Here's beta 3. I've not had that much time, but a few things have changed:
- Flash animation bug fixed
- More characters supported on selection screen (eg. Megaman now works)
- More levels work now as there's more memory free
- Sound effects working
- Partial background music working (ok in player selection, in game, end game, stage completion, etc. No music whilst in cutscenes, main menu, or options)
Some levels in bor/Megaman (and possibly other mods) still don't work as there's simply not enough memory for everything - specially now there's also memory for sound effects, music/sound mixing buffers, dma, etc.
I do have a few tricks left to try and get more memory, but I don't know if i'll have enough frame time available to do them (eg. some items are read on-demand from the smc to free up memory, and trying to read from the smc in chunks small enough to not slow the game down uses up quite a lot of frame time)
Enjoy !