Blockdude Released !


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
Willems Davy - aka Joyrider - Willems Soft has released his new game Blockdude !
Blockdude is a puzzle game where you need to be able to reach the exit by moving boxes, it's as simple as that. It is a remake of the Blockman Game from Soleau Software and the TI 83 Blockdude game by brandon sterner. There are 23 levels included. 21 Levels from the orginal blockman game and 2 levels created by me. The game has a built in level editor so you can create new levels on your own and release them as levelpacks. You can also play upto 25 of your own ogg/mod music files.And lastly there is skin support.

More info & screenshots here
Download here

Thanks to :
Donskeeto for creating the music !
Chris katiesen & klas kroon for letting me use their graphics from the flash game
Soleau Software for letting me use their levels from blockman[/cut]
Interesting mix between Sokoban, Vexed and Kwirk :) Great that you release an editor to. And everything is skinnable, perfect. The LCD game-skin could need some LCD-game-shadows and the standard-skin some more structured earth. But it looks nice to like it is . I find it great, that such a game has some kind of parallax-effect while ingame-scrolling. :) With the right BG-Graphic there could be done interesting effects. Maybe I try to do a BG for the default skin, some kind of cave would fit maybe? Hmm....
Great release Joyrider, what an awesome game :) I forgot how addicting Blockdude is!

fusion_power said:
The LCD game-skin could need some LCD-game-shadows
No no, the default skin is from the TI calc version of the game, that's how it would look like on the real thing, pretty much!
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hey guys thanks for the comments so far, hope u all like the game.

I wonder how long it will take before someone completes all the levels! I've got the solutions to all of them and i can tell u some of them are quite hard and mind boggling :)

Btw what ya think of the music, Don, spended a lot of work on it, i like it a lot, gives a nice retro feeling, although the TI 83 never had sound / music as far as i know it still is cool to have it in the game now

btw fusion :)
i don't know if u found out already but i had to split the graphics into seperated files, it's not really possible to change that well i could but i'd have to change a lot of stuff and add some things that would defeat purpose of the way i'm doing it now and would make it more complicated. but indeed the background is just being drawn all the time at the same position, it isn't scrolled :D wonder what ure up to hehe
i thought about u, i only included one music file and made it optional to have more music files being played if u place them in the music folder, to minimize the file size :) 1.7 mb must be my lowest yet hehe
Cool little game, by the looks of it (and having played the flash game you linked to when asking wehther there'd be interest). Will throw it on my SD next time I go travelling :)

Thank you joyrider, I'll def. try this out :)

Will go nice next to your Checkers game and your Sokoban game ;)
This game was a hit when I was in high school (grad in '04). I think I only made it to level 8, though, on the good 'ol TI-83 Plus.
Great game, Joyrider. I really like these kinds of games and this one especially. Brings back memories when I played it on the TI-83...Even though that was probably only 4 years ago :P. I also liked the music used.
Alex. said:
Great release Joyrider, what an awesome game :) I forgot how addicting Blockdude is!

fusion_power said:
The LCD game-skin could need some LCD-game-shadows
No no, the default skin is from the TI calc version of the game, that's how it would look like on the real thing, pretty much!

joyrider said:
btw fusion :)
i don't know if u found out already but i had to split the graphics into seperated files, it's not really possible to change that well i could but i'd have to change a lot of stuff and add some things that would defeat purpose of the way i'm doing it now and would make it more complicated. but indeed the background is just being drawn all the time at the same position, it isn't scrolled :D wonder what ure up to hehe
i thought about u, i only included one music file and made it optional to have more music files being played if u place them in the music folder, to minimize the file size :) 1.7 mb must be my lowest yet hehe
Ok, thanx. :)
But there could be an ingame option to turn Music on/off. Always deleting files isn't the nice way to turn Music off. ;) Oh, and I think the Editor don't need bg-Music but the includedMusic is ok. Yes, sadly there are only seperate graphic files, it's hard to skin this way especially when you want to change something like brightness, saturation for all tiles etc. But maybe I can live with it. I draw the tiles together like they can be connected ingame (as far as possible) so that everything matches, then I cut the whole stuff in one graphic per tile.
I'm not a talent to play this game so I think I will only focus on a experimental skin for it. ;) Maybe It will work, maybe not, I will see. Stay tuned. :)

Oh, the Editor could need a optional grid, maybe this helps to have more overview at the beginning when the new level is empty.

P.S.: And please make a game-Icon. ;)
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P.S.: And please make a game-Icon. ;)

oh crap i always forget that ! will do it with the next release :) i'll wait till u got ure proof of concept working hehe :) cause i found a very small debugging thing that should be removed.

the grid is also a good idea, will see if i can add that !

-found a small bug as well damn it, when u play a level from the level editor and choose to replay the level it, the player will move in the last direction u were moving until u pressed that direction again. Easily fixed doh.
Shifty said:
Great game, Joyrider. I really like these kinds of games and this one especially. Brings back memories when I played it on the TI-83...Even though that was probably only 4 years ago :P. I also liked the music used.
you were using a TI-83 when you were 9? That brings me back to those good ol' grade 4 years when we were doing asymptotic functions with crayons... my how time has changed! ;)
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prairiefire said:
Shifty said:
Great game, Joyrider. I really like these kinds of games and this one especially. Brings back memories when I played it on the TI-83...Even though that was probably only 4 years ago :P. I also liked the music used.
you were using a TI-83 when you were 9? That brings me back to those good ol' grade 4 years when we were doing asymptotic functions with crayons... my how time has changed! ;)

