gp32spain compo


Chop sticks Chop sticks Chops sticks
May 4, 2003
Sheffield, England
Visit site
does this really only have 2 entries for the competition someone should make a 16bit emulator that did 0.5fps and get a prize from it :)
i hope myself that it does have more. Any ideas of the release time of the entires (if there are any unreleased) will fmame really be released?
i heard that this competition was cancelled?
is there anyone of authority who can validate this?
does this really only have 2 entries for the competition someone should make a 16bit emulator that did 0.5fps and get a prize from it :)
i hope myself that it does have more. Any ideas of the release time of the entires (if there are any unreleased) will fmame really be released?
I think it should get cancelled; I'd have made Castaway/GP anyway, I don'y need the prizes :P fMAME shouldn't count, since it was never finished or released anyway, and having just 2 entries makes it no fun...

BTW, the Atari ST is a 16/32bit machine; its more than 16bit, but not a true 32bit machine. And its more than .5 fps :)

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Skeezix you should get the prize by default your work is fantastic and the program has such a neat gui and so many options ! but i really do hope there is more entires :(
loads of people donated money and prizes for the competition, cancelling it would mean all of them had been ripped off
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 17:58:22 +0200
From: Anarchy <>
To: stickofjoy
Subject: Re: GP32 Emulation contest?


Due to that only 2 emulators are competing in the contest (and one of them
is inactive),
we have decided to increase another 2 months the deadline date.
Now you can send your emulator before the 30th September. Besides, we will
other emulators (8bit systems), which will be decided voting in the forum.

I'll post news today in my web.
