Mame, Doom, And Megadrive?!


Oct 21, 2005
No, but that's what just about every single person selling a GP2X on ebay has to say in their auction listing...

Just search GP2X on ebay and viola, the 2X has all these wonderful emu's that no one else seems to have (well, maybe reesy has megadrive...but I don't!)

I'm getting a little ticked at these people, and they obviously only bought one of these to sell it for more...

Is there any way to tell Ebay that these people are lying? or that hey, they're advertising emulated games...that promotes piracy...and have their auction shut down?

I might be the only one ticked about this, but hey...just thought I'd vent...

There should be a board just for venting... :P

( you excited for a minute there didn't I :lol: )
Surely, I have too many games to play on GP2x already due mostly to emulators even without mame, doom and MD. I'm not certain whether that's all good thing for me, though, because I cannot concentrate on one game any more and I'm just jumping around different games every 10 minutes or so.
If you go to gp32z that make the unit, you will see that those emulators ( may be except DOOM) are actually mentioned in the spec'.

I was kinda of offset too when I found out last week that the unit won't come with the emulators.

Now that I have receved my unit yesterday, I guess I will just have to wait...

meanwhile I am leanring all the tip and tricks from all of you guys to learn and optimmize the performance of the unit .
gp32z? They just sell gp2x's. And, I don't see any claim of Doom, MD, or MAME in their site.
Same happened with the gp32, many auctions stated it can play SNES & GBA fullspeed - it was my reason to buy it, happily enough, it`s a wonder machine, so it did not disappoint me when I found out it can`t.

But I can see trolls coming here that buy the gp2x from these auction, moaing and trolling around, why there are no Mame and Genesis emu yet. I think the people behind these auction could need a Fratzeklatscher.
Cbass182 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 09:55 AM said:
( you excited for a minute there didn't I :lol: )

No, we get a dozen or so threads a day from people moaning, whining and demanding said emulators. Figured it was one of them. :P

Only eleven more...
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Well, all we need now to make the situation perfect is for someone selling one to mention there is a PSX emulator for it, conveniently forgetting to mention certain "issues", then we'll surely have all the trolls we could possibly want :).
BBTroll posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:38 AM said:
gp32z? They just sell gp2x's. And, I don't see any claim of Doom, MD, or MAME in their site.

My mistake...I meant It is the official website of the company which made the units.

Go to product tab, and hits the main feature. ( look at the "game section)

sorry for the confusion. ;)
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