Best Homebrew For The Gp2x?

Duddyroar said:
Putting emulators to one side for a moment, what does everyone consider to be the best homebrew games on the GP2X?
HEATHEN! *slaps vigorously* :angry:

Sqdef is my personal favourite :) There's another thread that discussed this.
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Duddyroar said:
Putting emulators to one side for a moment, what does everyone consider to be the best homebrew games on the GP2X?
I personally like Ruckage's games... Ruckman, Blingo, Sleuth-Slots, Protozoa, Dastardly Dungeons, and the (too short!) Space Varmints. All very well polished, and professional and a great example of what the system can do. I think I like Blingo the best.. I keep coming back to it.

Hmm, now I should go get my gp2x to be fair...

I enjoy playing Blix2x and Squaresliding by Alex - Simple but fun,. Blocked by Quiest, it's well polished, Reword by purplepup... A great remake and again well polished. And finally Tilematch by miq01 cause it's so addictive.

fishybawb said:
Duddyroar said:
Putting emulators to one side for a moment, what does everyone consider to be the best homebrew games on the GP2X?
HEATHEN! *slaps vigorously* :angry:

Sqdef is my personal favourite :) There's another thread that discussed this.

Ahh, how could I forget sqdef! Also excellent.
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Duddyroar said:
HEATHEN! *slaps vigorously*

I've had my fill of emus and wanted to see what kind of dedicated games are out there, tis all. :)

Sorry, it was just my lame joke along similar lines to what Parkydr mentioned ie. emulation is *everything* to a lot of people around here :)
Good on you for taking the time to try some homebrew though, much of it is excellent. We need a "homebrew appreciation" day on these forums or something, where people are banned from emulation for a whole day :P
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Duddyroar said:
Putting emulators to one side for a moment, what does everyone consider to be the best homebrew games on the GP2X?
Alex and Ruckage seem to set the benchmark in gp2x homebrew, their stuff is great :)
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reword is my favorite...maybe not flashy enough for you whippersnappers but if you're down for some scrabble-type fun, there it is...
Gruntfuggly said:
Do ports count as homebrew?
I would say no unless it's a port of a homebrew game such as 'Cave story'
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The homebrew begins from "home". I like all I did created and will create.
Non-developers cannot understand that :)
Cavestory is not a new game but its definatley one of the best on the GP2X, also it looks great on the GP2X and the controls fit perfectly. 10/10!