Best Firefox Extensions.

Sep 7, 2003
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I love the fact that extensions can be added to firefox.

The two I have installed are Adblock (blocks ads) and Mycroft, which means you can use the search bar in the top right to search many different engines.

Can anybody recommend any others which will make surfing better?
You have to get some gestures, I reccommend All-In-One Gestures, they make surfing sooooo much easier and faster. I also have Image Zoom, Nuke Anything and Smooth Scroll installed.
I would have to go with mouse gestures to... I just began playing with plugins for it yesterday, and gestures makes it feel a little bit more like the browser I actually use - Opera.
I just use Firefox around because Opera has it's compatibility-issues with some pages (like my net-bank)

I guess I would wellcome any plugin that makes the browserwindows embedded in only 1 window (?!), since that would make it more Opera-ish. I figure there is such a plugin - I just don't know what it would be called...
Ad-block of course . . .

Dictionary Search, Bug Me Not, miniT, and the Gmail plug in are all great.

Also, I find myself really liking the Google Preview extenstion.
well imostly use opera, its simply feels betetr for me, but in my firefox i have...
mouse gestures
downlod maneger tweak (allows to have downloads in a tab, like in opera)
paste and go (paste in the adress bar/search box and go, like in opera)
miniT (tab drag&drop with little line like in opera)
Tabbrowsr preferences (enhanced controles, i use it mostly for keeping the tab list allways open even if i only have one tab, and to force opening new links in new tabs instand of new windows. like in opera)
adblock (its nice isnt it?)
as you see i build me a firefox opera mostly :-)
Press Ctrl+F like normal.

Except now you can find as you type, instantly see if you have matches or not, and highlight all matches on the page Google cache-style.
I use all-In-One Gestures, StumbleUpon, DictionarySearch and BugMeNot. But I have to admit that I have no idea how that stupid dictionary thingy actually works :P
you would want the singlewindow extension .. keeps the majority in one window.... urltonewtab is good as well