hee hee, i knew this argument would start... let me set a few things straight here.
Well you do act an ass if you have too much - wouldnt even consider drinking at work, drinking and driving etc.
Nope, not at all - never even smoked a cigarette - why? dont want to smell like sh1t and knacker up my lungs in the process. I have decided what to do myself - dont want to do it for the above reason.
The drugs in the terminology of this thread dont help - some "drugs" i.e. medicines do.
LOL sorry, this argument makes me laugh even more - im not talking about killing brain cells - just about most things we do does that.
Anyway, debate over -
At the end of th day your still going to act like an ass under it, not be able to do your job and be a danger to your self & others should you drive.
Well you do act an ass if you have too much - wouldnt even consider drinking at work, drinking and driving etc.
Well, gnipper as I understand it, if pot was legal you would smoke it(while making sure to not incomodate anyone wich is good). I think you should decide for yourself what to do instead of JUST following the rules.
Nope, not at all - never even smoked a cigarette - why? dont want to smell like sh1t and knacker up my lungs in the process. I have decided what to do myself - dont want to do it for the above reason.
Drugs are what you make of them, they can help and they can be a nuisance.
The drugs in the terminology of this thread dont help - some "drugs" i.e. medicines do.
BTW many studies show that pot does not kill brain cells, but alcool does.
LOL sorry, this argument makes me laugh even more - im not talking about killing brain cells - just about most things we do does that.
Anyway, debate over -