Blender on the Pandora


Nov 11, 2010
Gstaad Switzerland
I know there already have been a loot of Talk here and there about if its Possible or if it even makes sense to Port the Blender Software ( to the Pandora.

But I could not find a Treat that really seriously gives this Idea some taught.

So I'm Opening a New treat here:

Blender is a very powerful 3D Software that has a build in Game Engine.

So its possible to make a Complete game inside just this one Software.

This Program is Open source and runs Cross Platforms.. Mac Linux Windows and even Mobile Phones...

I think it would be absolute great if this Software would run on the Pandora. It would allow People like me to make games for the Pandora on the Pandora.

Also Pandora and Blender having the Words OPEN SOURCE written big on there Flag, this would be something that in my Eyes just has to be brought together.

I myself I'm only a Programmer inside of Blender, and have to admit that I do not have a clue about porting Software.

So I hope that some of the Pros out there will join this treat, and see if this Is Possible or not

Please make it possible
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The fact that it is a 3d program may mean that it is too resource hungry for the pandora, that would need to be looked into.

There's a flowchart that normally gets posted into these type of threads, hopefully someone can link to it.

If it is possible to run, I'm sure someone will port it eventually, but I doubt I'd use it.
The fact that it is a 3d program may mean that it is too resource hungry for the pandora, that would need to be looked into.
Since someone even managed to port Blender for much weaker smart phones I would amuse that Pandora is powerful enough to run it.

So anybody out there whit the Skills required to pick up on this Challenge?

I don't know how you would map the controls, though.
Well same as on a PC. The Pandora has a Keyboard and Mousefunktions...
It's probably likely possible to do so, but is it practical?

(rendering might take hours on the Pandora for a simple 3D thing, than a few seconds on a "normal" desktop computer, just an example).
Well it allays depends what you would like to use Blender on the Pandora for.

If your goal is to make games on the Pandora for the Pandora, the you will aim at optimizing your .blend Scenes and setups from the beginning so that they run without delay on the Pandora.

Do good thing is that you allways have a 1 to 1 feedback and see right away if your setup runs on the Pandora or is to heavy weighted.

I do this on a desktop to. I get a low and PC to make my setups on so I can be sure that my Setups run on any PC... So will it be pratical? YES sure it will!

Also I do a lot of coding... And sometimes when I on the way I think about code pieces that are not working yet... And the a idea pops up.. Now I have my Pandora whit me I can just quick type in my Idea and see if blender now can handel my Python Code that I just manipulated... I would think that I would be doing some Work on my game writing on the PC but on the Run and for Testing... having blender right on the Pandora would just be awesome
This is very true, beeing able to run the Blender Game Engine on the Pandora would be the main goal here. It would allow a whole bunch of people to create games that otherwise wouldn't have the programming skill to do so.

I already made several attempts to motivate someone to port the game engine to our beloved Pandora, see




and here.

I hope things will change as more people get their pandora, there has got to be somone among them who feels the same AND has the skill necessary :)
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The fact that it is a 3d program may mean that it is too resource hungry for the pandora, that would need to be looked into.
Since someone even managed to port Blender for much weaker smart phones I would amuse that Pandora is powerful enough to run it.

So anybody out there whit the Skills required to pick up on this Challenge?

I don't know how you would map the controls, though.
Well same as on a PC. The Pandora has a Keyboard and Mousefunktions...
Wow, why won't somebody do that for PalmOS 5?! Or at least Android...
Hate to gravedig, but any updates/progress? And anything with regard to 2.5?
I'd been thinking about this a bit, aren't there other open source programs out there that we could look into? Wings 3D is open source as well, is available on Linux, and the menus seem a lot friendlier for our little Pandora's screen. Dunno how much work it'd take to get it running on Pandora's hardware tho, and it's only modeling and texturing, if I'm not mistaken.

I used it a while back and it was pretty nice, but I didn't use it long (had much more powerful software around me at the time).
Project Target
  • Make OpenGL of game engine compatible with OpenGL ES
Why dont write anyone a Wrapper to make the Pandora Open GL Compatible?

Is that for you Coding Profis so hard to write a Wrapper that convert OpenGL ES to OpenGL?

I think that ist the best way and when we have Open GL then we all can Port so many many more Software.

We dont have OpenGL on Pandora so its possible to insert a LibGL who uses OpenGL ES Orders.

That Results in so many many new Software where we "normal Users" can Port ^_^
Project Target
  • Make OpenGL of game engine compatible with OpenGL ES
Why dont write anyone a Wrapper to make the Pandora Open GL Compatible?

Is that for you Coding Profis so hard to write a Wrapper that convert OpenGL ES to OpenGL?

I think that ist the best way and when we have Open GL then we all can Port so many many more Software.

We dont have OpenGL on Pandora so its possible to insert a LibGL who uses OpenGL ES Orders.

That Results in so many many new Software where we "normal Users" can Port ^_^
What you say is true, and I think there are a couple of GL wrappers... The problem is that the wrapping generally loses a bit of performance that you would generally want with a 3D accelerated application. So generally it makes sense to just do the conversion yourself... it's not so tough really and in tougher cases it would probably also trip a wrapper up too...