Battlefield 2 Good Not To Expensive Graphics Card?


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2003
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I tryed the battlefield 2 demo and it wouldnt even start:(. Here is the specs of my pc :-

p4 2ghz
768mb ram
Geforce4 mx 440

only thing it could be i think is the graphics card.

So anyone know any graphics cards that i should get ? The best ones ? or maybe ones that arent goin to cost me £100`s but will plau bf2 ? I know i could try other forums but this is about the only 1 im a member of :D
Demo System Requirements

Windows XP (32-bit) with Admin rights
1.7 GHz Pentium 4 / Athlon XP or greater
512 MB or more
460MB of HD Space
DirectX 9.0c compatible (*video)
DirectX 9.0c compatible (sound)
Video card must have 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets:
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or greater
ATI Radeon 8500 or greater

aww I only have a GeForce FS 5200 only 500 off :(
Theres a fix out that enables the game for 8.0 shaders, the game normally needs v9. which you two's cards doesn't have. Get ahold of that fix, and you can play the game'll look terrible and be a little glitchy, but you'll be playing battlefield 2 :P
its 1.0/2.0 shaders, wich means dx>8/9 :-)

You wont have much fun with your card for future games, mx440 is the biggest crap, its based on a gf2, even a gf2ti is faster, i sugest you to get a heap geforce 6200/6600gt/6800, 6200 is damn cheap but also damn slow, 6600 would be the best way to go, maybe you can also find a cheap 6800.
And bf2 is damn addictive :-)
I cant stop playing it either.

Battlefeeild Vietnam was brilliant...and this is even better.

P4 3.0ghz
512mb DDR (I can have 4gb in there though, would be going above 2gb worth it?)
ATI Radeon 9800 XXL

I play it on 1024x768 with everything on medium. This seems the best for me as I never get any problems with this (actually...when I fly a jet the FPS does drop a little).

I love that level in the city. It's just like being at War. Ha Ha Ha.

What is the story with this game though? China, Arabs, Yanks? I think I read it was the near future?
Yeah it is a fictional battle set in the near future.

I have:
AMD64 3500+
1gig DDR

I play with everything at max and never get a choppy frame rate. I don't fly though. "I ain't gettin' on no plane".
It does look amazing. But how does the online thing work? Do you just get a load of nobs shouting in your ear, or does it really work?

I'll try the demo, cos it sure looks sweet....
i would go with a 6600Gt...
They are not to expensive and they support the newest shadders & direct x...
i wouldnt buy a ati 9550.. they are old :/
If you want to upgrade now i wouldnt get something below a ati 9800/9800xt or a 6600/6600Gt.
(how i said before, i would get a 6600Gt)
I can play bf2 at almosy highest settings with my 6600Gt and a AMD AthlonXP 3200+ and 1024mb ram...
Just fsaa is a little problem ;P

and yeah i think you will love this game :P
i only played the demo till now but thats just because i have no money atm.. ill buy this game as soon as i have the 40 bucks :P
It does look amazing. But how does the online thing work? Do you just get a load of nobs shouting in your ear, or does it really work?
For a good game you need:
1. A competant commander who actually talks to squad leaders
2. A squadleader and squad which actually works together
3. A lack of morons who love to get teamkilled by accident and then punish the players even if there is no fault of the teamkiller.
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Any PCI cards which will play this smoothly?

P.S. Crappy Dell.

:lol: Cough!!! , Sorry. :P

I`m almost 100% sure that PCI just hasn`t got the bus bandwidth to play this game, Even on the lowest settings.

Time for an upgrade, Or possibly a new computer :rolleyes:

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What servers are you lot playing on?

Maybe I could come and be killed by you.

I say that as I have always been, and always will be, crap as First Person Shooters.

Sports games on the ohter hand...I am naturally gifted.