Best Rpg's - All Emulators ...

I quite like japanese jrpgs. Have played and finished a lot of them on the gp2x with PocketSnes and picodrive. :)

If you're looking for a decent storyline, I recommend Phantasy Star IV, Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger. They're excellent. (all took me around 20 hours each to finish. Chrono Trigger is the only game out of those without random battles)

Terranigma, Lufia 2: rise of the sinistrals, Final Fantasy 4 & 5, Soul Blazer, ... were also fairly fun to play and are all for the snes.
Curious - how does anyone comfortably play Magic Candle on VICE? While Vice2x can run it smoothly, the controls would be frustrating.

The way I remember Magic Candle on the PC, most player actions were driven by a hotkey menu, e.g. "M" for Memorize Spell, "R" for Recall Spell, "C" for "Cast Spell". Essentially, to do practically anything except moving around the current level, you'd have to be popping up Vice's virtual keyboard.

Does anyone actually do this? If so, are there shortcuts you use to mitigate the constant virt. kb stuff?
YakumoFuji said:
Shmurge said:
Are these games really playable on GP2X? I am very love Fallout 1,2, read more about Wasteland and want to play in it. And after in all Gold Box series too.
wasteland is one of the preeminent crpgs, and the c64 versions is probably the best version of wasteland.

I thought you had to refer to text as you go through the game? Is this correct or is there a version with the text included? I liked the look of this game but the text problem put me off. :unsure:
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Seiken Densetsu 3 (secret of Mana 2) on the snes is one of my all-time favourites :) Battles are live action. pm me if you need more info :)
Thanks again for all great replies. Chrono Trigger got a few *bumps* so I started this a few days ago - freakin awesome :D I'll probably be posting in a few days time when I get stuck (& i always get stuck at games, which is pretty crap as it's what I do best :lol: )
Let's keep this thread open!

Chrono Trigger is excellent fun. I wanna start Secret of Mana 2...
I want to add my vote for Wizardry I-III. I initially tried to emulate them using Gp2XMess for the Apple // version, but after some poking around decided that the SNES version is the best. Control for that version is great with the GP2X.

You can find more info about emulating Wizardry on the GP2X on my blog:
LevelPlane said:
Any idea if Japenese roms translated to English work, because Star Ocean would be sweat!
I'm about to find out .... watch this space :P

Edit: nope. :( Well, Star Ocean doesn't work.
Edit²: YES! :) Well, Final Fantasy V works! (tested on PocketSNES, v6)
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Too bad, Star Ocean had a cool battle system. Have you tried Tales of Phantasia? (Don't know if spelling is right on that one...)
Or Shin Megami Tensei 1 and/or 2?