Tried Joe & Mac (bor.pak) With Beat Of Rage

Aug 8, 2004
tried joe & mac (bor.pak) with beat of rage ( downloaded this stuff at

i cant get this game to work.
i put the joe & mac game file(bor.pak) in gp:\gpmm\bordata\borpak
and i put the file borbeta6.fxe in gp:\gpmm

when i try to start the game it write this:
*** BAD FREE (double\addr\underflow

What is the problem
can you help me
thank you
yes the only one. i dont know how to use this thing. its new to me
i did a search and someone told about a pakfile file or something like that dont know what is it.
gbfan_gbfan_gbfan posted on Aug 29 2004 at 08:03 AM said:
tried joe & mac (bor.pak) with beat of rage ( downloaded this stuff at

i cant get this game to work.
i put the joe & mac game file(bor.pak) in gp:\gpmm\bordata\borpak
and i put the file borbeta6.fxe in gp:\gpmm

when i try to start the game it write this:
*** BAD FREE (double\addr\underflow

What is the problem
can you help me
thank you
Firstly the right directory for your PAK is gp:\gpmm\bordata\ but NOT gp:\gpmm\bordata\borpak\ (unless you meant gp:\gpmm\bordata\bor.pak).

It's no use tu write speed=1750 because you can now select speed in the game menu in the beta 6. ;)
No use too to leave a blank as davey g said. ;)
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