I don't remember how long it was exactly but all I know is I was playing a game where I was a little man who pushed blocks around to get to his destination on a calculator. I'm sure it was the same game.
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Joyrider: "you" is really the proper way to say "u". Having "u"s in webpages which try to convey the spirit and general outlines of a certain game is a big no-no! I can understand it when you use "u"s in instant chats (still horrible) and somewhat forum posts (although that too is blasphemerous), but webpages? :/

Still, I'll grab this game, since most of your games are basic by nature, but once you start you'll find it hard to stop playing (except for maybe Rubido, which can be quite monotonous)..
Megagun said:
Joyrider: "you" is really the proper way to say "u". Having "u"s in webpages which try to convey the spirit and general outlines of a certain game is a big no-no! I can understand it when you use "u"s in instant chats (still horrible) and somewhat forum posts (although that too is blasphemerous), but webpages? :/

Still, I'll grab this game, since most of your games are basic by nature, but once you start you'll find it hard to stop playing (except for maybe Rubido, which can be quite monotonous)..
ah yeah i'm sorry i'll see that i look at it in the future. It's a habbit i guess from irc & instant messengers. But i'm not a native english speaking person and my english is well not the best as u can see hehe.
I'll see that i can fix the errors on my webpage as well
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Ok, after i failed to solve even Level7 I think I give up playing this Game. ^^

Oh, question: Bug or feature? The Playersprite always moves when turning around. Sometimes it would be better it the player could turn without moving, makes some levels more easy I think... ;)

So, here is my little Skin:

I was to lazy to build a new Titlescreen like I wanted to do, so I used my ingame- bg-graphic. The skin was more work to make, than I thought even if it don't look so. I couldn't decide how the earthmiddle Tile should look like. There is only one sprite to fill all the "earth", so it always looks boring. I hope the current Tile with a little bit transparency is good enough. A second earth-tile could be nice for Levels with many solid earth. (Like the 2 different roof-tiles :) )
Oh, Joyrider, the next time you make a skinnable game, you should use longer filenames for your tiles. Names like "floatingfloormiddle.png" are way to short! ;) ;) ;)

EDIT: Updated my Skin to Version 1.1 :lol: There were some pixels I dont like here and there.

I had tested the Game from the beginning at 133MHz, there it was a little bit slow. Later I figured out, ow much faster it can be with normal Clockings. :lol: I think 166MHz are a good compromise between speed and battery life.
When scrolling through the levels I think a 2. (optional) Parallax layer between fore- and Background could be really fun. :lol: I know its quite useless in such a game but me as little parallax-fetishist always wanted to play with such an gfx option :rolleyes:
woah fusion power, that skin looks really great !!!
u really overdid ureself now, it's almost a completly new game diffrent atmossphere,setting & all.

btw it's a feature the movement thing, some levels require it and it was like that in the orginal game(s) also so i kept it like that :)

i still have to incorporate the grid in the leveledito, definatly going to do that & fix the small bug doh. Was busy with another game already which is almost identical to sokoban but plays diffrent cause there are bombs that explode the boxes/player and u have to collect diamonds i used my sokoban graphics for it doh, perhaps i can send u a beta version of what i have so far & u could make a skin for that also ? (it's only a few tiles like diamond,(a single) wall,player, boxes, dynamite )

once i have the fixes & all i'm goana include your skin in the new release. oh yeah i still have to put your latest waternet skin on my site, goana do that now :D

and about the parralex effect, it's just something that happend with my actually knowing it hehe, because i draw the background always at the same spot and it are basicly the tiles that move around. I have no clue how real parralax scrolling work doh :/

prairiefire said:
Help! Blockdude robbed me of my friday evening!

Great game. Thanks for porting this to the GP2X!
actually it's not a port :) it's a remake, so written from scratch. Glad u liked it doh, next time i'll have to include warnings like warning this game is highly addictive, i can not be held responsible hehe ;)
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joyrider said:
i still have to incorporate the grid in the leveledito, definatly going to do that & fix the small bug doh. Was busy with another game already which is almost identical to sokoban but plays diffrent cause there are bombs that explode the boxes/player and u have to collect diamonds i used my sokoban graphics for it doh, perhaps i can send u a beta version of what i have so far & u could make a skin for that also ? (it's only a few tiles like diamond,(a single) wall,player, boxes, dynamite )
I'm glad, you like it. When making the grid, you could do a black-white grid (one pixel white, the next pixel black...) so the grid can be seen with dark and light skins. :)
You are already coding a new game? Whoah, you are fast. Ants in the pants? :lol: But slowly, slowly. I usualy skin only, when I'm in the mood or I want to experimentate with GFX-Ideas so I can't promise anything. To be honest, the only reason why I made a skin for Blockdude was to see, if I could do something parallaxing. ,)

joyrider said:
and about the parralex effect, it's just something that happend with my actually knowing it hehe, because i draw the background always at the same spot and it are basicly the tiles that move around. I have no clue how real parralax scrolling work doh :/
Ok, It was just an Idea. Maybe it's not that hard to code but I'm not a programmer. Here, the Wikipedia has some interesting facts:

I imagine a single 320x240 Layer (transulent to) between foreground and Background with 50% scrolling speed of the foreground in each direction. The layer would be alligned to the floor so he repeats itself in the horizontal line like a texture, but not in the vertical line. (So in high, vertical levels it could be possible not to see this Parallax layer if the player is on top of the level.)
Maybe If you like to experimentate, try it. I just wanted to test a gfx Idea for my skin but it would be just a try. :)
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