Blu Flu, Asr


Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2005
i did shearch the forums and kind of get it
here are the wuestions

what is the difference between the Blu FLu Asr

is it worth the clock speed. What games/emulators need that power

how legal are the emulators? and are there any games desinded specially for the Gp32. i Think there are but just checking.

on Gbax they say 166/180 is that possible i have not seen it metioned here.

is the wireless link worth it. what games can take advantage of this.

Were do you recomend to buy I live in Europe
1. You didn't search very well..

2. There is a Black ASR GP32 but ASR is a game not the console

3. Huh? Is what worth the clock speed? You need the power to run certain programs and yes they are damn worth it.

4. Emulators are legal as far as I know but you need the orginal games to play rom dump.

5. Almost everyone has 166 and above speed here and is is mentioned your eyes.

6. If you know no one with a gp32 then don't bother with the link, although it is part of the standard package

7. You just mentioned Gbax, go there... <_<
A lot of what you have asked is in the forums if you have the patients! However I will try and give you a quick run down, but I am a little bit of a noob myself, ive only had my trusty gp32 6 months.

I have the BLU (back lit unit) screen is backlight and is great either in the dark or light, I use re chargeable batteries and get 5 hours ish use playing games at 133-166mhz. I haven’t tried the FLU (Front lit screen) so cant comment.

There are commercial games for it but its true to say they are not to the standard you would expect buying a commercial game by sega/nintendo etc. The best thing about the GP32 is Emulation.

Genesis (megadrive) and SNEZ are very good quality now, Genesis is better most games are full speed with sound. On the Snez 166mhz will get you full speed without sound on most games. If you want sound your speed will be poor, I don’t know if 180mhz will run good?

Most GP32,s seem to clock 156-166mhz with no problems, and I have heard that some do go to 180, I think GBAX is a good place to get a GP32. I got mine from Ebay and paid £100 with 2 smc's, that was 6 months ago. I think they are cheaper now.

I have never used wireless so cant comment.

Emulators are legal, they are freeware (I am very thankful to the creators tho) but the game roms are only legal to have if you own the actual game cartridge. But I wont tell if you don’t.

The best thing I think about the GP32 is Quake and Doom, both run great, doom is Full speed whist quake drops to 10 frames a sec, still very playable though and If you own the Disk or CD versions as I do they are completely legal.

Hope I have helped....

It has only been asked if there are a lot off ill persons? :lol: sorry don`t want to make fun of you, but this made me laugh (my speeling isn`t the best, too, so just ignore me :D)
thanks for the help

I thought doom1+2 were freewere?

would gta 1(thats freewere work on a gp32)

i Dont own any Sega ........

so a i have to buy them or b i have to use freewere correct?

i hered that it the gp32 came with games what games?
Gp32 comes with no games, well, GBAX i think supplies its own cd with stuff on it but you need to buy your own 128mb smc and put them on.

No Saturn, No playstation, no sega cd, no N64, No XBOX, No PS2 stuff on the GP32, don't ask unless you like flames.

166mhz is good, but most stock GP32s run at 156, mine runs at 156 and it runs everything just fine.

Doom 1 and 2 have shareware versions, but the entire game is not free.
eXtreme posted on Mar 9 2005 at 07:51 PM said:
thanks for the help
I thought doom1+2 were freewere?

The shareware versions are freely available. Not the full versions.

eXtreme posted on Mar 9 2005 at 07:51 PM said:
would gta 1(thats freewere work on a gp32)
No. Its not for the gp32
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I only have a few gb/gba games

so how good is the free stuff

what pc games can be run
eXtreme posted on Mar 9 2005 at 08:39 PM said:
I only have a few gb/gba games

Game Boy games run quite well, but GBA isn't very playable at the moment.

eXtreme posted on Mar 9 2005 at 08:39 PM said:
so how good is the free stuff

Good. Play 'em and find out for yourself (namely SmashGP. Try it now.) ;)

eXtreme posted on Mar 9 2005 at 08:39 PM said:
what pc games can be run

Most SCUMM games like Day of the Tentacle, and a few others like elite( :D ) but each have their own interpreters.
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is there a Gp32 emulator for the pc

i used a i said gp3emu announced but i cant find it
Hi, which country do you live in?

I was new to Emulation until before Christmas (just got bored of waiting for the speccy to load :P ), but am in now and loving it.I suggest you read through this forum, maybe read on google about emulation etc.

I am completly amazed at what this little beast can do. If you like games from the mid nineties backwards (ie. Genesis/megadrive snes back), then you'll love this.

i read some where that the gp32 is 2 years old

so is there any chance that they will realese a new model anytime soon

why can some models be overclock and not others