Well, here's it is... Beta 4. I had planned to put much more into this version (eg. changing the controller config, setting saving, etc), but I think most people will be happy with it as it is.
Whats changed:
(o) New sprite routines for much less memory usage. There is a possibility that these could slow down gameplay when there's a lot of sprites on the screen at once. If it gets unbearable, try beta 3, but I've not noticed any such slowdowns as of yet.
(o) User definable speed selection, you can have it fast or slow, or anywhere in the middle.
(o) PAK selector, this version allows you to select between a number of pak files on startup, just in case you have more than one. It's not fancy looking, but it does the job.
(o) Due to the above, all PAK files should now be in a directory called "bordata", which should be inside your "gpmm" directory (ie. gp:\gpmm\bordata).
8-character filenames look rubbish, so this uses a textfile to convert them. The textfile must be called "paklist.txt" and must reside in the "bordata" directory.
===sample paklist.txt===
bor.pak=Beats of Rage
tmnt.pak=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
bor.pak=Another Beats of Rage
bor.pak=Yet Another
"speed" is the user definable speed. Lower is faster, higher is slower. 1750 is Beta3's speed. Optional.
Every entry after that is a filename=description as you can see above in the example. At least one of these lines should exist. Although you can have multiple lines with the same filename, I fail to see why you'd want to.
You should press return at the end of the last line in the file, or the last line will not show (yeah, it's a bug

Comments are not allowed in the file, so don't attempt to put them there.
Press "A" to load the selection of your choice, or "B" to move on to the next.
The example file is included in the zip file below, and will serve you well if you only have a "bor.pak" (otherwise you'll need to edit it). Unpack it to your gpmm directory.
And, most of all, have fun