0x2854fa4 <Run+21612>, [42] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [43] = 0x2854f38 <Run+21504>, [44] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [45] = 0x2854f10 <Run+21464>, [46] = 0x284fe24 <Run+748>, [47] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [48] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [49] = 0x2854eac <Run+21364>, [50] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [51] = 0x28547fc <Run+19652>, [52] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [53] = 0x28547dc <Run+19620>, [54] = 0x284fe24 <Run+748>, [55] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [56] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [57] = 0x2854be0 <Run+20648>, [58] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [59] = 0x2854b88 <Run+20560>, [60] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [61] = 0x285589c <Run+23908>, [62] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [63] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [64] = 0x2854b84 <Run+20556>, [65] = 0x28539e8 <Run+16048>, [66] = 0x28539e4 <Run+16044>, [67] = 0x28539e0 <Run+16040>, [68] = 0x28539dc <Run+16036>, [69] = 0x2851e80 <Run+9032>, [70] = 0x284fd24 <Run+492>, [71] = 0x284fd24 <Run+492>, [72] = 0x2854484 <Run+18764>, [73] = 0x28539d8 <Run+16032>, [74] = 0x28539d4 <Run+16028>, [75] = 0x28539d0 <Run+16024>, [76] = 0x28539cc <Run+16020>, [77] = 0x28539c8 <Run+16016>, [78] = 0x284fcfc <Run+452>, [79] = 0x284fcfc <Run+452>, [80] = 0x28539c4 <Run+16012>, [81] = 0x28538cc <Run+15764>, [82] = 0x28538c8 <Run+15760>, [83] = 0x28538c4 <Run+15756>, [84] = 0x28538c0 <Run+15752>, [85] = 0x28539ec <Run+16052>, [86] = 0x284fce4 <Run+428>, [87] = 0x284fce4 <Run+428>, [88] = 0x28539c0 <Run+16008>, [89] = 0x28539bc <Run+16004>, [90] = 0x28539b8 <Run+16000>, [91] = 0x28539b4 <Run+15996>, [92] = 0x28539b0 <Run+15992>, [93] = 0x28539f0 <Run+16056>, [94] = 0x284fccc <Run+404>, [95] = 0x284fccc <Run+404>, [96] = 0x2853948 <Run+15888>, [97] = 0x2853798 <Run+15456>, [98] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [99] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [100] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [101] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [102] = 0x2853794 <Run+15452>, [103] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [104] = 0x2853784 <Run+15436>, [105] = 0x2853718 <Run+15328>, [106] = 0x2853868 <Run+15664>, [107] = 0x28537fc <Run+15556>, [108] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824> <repeats 21 times>, [129] = 0x285033c <Run+2052>, [130] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [131] = 0x285033c <Run+2052>, [132] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [133] = 0x2851520 <Run+6632>, [134] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [135] = 0x28514c8 <Run+6544>, [136] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [137] = 0x28518c0 <Run+7560>, [138] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [139] = 0x2851478 <Run+6464>, [140] = 0x28516ac <Run+7028>, [141] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [142] = 0x2850fb8 <Run+5248>, [143] = 0x2850f6c <Run+5172>, [144] = 0x2850f68 <Run+5168>, [145] = 0x28535ec <Run+15028>, [146] = 0x28535e8 <Run+15024>, [147] = 0x28535e4 <Run+15020>, [148] = 0x28535e0 <Run+15016>, [149] = 0x28535dc <Run+15012>, [150] = 0x284fdec <Run+692>, [151] = 0x284fdec <Run+692>, [152] = 0x28535d0 <Run+15000>, [153] = 0x2853708 <Run+15312>, [154] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [155] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [156] = 0x28536e4 <Run+15276>, [157] = 0x2853690 <Run+15192>, [158] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [159] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [160] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [161] = 0x2853680 <Run+15176>, [162] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [163] = 0x2853670 <Run+15160>, [164] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [165] = 0x2853638 <Run+15104>, [166] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [167] = 0x2853604 <Run+15052>, [168] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [169] = 0x28535f0 <Run+15032>, [170] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [171] = 0x2853ab0 <Run+16248>, [172] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [173] = 0x2853a8c <Run+16212>, [174] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [175] = 0x2853a58 <Run+16160>, [176] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [177] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [178] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [179] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [180] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [181] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [182] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [183] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [184] = 0x2853a44 <Run+16140>, [185] = 0x2853a30 <Run+16120>, [186] = 0x2853a1c <Run+16100>, [187] = 0x2853a08 <Run+16080>, [188] = 0x28539f4 <Run+16060>, [189] = 0x2853aec <Run+16308>, [190] = 0x284fcb8 <Run+384>, [191] = 0x284fcb8 <Run+384>, [192] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [193] = 0x28538d0 <Run+15768>, [194] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [195] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [196] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [197] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [198] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [199] = 0x28506c8 <Run+2960>, [200] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [201] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [202] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [203] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [204] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [205] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [206] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [207] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [208] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>, [209] = 0x285042c <Run+2292>, [210] = 0x284fe70 <Run+824>...}
sib = <optimized out>
base = <optimized out>
base = <optimized out>
sib = <optimized out>
sib = <optimized out>
base = <optimized out>
base = <optimized out>
sib = <optimized out>
#12 0x028101ac in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>, env=<optimized out>) at /mnt/crypt1/projects/builds/box86/src/main.c:993
prog = 0xffe1d4e6 "./test01"
nextarg = <optimized out>
ld_preload = {
size = 0,
cap = 0,
paths = 0x0
prgname = <optimized out>
f = <optimized out>
elf_header = 0x3bdf698
emu = 0x3bde690
ret = <optimized out>
>>> x/10i $pc-32
0xf79af67c <__GI___nanosleep+4>: ldr r2, [pc, #164] ; 0xf79af728 <__GI___nanosleep+176>
0xf79af680 <__GI___nanosleep+8>: add r3, pc, r3
0xf79af684 <__GI___nanosleep+12>: push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
0xf79af688 <__GI___nanosleep+16>: ldr r3, [r3, r2]
0xf79af68c <__GI___nanosleep+20>: ldr r3, [r3]
0xf79af690 <__GI___nanosleep+24>: cmp r3, #0
0xf79af694 <__GI___nanosleep+28>: bne 0xf79af6b4 <__GI___nanosleep+60>
0xf79af698 <__GI___nanosleep+32>: mov r7, #162 ; 0xa2
=> 0xf79af69c <__GI___nanosleep+36>: svc 0x00000000
0xf79af6a0 <__GI___nanosleep+40>: cmn r0, #4096 ; 0x1000