Best FTP client


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
I am looking for a new FTP client to use, require a few features:

-Reliable and safe [no spyware etc]

-Mutli-platform, at least a program I can run on both Windows and OSX

-Can save passwords for quick logon but keeps them encrypted.

I use Filezilla mainly, have tried Cute and Core too, though both those a long time ago.

Filezilla was ok but I don't like having to keep digging out the passwords when I access different servers.

I know you can turn off the kiosk mode so it saves the password, but this is kept in a plain text format within XML files, which is not ideal.

I've looked at Cyberduck now, but not actually installed it yet.

I read that it does encrypt passwords, so that could be the program I need, it also runs on Win and OSX.

Anyone used Cyberduck and recommend it, also can confirm I can have it save passwords so I can click connect easy/quickly... but that it saves the passwords encrypted?

Or another client which meets this criteria?

Cyberduck is quite nice, it's running pretty well on OSX. Passwords are saved encrypted on OSX (they're in the osx keyringchain IIRC) and you can save connections.

I've been using it since I got a mac (4-5 years ago), never searched for another FTP client since. Looks like on windows it's encrypted too.
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Nice one, think I will give that a go tonight then.

Looking at their website, this image:


...Are image files previewed like that when you simply select it in the list, or to get that preview would you click on the 'edit' button or something?

I like the look of that, being able to preview image files quickly would be nice
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When you select an image and then press space key, Cyberduck downloads a local copy then use it to show you the image in apple's Quicklook.

Don't know how it works under windows :P

If you open a file within cyberduck it'll make a local copy, open it in your chosen software. When you close the file, Cyberduck will ask if you want the new version to be uploaded.

You can also fine tune the number of parallels download/upload, set max transfer speed etc.
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Cheers Linux-SWAT, just installing the Cyberduck now though, looks to be perfect for what I need.

Nice one Kodein for checking the Windows encryption of passwords. :)
An alternative could be filezilla.

Also multiplatform and should have all the features you want.
An alternative could be filezilla.

Also multiplatform and should have all the features you want.


-Can save passwords for quick logon but keeps them encrypted.

I use Filezilla mainly...

Filezilla was ok but I don't like having to keep digging out the passwords when I access different servers.

I know you can turn off the kiosk mode so it saves the password, but this is kept in a plain text format within XML files, which is not ideal.
