4 cables in each pack stacked up in a row of 10 so 4x10=40 and then i can see 9 sections so 40x9=360 so there you have it ed you have a xbox 360 can i win a prize now
sorry jutley. you missed the ones that are at the side and on top of the other stacks, which make an additional 10 packets x 4 cables. You must wait another 2 light years like all others for your prize.
sorry jutley. you missed the ones that are at the side and on top of the other stacks, which make an additional 10 packets x 4 cables. You must wait another 2 light years like all others for your prize.
No you see you are wrong i used my trajecrory sizeometer lazer guided metric meter or caculate the metric cubed square height x width dimentions then my trajecrory sizeometer lazer guided metric meter will caculate the amout of cables that were in the box so you see it is corect ask ED
The ones on the sides you can see were just extra packaging bublewrap so they dont get damaged in transit my trusty old tajecrory sizeometer lazer guided metric meter never gets it wrong.